CSCI 4490/6490 Algorithms for Computational Biology
Instructor : Liming Cai
Office: 544 Boyd
: 2-6081
Email :
Course contents:
This course studies
discrete algorithms for solving computational biology problems and
algorithmic principles driving advances in bioinformatics. The content
of the course is introduced with emphasizing the ideas underlying
algorithms instead of offering a collection of unrelated bioinformatics
problems. In particular, the following algorithm design techniques are
covered: exhaustive search, branch-and-bound algorithms, greedy
algorithms, dynamic programming, divide-and-conquer algorithms,
combinatorial and graph algorithms, machine learning, and randomized
algorithms with respective applications in restricted mapping,
regulatory motif finding, genome rearrangement, sequence alignment,
multiple alignment, gene prediction, DNA sequencing, peptide
sequencing, repeat finding, and phylogeney reconstruction.
- CSCI 4470/6470 Algorithms or permission of the department
An Introduction to Bioinformatics Algorithms. Jones and Pevzner. MIT Press 2004
Grading policy:
Programming/research projects/reports: 55%
Midterm exam: 20%
Final exam: 25%
Tentative schedule:
- Chapters 1 and 2: Introduction to algorithms (1-2 weeks).
- Chapters 4, 5, and 6: Basic algorithmic techniques)
(5-6 weeks).
- Midterm exam.
- Chapters 7, 8, 9, and 10: Advanced algorithms
(5-6 weeks).
- Chapters 11 and 12: Machine learning and probabilistic algorithms
(2-3 weeks).
- Final exam.
Academic Dishonesty:
It is expected that the work you submit is your own. Plagiarism and other
forms of academic dishonesty will be handled within the guidelines of the
Student Handbook. The usual penalty for academic dishonesty is loss of credit
for the assignment in question; however, stronger measures may be taken when
conditions warrant.