January 11-14 1998,
Catamaran Resort Hotel , San Diego , California
Part of the 1998 SCS Western MultiConference on Computer Simulation


Date Time Presentation
January 12
10:30AM Introductory Remarks  
David Hill, ISIMA
10:30 AM - 12:00PM 
Web Agents
SAGE Agent for the SATELIT Web-based system by Irina Akoulchina and Jean-Gabriel Ganascia 
Click here to download the corresponding postscript. 
Web-based Simulation of Agent Behaviours by André M.C. Campos and David R.C. Hill 
Click here to download the corresponding postscript. 
Modeling Mobile Agents by A.M.Uhrmacher and D.Tyschler , P.Tyschler 
Click here to download the corresponding postscript. 
12:00 - 1:30PM Lunch
1:30PM - 3:00PM 
Agents, DEVS, Reuse
Modeling and Validation of Mobile Agents on the Web by Min-Jung YOO , Walter MERLAT and Jean-Pierre BRIOT 
Click here to download the corresponding postscript. 
DEVSJava: Basis for a DEVS-based Collaborative M&S Environment by Hessam S. Sarjoughian and Bernard P. Zeigler 
Click here to download the corresponding postscript. 
A Web-Based Environment for the Reuse of Simulation Models by Giuseppe Iazeolla and Andrea D'Ambrogio 
Click here to download the corresponding postscript. 
3:00 - 3:30PM Break
3:30 - 5:00PM 
Discrete Event Simulation
WEB Modeling-Simulation: Two Stategies by Carlos Domingo , Marta Sananes and Giorgio Tonella 
Click here to download the corresponding postscript. 
Simjava : A discrete event simulation library for Java by Fred Howell and Ross McNab 
Click here to download the corresponding postscript. 
Discrete-Event Simulation on the Internet and the Web by Chien-Chung Shen 
Click here to download the corresponding postscript. 
January 13
8:30 - 10:00AM 
Java based Digital Simulation Automation System (JSAS) by Youngmin Hur , Dominik Kacprzak, Glenn A. Colaco and Stephen A. Szygenda 
Click here to download the corresponding postscript. 
A CGI tool for multiple access to VHDL CAD tools by F.Curatelli, L.Mangeruca, L.Motta, F.Ghezzi, and D.Guido 
Click here to download the corresponding postscript. 
World-Wide-Web operated Robot Arm by Matanya Elchanani 
 Click here to download the corresponding postscript. 
10:00 - 10:30AM Break
10:30AM - 12:00PM 
Distributed Interactive Simulation
Distributed Simulation with JavaGPSS based on the High Level Architecture by Ulrich Klein , Steffen Strassburger and Juergen Beikirch 
Click here to download the corresponding postscript. 
Distributed-Interactive Simulation for Group-Distance Exercises on the Web by Erik Berglund , M.Sc. and Henrik Eriksson, 
Click here to download the corresponding postscript. 
An Adaptive Distributed Architecture for Near Real-Time Genetic Algorithm Execution by Bradford S. Canova , John G. Tyler and Nathan N. Vuong 
Click here to download the corresponding postscript. 
12:00 - 1:30PM Lunch
1:30 - 3:00PM 
Networked Educational Simulations in Java by W.J. Austin, J. Liddle, R.C. Thomas and P. McAndrew 
Click here to download the corresponding postscript. 
MultiVerse: Addressing the issues in educational web-based simulations by R.C. Thomas , J. Liddle, W.J. Austin and P. McAndrew 
Click here to download the corresponding postscript. 
Survivability Simulator for Multi-Agent Coordination Learning by Regis Vincent , Bryan Horling and Tom Wagner 
Click here to download the corresponding postscript. 
3:00 - 3:30PM Break
3:30 - 5:00PM 
Modeling Methodology Panel
The Modeling Methodological Impacts of Web-Based Simulation   
MODERATOR: Ernest Page, MITRE Corp. 
Click here to download the corresponding postscript. 
Arnold Buss, Naval Postgraduate School 
Paul Fishwick, University of Florida 
Kevin Healy, Thread Technologies 
Richard Nance, Virginia Tech 
Ray Paul, Brunel University
January 14
8:30 - 10:00AM 
Simulation Toolkits
GAPS++: An Internet-based Petri Net Modeling and Simulation Architecture by Wolfgang Weitz and Wolffried Stucky 
Click here to download the corresponding postscript. 
WebSPN: Non-Markovian Stochastic Petri Net Tool by A. Bobbio , A. Puliafito , M. Scarpa and M. Telek 
Click here to download the corresponding postscript. 
W3-Based Trace File Driven Animation by Marco Diessner and Klaus-Christoph Ritter 
10:00 - 10:30AM Break
10:30AM - 12:00PM 
Virtual Reality
JackMOO: A web-based system for virtual human simulation by Thomas J. Smith , Jianping Shi, John P. Granieri and Norman I. Badler, 
Architectural Design Issues for Web-based Virtual Reality Training Systems by H. El-Khalili and Ken W. Brodlie.k 
Click here to download the corresponding postscript. 
Peloton : A Distributed Simulation for the World Wide Web by J. Robert Ensor and Gianpaolo U. Carraro 
Click here to download the corresponding postscript. 
12:00 - 1:30PM Lunch
1:30 - 3:00PM 
Watershed Management over the Web by Alexey Voinov and Robert Costanza 
Click here to download the corresponding postscript. 
Object-Oriented Documentation from Simulation for Civil Protection & Industrial Plant Accident directly Shared on the Web by Agostino G. Bruzzone , Paolo Perletto , Elisa Manetti 
Click here to download the corresponding postscript. 
Factory Simulation Across the World Wide Web using Java by Pauline Wilcox and Rob Pooley 
Click here to download the corresponding postscript. 
3:00 - 3:30PM Break
3:30 - 5:00PM 
Simulation Products
Web-based modeling and simulation of multidisciplinary engineering systems by Herman Mann and Lukas Waldmann 
Click here to download the corresponding postscript. 
Concept and Components for a Web-based Simulation Environment (WBSE) by Frank Seibt , Marco Schumann and Jürgen Beikirch 
Click here to download the corresponding postscript. 
Java-Based Enterprise Simulation by Kevin J. Healy and Richard A. Kilgore 
 Click here to download the corresponding postscript.
5:00PM Closing Remarks,  
Paul Fishwick, University of Florida