CSCI 8250: Advanced Topics on Network and Security

Fall Semester, 2007

General Information

Web Page:
Mail List: To subscribe, please go to

Instructor:   Kang Li (kangli AT (219A Boyd GSRC)
Instructor Office Hours: Thursday 3~4 pm

Location: TBD
Time: TBD

Grading Policy (tentative)

The class grades will be based on the following components:
    50% Class Projects  
    20% Exams  
    30% 8250 Conference  

8250 Psedo-Conference

Web Page:

Presentation Guidelines

Please don't put too much details in slides. Audience usually won't be able to absorb complex information in a short time. Make sure you cover the important points and essential information. Conclusions and broad flows are often more useful to audience than the details of every fields of a protocol. If appropriate, graphs and charts are better than text. You can borrow figures from the original paper, its presentations or if necessary, create it by your own. Make sure they are readable.

Temporary Course Topics

(Notice that this year we will discuss papers in the conference, and the course topics are mostly on the software that we will play with in this semester)
Fast Fingerprinting of Malware
  • ClamAV
  • Botnet
  • honeynet project
  • Privacy & Anonymity
  • Tor
  • TCP related Attack and Defenses
  • Client Puzzle work,
  • TCP Reset Attack ,
  • SYN cookies

  • Presentation Guidelines

    (in case we arrange presentation in class)

    Please don't put too much details in slides. Audience usually won't be able to absorb complex information in a short time. Make sure you cover the important points and essential information. Conclusions and broad flows are often more useful to audience than the details of every fields of a protocol. If appropriate, graphs and charts are better than text. You can borrow figures from the original paper, its presentations or if necessary, create it by your own. Make sure they are readable.