2000 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC'00)
Web/Java-Based Simulation Track
A Session on Distributed Web-Based Component Architectures

Distributed Web-Based Component Architectures
Chair: John A. Miller and Andrew F. Seila (Univerity of Georgia)

  1. A Model-Based Approach to Component Simulation Development ( abstract ),
    Perakath Benjamin, Dursun Delen, Richard Mayer (Knowledge Based Systems, Inc.) and Tim O'Brien (NASA)
    Contact: Perakath Benjamin (pbenjamin@kbsi.com)

  2. Dynamic Component Substitution in Web-Based Simulation ( abstract ),
    Dhananjai Madhava Rao and Philip A. Wilsey (University of Cincinnati)
    Contact: Philip A. Wilsey (philip.wilsey@uc.edu)

  3. Finding a Substrate for Federated Components on the Web ( abstract ),
    John A. Miller, Andrew F. Seila and Junxiu Tao (Univerity of Georgia)
    Contact: John A. Miller (jam@cs.uga.edu)
    [ files: miller00.ps , miller00.tex.gz , miller00.tex.Z , miller00.tex ]

Instructions for Authors

Final Submission Deadline: July 15, 2000
Register Paper
Author Kit

Contact Information

John A. Miller
Session Organizer
Computer Science Department
415 GSRC
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602-7404
(706) 542-3440 (phone)
(706) 542-2966 (fax)

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