Fall 2007
CSCI 8350: Enterprise Integration
Instructor: |
Prashant Doshi Office: 543 Boyd GSRC
Office Hours: |
Tue & Thur: 3:15p to 4:30p Wed: 3:20p to 4:30p By prior email appointment
Course Objectives: |
1. To study the concepts, techniques, and system standards relevant to system-level and data-level integration 2. Explore the pragmatics of enterprise integration 3. Develop the art of preparing and delivering fluid, concise, and effective talks and presentations
Course Topics: |
1. Representation and Modeling a. Principles of services-oriented computing, service composition, architectures b. Interoperation declarative, procedural, and knowledge representations, ontologies c. Process specifications UML, algebras d. Agents environments, planning, multiagent systems 2. Standards a. Web services WSDL, UDDI b. Service coordination WSCI, WS-Coordination c. Ontologies OWL d. Business processes BPEL 3. Frameworks a. Enterprise architectures J2EE, .NET b. Interaction architectures Messaging, CORBA, P2P, Grid computing, and SOAP
Textbooks |
There is one required textbook for this course:
Service Oriented Computing: Semantics, Processes, Agents By Muninder Singh and Michael Huhns
The following textbook will be useful for reference:
A Semantic Web Primer, by Antoniou, Grigoris and Frank van Harmelen. MIT Press
Course Structure: |
Teaching Assignments Midterm Exam Paper presentation and scribe Project in consultation with the instructor
Grade Allocations: |
Final letter grades will depend on class standing |
Assignments Midterm Exam Research paper presentation & scribe: Project proposal presentation: Final project & presentation: In-class participation and attendance:
10% 25% 25%
10% 20% 10%
Course Policy: |
The work you submit and present must be your own. Plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty will be handled within the guidelines of the Student Handbook. The usual penalty for academic dishonesty is loss of credit for the assignment in question; however, stronger measures may be taken when conditions warrant. |