Defeasible Workflow, its Computation and Exception Handling
Zongwei Luo, Amit Sheth, John Miller and Krys Kochut
Large Scale Distributed Information System Lab
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602
Tel: (706) 5422310
Many organizational processes involve uncertainties and evolve over time. Adaptive workflows with support of dynamic workflows can address this need. However, models for workflows that orchestrate and automate organizational processes lack in their abilities to capture uncertainties in workflows due to imprecise specification, unexpected runtime events. We present an approach called defeasible workflow targeted to support adaptive workflows in dynamic and uncertain business environments. A clustered and layered reasoning architecture is developed to evaluate defaults in defeasible workflows constructed through Justified Event-Condition-Action (JECA) rules. An exception handling mechanism based on defeasible reasoning and case-based reasoning is used to handle exceptions that might result in creations, deletions or modifications of workflow types and starts, terminations or modifications of workflow instances.
Keyword: Defeasible Workflow, Adaptive Workflow, Dynamic Workflow, Workflow Computation, Uncertainty, Exception Handling, ECA rules, Defeasible Reasoning and Case-Based Reasoning.
Workflow technology is considered nowadays as an essential technique to integrate heterogeneous and often distributed information systems, to automate mission critical applications, and to improve the effectiveness and productivity of business processes [Georgakopoulos et al., 1995, Sheth et al. 1996]. A workflow management system is a set of tools providing support for the necessary services of workflow creation, workflow enactment, and administration and monitoring of workflow processes. The workflow processes are based on a formalized workflow model that is used to capture control and data flow between workflow tasks.
Dynamic environment
Organizational processes are often not static and evolve over time. This has led to increasing attention on adaptive workflows, especially >from a modeling perspective. [Casati et al. 1996, Reichert and Dadam 1998, Sheth and Kochut 1997]. To adapt to its environment, a workflow should be flexible such that necessary modifications to its workflow models and instances are allowed. [Han and Sheth 1998] surveyed current research activities in adaptive workflows. However, these efforts supporting modeling of adaptive workflows are still limited with respect to the changing situations and uncertainties. They need to be complemented with execution support or run-time solutions such as dynamic scheduling, dynamic resources binding, runtime workflow specification, infrastructure reconfiguration which are the essential techniques used in dynamic workflows [Luo 1997].
Uncertain environment
Most businesses involve uncertainties. Those uncertainties should be eliminated as early as possible, preferably at the design stage. However if it is not possible, runtime exceptions will be raised and handled. Limited research activities, such as [Tang and Hwang 1996], have been conducted in dealing with uncertainties in workflow systems. In general, uncertainties in information systems adapted to workflows might be one or a combination of the following types:
Our Approach
Our approach presented in this paper is called defeasible workflow targeted to support adaptive workflows in the dynamic and uncertain business environment. We use the term defeasible [Marek and Truszynski 1993] here because we recognize that the decision making process in workflows is defeasible: the decision made by the workflow enforcement components can be reached at one time, but when more information is available, it may become invalid. Thus,
The organization of this paper is as follows. In section 2, an approach of defeasible workflow, its computation and exception handling mechanism is discussed. Current implementation in progress is also discussed. Section 3 presents general conclusion and future directions.
Defeasible Workflow
Motivation Scenario Transport of a Very Low Birth Weight Infant
This scenario involves the transport of a very low birth weight infant, weight under 750 grams, at 25-26 weeks gestation, from a rural hospital located approximately 100 miles from the Medical College of Georgia (MCG) to the MCG Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). The transport takes 2.5 hours. In the ambulance there are several healthcare professionals who perform different roles. During the transport, the ambulance personnel will perform the standard procedures to obtain medical data for the infant. If there are any deviations (exceptions) identified during the transport, corrective actions must take place. The decision of the corrective procedures involves collaboration and coordination between the ambulance personnel and the consultants at MCGís NICU.
It is usually not possible to enumerate or detail all solutions to those exceptions in a workflow. This is where defeasible workflow can be used. The basic principle of defeasible workflow is that common sense rules can be applied by default, unless there are specific reasons to the contrary. Each specific situation may express conflicting interests and values. The coordination of conflicting profiles is often accomplished by establishing preference relations that one prevails over the others, generally or under specific circumstances. This approach also recognizes that there are many problems that cannot be completely covered by a theoretical model but can only be solved with the help of experience.
