CSCI 6720 Computer Architecture
Instructor : Dr. Suchi Bhandarkar
Fall, 2000
Textbook: Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach by John L. Hennessy and David A. Patterson, Second Edition, 1995, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc.
Prerequisite: CSCI 4720 or an undergraduate course that covers the fundamentals of Assembly Language Programming, Computer Organization and Computer Architecture. Some background in Digital Logic Design will also be assumed.
Course Description: This course will cover advanced concepts in Computer Architecture. The course will emphasize quantitative approaches to the analysis and design of computer architectures based on cost/performance criteria. Topics that will be covered are :
The topics mentioned above will be covered from selected sections from the first 6 chapters of the text book. Selected topics from the remaining chapters will be covered if time permits.
Test 1: 20%
Test 2: 20%
Homework Assignments: 20%
Comprehensive Final Exam: 40%
The test dates will be announced at least a week in advance. The tests will be held during the class period on the scheduled date.
Each student is expected to do his/her own work when doing the homework assignments and during the exams. The homework assignments will typically consist of problems/exercises to be solved (based on the material covered), short programming assignments, and review of papers from current research literature. Team work is not allowed unless explicitly specified. Your grade in the course will be determined solely on the basis of your performance. The final grades once assigned will not be changed except in the case of error. Academic dishonesty will be dealt with in the strictest possible terms in accordance with the policy of the University of Georgia and the Department of Computer Science. Students are expected to familiarize themselves with the academic dishonesty policy of the Department of Computer Science (attached).