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Class engine.Bind


public class Bind
extends UnicastRemoteObject
implements Compute
RMI server class which implements the remote method executeTask that carries out the task of connecting to the database, executing the query and returning the results to the calling client class

Constructor Index

 o Bind()

Method Index

 o executeTask(String)
Method called by remote object to execute query
 o main(String[])
Main for Bind, executed when the server is started up.


 o Bind
 public Bind() throws RemoteException

Throws: RemoteException
cant connect


 o executeTask
 public Object executeTask(String string)
Method called by remote object to execute query

string - Query to be executed on the database
Object Result of the execution of the query
 o main
 public static void main(String args[])
Main for Bind, executed when the server is started up. The main creates an object of type Bind and registers it with the rmiregistry so that an rmi client can look up this object and call its method that work with the database

args[] - Command line arguments

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