Workflow Building Blocks
We have defined several building blocks such as AND-split/join, OR-split/join and Loop in our METEOR system (see figure 2.1) to form a representational framework to express the operational semantics of organization processes with necessary preference constraints and an initial set of preference and indifference expressions. A group of input transitions, by default, is an OR-join. It is called an AND-join if all of the participating transitions must be activated for the task to be enabled for realization. A group of common source transitions is called an AND-split if each of the transitions in the group has the condition set to true. It means that all of the transitions in the group are enabled, once the task completes. A group of common source transitions called an OR-split is an ordered list of transitions where all but the last transition may have arbitrary conditions. The last transition on the list has the condition set to true. A loop is a special case of an OR-split, where the list is composed of exactly two transitions. Structural constraint of a loop requires that all of the paths beginning with one of the transitions and none of the paths beginning with the other transition cycle back to the source task.
Figure 2.1 METEOR Architecture
Justified Event-Condition-Action (JECA) rules are used to specify these blocks. ECA rules allow for an event-driven realization of context and time dependent behavior that constitutes a major property of coordination policies [Kappel et al. 1998]. Justification provides a reasoning context for the evaluations of ECA rules. By encapsulating coordination policies within JECA rules, general knowledge can be represented in association with necessary context. Each JECA rule consists of four parts as follows:
Workflow computation
In our approach, a workflow system is considered as a reactive system that maintains an ongoing interaction with its environment. It is assumed the all variables that describe the properties of workflows are taken from a set of variables, called workflow variable set or vocabulary. Instances of those variables form the workflow environment. Situation of the activities in workflows at a certain point of time is called a workflow state. A workflow state may contain one or more sub-workflow states. An initial state is a state at which the computation of a workflow can start. A final state is a state at which the computation of a workflow can stop. Inter-activity dependence constraints are enforced through workflow transitions that are specified through a mapping function,
d : S ® S ,
which maps a state s Î S into another state d (s) Î S . State d (s) is called a d -successor of s. A workflow transition d is enabled on the state s if d (s) ¹ Æ . Otherwise, we say d is disabled on s. A workflow transition may contain many sub-transitions.
Workflow States and transitions are specified in defaults that have three parts, prerequisite, justification and consequence specified in logic expressions constructed through JECA rules with mappings from J to justifications, C to prerequisite, and A to consequence. In order to apply the defaults, the prerequisite of the defaults should be proved. It is required that the defaults should be justified. This means the justifications should not deny the applicability of the default. Consequence, the third part in a default, forms a belief set. The defeasible reasoning process should resolve inconsistencies existing in the belief set.
Definition Workflow Computation
s is a sequence of workflow states s0,
s1, Ö, sn. Transition d
is enabled at position k of s if d
is enabled on sk. Transition d is
justified at position k of s if sk+1 is
a d -successor of sk. The sequence
of s is to be a workflow computation if it satisfies
the following requirements:
Evaluation Architecture
Workflow computation involves defaults evaluation. The approach for defaults evaluation is to look for preferred defaults, i.e., defaults leading to justified consequences. A clustered and layered reasoning architecture is developed. The defaults are clustered into several domains. Each default is associated with a local reasoning unit. If the local reasoning unit cannot make an acceptable decision, another reasoning unit at the domain layer that can get access to domain context will be consulted. A global reasoning unit is responsible for decision making in the global context. The local reasoning unit can also make a decision according to the partially available information without consulting another local unit or a unit at a higher level. This layered reasoning architecture is well suited in workflow management because organizational processes modeled by workflows are clustered and/or hierarchical in nature in which local decisions can often be reached. The criteria used in clustering can be either one or a combination of the following:
Conflicts resolution
Inconsistent information in workflows can lead to conflicts during workflow execution. Conflicts in workflow execution can be either one or more of the following:
To resolve those conflicts, the defaults of workflow systems are assigned priorities, or more generally, are ordered by partial ordering relations regulated in workflow policies. That is, some defaults may be preferable to others, and assuming they are applicable, they should be used first. To resolve any inconsistencies, workflow polices taken are based on:
Exception handling
With the intention towards running in heterogeneous and often distributed environments, robustness and interoperability of workflow systems have become much more important. The exception-handling construct, as well as the underlying mechanism, is meant to be sufficiently general to cover various aspects of exception handling in a uniform way. So it can help separate the modules to handle unusual situations from the modules for the normal cases. [Strong and Miller 1995] point out that designing an integrated human-computer process may provide better performance than eliminating exceptions and moving toward an entirely automated process. We believe the defeasible reasoning [Marek and Truszynski 1993] and case-based reasoning [Aamodt 1994] can help the processes of the identification of exceptions and the derivation of acceptable exception handlers.
