1999 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC'99)
The Simulation in the Future Track
Sessions on Web-Based Simulation

Track: Simulation in the Future

This featured track will include new frontiers of simulation - theory, software and practice as we are coming to the end of this millennium. Papers may focus on futuristic modeling and analysis methodologies and modeling of systems not yet in existence.

Sessions: Web-Based Simulation

Web-Based Simulation I
Chair: John A. Miller (Univerity of Georgia)

  1. A Hybrid Visual Environment for Models and Objects,
    Paul A. Fishwick (Univerity of Florida)

  2. Web-Based Simulation Visualization using Java3D,
    Chad F. Salisbury, Steven D. Farr and Jason A. Moore (Rome Air Force Research Laboratory)

  3. Scenario Management in Web-Based Simulation,
    Andrew F. Seila and John A. Miller (Univerity of Georgia)
    paper.ps , paper.tex , paper.bbl , paper.bib , runAgency.eps , runAgency.fig .
    Latest: seila.tex , seila.ps

Web-Based Simulation II
Chair: K. Preston White (University of Virginia)

  1. Component-Based Simulation on the Web?
    Michael Pidd, Noelia Oses and Roger J. Brooks (Lancaster University)

  2. Web-Based Analysis and Distributed IP,
    Philip A. Wilsey (University of Cincinnati)

  3. VRML for Urban Visualization,
    Lee Belfore (Old Dominion University) and Rajesh Vennam (Digital Fusion, Inc.)

Contact Information

John A. Miller
Session Organizer, Web-Based Simulation
Computer Science Department
415 GSRC
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602-7404
(706) 542-3440 (phone)
(706) 542-2966 (fax)

Ralph V. Rogers
Track Coordinator, The Future of Simulation
Engineering Management Dept.
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA 23529-0248
757-683-4558 (phone)

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