XML-Based Access to Bioinformatics Data

Domain-Specific Markup Languages/Schema (DTD/XSD)

Language Full Name Developer URL
. Schema Format Schema Description
BSML Bioinformatic Sequence Markup Language LabBook www.bsml.org
. DTD www.labbook.com/dtd/bsml2_2_annot.dtd The Bioinformatic Sequence Markup Language is an open-standard protocol for the encoding and display of graphic genomic displays of DNA, RNA, and protein sequence information.
BIOML BIOpolymer Markup Language ProteoMetrics www.bioml.com
. DTD www.bioml.com/BIOML/bioml.dtd The BIOpolymer Markup Language (BIOML) is an XML language that is used to describe experimental information about proteins, genes, and other biopolymers.
PSDML Protein Sequence Database Markup Language National Biomedical Research Foundation pir.georgetown.edu/pirwww
. DTD pir.georgetown.edu/pirwww/xml/psdml.dtd The Protein Sequence Database Markup Language is an open-standard markup language used to store protein information in the Protein Information Resource (PIR) database.
AGAVE Architecture for Genomic Annotation, Visualization and Exchange DoubleTwist www.agavexml.org
. XSD www.agavexml.org/schema/v3_0/agave.xsd An architecture for genomic annotation, visualization and exchange from the AGAVE Community lead by DuobleTwist.
MSAML Multiple Sequence Alignment Markup Language Paul Gordon maggie.cbr.nrc.ca/~gordonp/xml/MSAML
. DTD maggie.cbr.nrc.ca/~gordonp/xml/MSAML/dtd/msaml.dtd The Multiple Sequence Alignments Markup Language was developed to make manipulation and extraction of multiple sequence alignment information easier by logically defining the parts of an alignment for use in an XML-based application.
GAME Genome Annotation Markup Elements BIOXML www.bioxml.org/Projects/game
. DTD www.bioxml.org/dtds/game2/game.dtd Genome Annotation Markup Elements is a markup language used in molecular biology for annotation of a biosequence.
MGED-ML Microarray Gene Expression Database Markup Language MGED Group/OMG www.mged.org
. DTD ftp.omg.org/pub/docs/lifesci/01-11-02.dtd The Microarray Gene Expression Database (MGED) group is a grass-roots movement to promote the adoption of standards in microarray experiments and data. Subsumes GeneXML, GEML and MAML.
CML Chemical Markup Language CMl.sourceforge http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_Markup_Language
. XSD http://cml.sourceforge.net/schema/cmlCore.xsd An XML markup language for representing basic chemical structures.
SBML Systems Biology Markup Language SBML.org http://sbml.org
. XSD http://sbml.cvs.sourceforge.net/*checkout*/sbml/ specifications/sbml-level-2/version-3/schema/sbml.xsd An XML markup language for representing models of biochemical reaction networks.
CellML Cell Markup Language CellML.org http://www.cellml.org
. DTD http://www.cellml.org/specifications/cellml_1.1/#sec_cellml_1_1_dtd An XML markup language for representing cellular processes.