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The Society for Computer Simulation International
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e-mail: wmc2000@scs.org; http://www.scs.org
M O N D A Y January 24
SESSION 1: 10:30am--12:00pm
Websim 2000 Keynote Address
Live RealTime Models on the Web: The DPAT Story
Fredrick Wieland, The MITRE Corporation, USA
Frederick Wieland has authored approximately 40 papers, mostly in the
area of parallel processing applied to computer simulation, and has also
contributed to the
fields of astronomy, biology, and geophysics. Fred has been a simulation
and modeling engineer at MITRE's Center for Advanced Aviation System Development
since 1993. Fred's research interests include parallel simulation,
Webbased simulation, and distributed access to centralized services.
He has been elected to the Steering Committee of the annual Institute of
Electrical and Electronic Engineers Society for Computer Simulation Association
for Computing Machinery Parallel and Distributed Simulation conference.
Fred holds two patents involving proximity detection applied to parallel
simulation and is completing a doctoral degree in applied probability theory.
SESSION 2: 1:30pm--3:00pm
Modeling Case Studies
A Continuous and Combined Simulation Platform
in Java and Its Application in Building Paper Mill Training Simulators
Herbert Praehofer, Alice Schoeppl, Kepler
University, Austria
SINDBAD: Simulation Modeling Methodology Integrating
Distributed Simulation Objects on the Web
Young Hae Lee, Wonbo Shim, Sook Han Kim, Hanyang
University, Korea
MASTER Web: A Petroleum Reservoir Simulation
Guadalupe Janoski, Andrew H. Sung, ShihHsien
Chang, Reid B. Grigg, New Mexico Tech, USA
Multi Player, Internet and JavaBased Simulation
Learning and Research in Implementing a Computerized
Version of the ``BeerDistribution Supply''
Gilad Ravid, Sheizaf Rafaeli, Israel
SESSION 3: 3:30pm--5:00pm
Distributed Environments
Distributed Intelligent Agents for a Collaborative
WebBased Simulation
Robert Signorile, Anthony Segrich, Boston
College, USA
A Cooperative Simulation Modeling Environment
Based on the WWW
Celso M. Hirata, Edgar T. Yano, CTAITA,
Distributed Design Tools: Mapping Targeted
Design Tools Onto a WebBased Distributed Architecture for HighPerformance
Victor P. Holmes, John M. Linebarger, David J.
Miller, Clark A. Poore, Ruthe L. Vandewart, Sandia National Laboratories,
WESE: A WebBased Environment for Systems
Dhananjai Rao, V. Chernyakhovsky, Philip A. Wilsey,
of Cincinnati, USA
T U E S D A Y January 25
SESSION 4: 8:30am--10:00am
WEBSIM 2000 Keynote Speaker
3D Behavioral Modeling
Paul A. Fishwick, University of Florida, USA
Paul A. Fishwick is Professor of Computer and Information Science and Engineering at the University of Florida. He received the BS in Mathematics from the Pennsylvania State University, MS in Applied Science from the College of William and Mary, and Ph.D. in Computer and Information Science from the University of Pennsylvania in 1986. He also has six years of industrial/government production and research experience working at Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co. (doing CAD/CAM parts definition research) and at NASA Langley Research Center (studying engineering data base models for structural engineering). His research interests are in computer simulation modeling and analysis methods for complex systems. He is a Fellow of the Society for Computer Simulation (SCS), and a Senior Member of the IEEE. He is also a member of the IEEE Society for Systems, Man and Cybernetics, ACM and AAAI.
SESSION 5: 10:30am--12:00pm
Component-based Design and Reuse
Building Reusable Simulation Components
Herbert Praehofer, Kepler University, Austria
Issues in the Certification of Reusable Object-Oriented Model Components:
The Coordination Perspective
Levent Yilmaz, Trident Systems Inc., USA
Component Based Framework for Developing Process Simulation Web User
Tommi Karhela, Antti Mettala, Matti Paljakka, VTT Automation, Finland
SESSION 6: 1:30pm--3:00pm
Panel Session
Research and Commercial Opportunities in WebBased
Moderator: John A. Miller, University of Georgia,
Panalists: Paul A. Fishwick, University of
Florida, USA
Boleslaw Szymanski, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Perakath Benjamin, KBSI, Inc., USA
Simon J.E. Taylor, Brunel University, UK
SESSION 7: 3:30pm--5:00pm
Using WebBased Facilities in Remote Simulation
Behavior Prototyping and Analysis
Andre Campos, Bruno Corbara, David Hill, Blaise
Pascal University, France
VRML in Scientific Visualization: Porous Media
Flows in Oil Reservoirs
Carlos dos Santos, Luis Mello, Gerson Gomes Cunha,
Luiz Landau, Brazil
Advanced Modeling Simulation & Electronic
Commerce for Retail
Agostino G. Bruzzone, Roberto Mosca, University
of Genoa, Italy
Distance Learning Models and Web Simulation
Antonella Cavallone, Matteo Gaeta, Marco Marsella,
of Salerno, Italy
LowCost Training Over the Internet
Deborah Fullford, Warren Katz, MAK Technologies,
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