In the example scenario, when an exceptional symptom is discovered, the personnel on board should make decisions, assisted by the process automation mechanism, as to which procedures (sub-workflows) should be taken. To coordinate such closely integrated human-computer processes, case-based mechanism is considered as a good integration technique. When the case-based reasoning component is notified about the exceptional situation of the infant, cases stored in the case repository will be analyzed. The result from the analysis is used to facilitate the decision making process.
Abnormal events, exceptions and handlers
An exception is an occurrence of some abnormal event that the underlying workflow management system can detect and react to. An exception signal may be sent manually, by an external program, or by a workflow administrator. All exceptions form a hierarchy rooted at class Exception (see Figure 2.2). Two basic groups of exceptions include system exceptions and application-defined exceptions. A variety of system exceptions identify a number of possible system-related errors such as response, time and omission errors in the services provided by the workflow system. Response error occurs when the results from a service are not correct. The request of services that is served in an untimely manner results in a time error. When the service provider omits a service request, an omission error occurs. User-defined exceptions are specified by the workflow designer and identify possible application-dependent errors in task realizations. Specific user-defined exceptions depend on the specific workflow application. An exception handler is a description of action(s) that workflow runtime component(s), or possibly a workflow application, is going to perform in order to respond to the exception. Exceptional situations, such as the location of control and exception type, should be identified.
Figure 2.2 Exception Hierarchy
Case based exception handling
The case based approach models how reuse of stored experiences contributes to expertise. In this approach, new problems are solved by retrieving stored information about previous problem solving steps and adapting it to suggest solutions to the new problems. The results are then added to the case repository for future use. The procedure of selection of similar previous cases is based on the similarity measure that takes into account both semantic and structural resemblance and differences between the cases. A simple similarity measure can be achieved by computing the nearest neighborhood function of the quantified degrees of those semantic and structural similarities. A case usually consists of three parts: problem, solution and effect. The status of cases in the workflow execution is illustrated in Figure 2.3.
Figure 2.3 Case Resolution Cycle
During the workflow execution, when an exception is raised, defeasible reasoning and case-based reasoning are used to derive an acceptable exception handler. We adopt a view of competence-driven exception handling. A component that has a handler specified for a given exception is said to be competent to handle the exception. The component hierarchy induces a competence hierarchy. Exceptions are handled according to the competence hierarchy in the following way. In case an exception occurs, it is first made available to the workflow component in which the flow of control resides. If the component is competent to handle the exception, that is it has at least one handler for the given exception type, it handles the exception. On the other hand, if the component does not have the competence for the exception, the exception is passed on to the next higher level in the competence hierarchy. Human involvement is needed when acceptable exception handlers can not be automatically obtained. Solutions given by a person will also be incorporated into the case repository. Effects of the exception handler candidates on the workflow system and applications will be evaluated. Thus, when the exception is handled, necessary modifications to the workflow system can be made. There are four steps in the exception handling by exception handler that involve case-based reasoning [Aamodt 1994]:
Figure 3.1 METEOR components
Our implementation in progress is based on component technology. Components are the smallest self-managing, independent, and useful parts of a system that work in multiple environments [Lewandowski 1998]. As shown in Figure 3.1, we currently have two runtime workflow engines: WebWork [Miller et al. 1998] and ORBWork [Sheth and Kochut 1997]. A workflow application is designed by using workflow designer. The designed workflow is either saved as a wil (a workflow specification language) file or stored into the workflow repository. Workflow engines enforce the inter-activity dependence. The workflows are monitored and administrated by the workflow runtime administrator. The capabilities of handling uncertainties and exceptions are enhanced by the defeasible reasoning component and case-based reasoning component. The workflow bus provides an uniformed message channel that connects all the workflow components including the authentication component as a working system.
Conclusion and Future Directions
In this paper, we have explained our approach to support workflows that involve uncertainties. Defeasible workflows are constructed through JECA rules A clustered and layered reasoning architecture is developed so the defaults in the defeasible workflow can be evaluated. Defeasible reasoning and case-based reasoning are used to identify exceptions and derivation of acceptable exception handlers.
Further research efforts can be conducted in the interesting areas such as default modeling and case modeling to capture the essence of organizational processes that involve uncertainties. It is also beneficial to obtain more effective ways of defeasible reasoning to derive a consequence from defaults, and more effective indexing techniques of cases and techniques for adaptation of solutions.
Krys Kochut has leaded the latest evolution of the METEOR model.