39th ACM-SE Conf.

39th Annual ACM Southeast Conference

March 16-17, 2001

The Georgia Center
University of Georgia
Athens, Georgia

This is a description of the desired camera-ready format for papers for the 39th Annual ACM Southeast Conference, to be held in Athens, Georgia, March 16-17, 2001. It also includes the all-important camera-ready deadline: February 10, 2001. The basic idea for formatting is to use the default LaTeX two-column article style or MSWord equivalents.

Take a look at the following LaTex Format Sample. Additional details follow below.


Use plain, white, 8.5 x 11 paper. Papers should be typeset in two-column format, using 10pt Computer Modern or Times Roman font. Titles should be in either 17pt font (LaTeX \LARGE) or 16pt font (MSWord), centered at the top of the first page across both columns. Authors names and affiliations, including email addresses, should be in 12pt font (LaTeX \large), also centered across both columns below the title.

An abstract of at most 200 words should begin the first column. It should begin with the word ``Abstract-'' in bold font, and should be 1 paragraph, without indentation. Major section headings should be in 14pt font (LaTeX \Large), bold, numbered, and left-justified. With the exception of the first paragraph in each section, paragraphs should be indented 2em. Text should be single-spaced, with no additional spacing between paragraphs.


Side margins should be 0.75in, with a 0.25in column separation. This leaves 6.75in for two columns of text, so each column should be 3.375in wide. Top and bottom margins should be 1.0in each. At the bottom of the first column, leave 1.0in additional space for the ACM Copyright notice.


Do not number the pages within the text. Authors of refereed papers will be allowed 8 pages in the Proceedings. Authors of work-in-progress reports will be allowed 2 pages. These are strict limits, and include EVERYTHING, e.g. diagrams, figures, references, acknowledgements. These limits will be enforced by discarding any extra pages, starting with the title page.


The bibliography should appear at the end of the article, organized alphabetically by first author and numbered sequentially. References within the text should use the numbers. Displayed equations should also be numbered and referenced by number within the text.

Figures and Tables.

Figures and tables should appear within the text and within a single column, if possible. If too large, they may be centered across both columns.


An electronic ACM Copyright Form must be completed. You must print a hard copy of this form, sign it, and return it to the Conference Program Chair:

John A. Miller
Computer Science Department
415 GSRC
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602-7404

It must arrive in Athens on or before February 10, 2001. This is a hard deadline.

An electronic copy of your camera-ready paper, correctly formatted in either LaTeX (.tex) or MSWord (.doc), must be sent to the Program Chair at:


It must also arrive on or before February 10, 2001. We need document source in order to paginate and add copyright notices. If you cannot supply either LaTeX (.tex) or MSWord (.doc) source, please contact the Program Chair immediately.


We will insist that at least one author register for the conference, attend the conference, and present the paper. Final acceptance is conditional upon these terms. Conference attendees pay registration fees in anticipation of an opportunity to discuss results with authors. Failure to provide that opportunity would be unfair. If you know that you will be unable to attend, please, in fairness, withdraw your paper now.

Projection Equipment Provided: (i) High-Resolution Projector with cable for laptop connection, (ii) Common Overhead Projector, (iii) Other (ask ahead of time).

Authors of refereed papers will be given approximately 25 minute time slots to present their papers. Authors of works-in-progress will be given approximately 15 minute time slots. Students in the student paper competition should practice presentations before the conference. A component of the final evaluation is quality of presentation. Any questions may be directed to John A. Miller, jam+cs-uga-edu, 706-542-2911.

Note: An em is the width of a capital M in the current font.