CSCI4810/6810:Computer Graphics					Fall 2008

Principles of two-dimensional and three-dimensional interactive graphics.
Principles of scan conversion algorithms for two-dimensional and
three-dimensional graphics primitives; image data structures and modeling
techniques; visual realism, data storage/retrieval, compression, parallel
computing for graphics.


-> Midterm Exam 1: 20%
-> Midterm Exam 2: 20%
-> Final Exam: 40%
-> Programming Assignments/Projects: 20%

TOPICAL OUTLINE (subject to slight change):
-> Graphics Display Devices (Raster-scan, Random-scan, DVST, ...)
-> Input / Output Devices
-> Line-Drawing Algorithms (DDA, Bresenham's, ...)
-> Other Attributes of Lines, Antialiasing Lines, Dashed Lines, ...
-> Circle-Generating Algorithms (Bresenham's, ellipses, curves, ...)
-> Color Look-Up Tables, Gray Scale Systems, ...
-> Area Filling Algorithms (Scan-line, Flood-fill, ...)
-> Two-Dimensional Geometric Transformations
-> Windowing and Clipping Algorithms
-> Window-to-Viewport Transformation
-> Image Data Structures (Quad Tree, Oct Tree, Run-Length, ...)
-> Three-Dimentional Graphics
-> Three-Dimentional Geometric Transformations
-> Perspective Projection
-> Parallel Projection and other Visualization Techniques
-> Hidden-Line/Surface Removals
-> Advance Shading Models, ...
-> Introduction to Image Processing and Other Applications
-> High-Performance Computing for Graphics



Update September,2008