Class Bind


public class Bind
extends Object
Decides at runtime which class created by the xmltool.classgen module is to be used using reflection feature of Java and instantiates an object of that class and calls appropriate methods on it to save the parsed data from the XmlBrowser class into the object and to store the object into the POET database.

Constructor Index

 o Bind(String)
Connects to the database when the root element is being first parsed

Method Index

 o saveValues()
Calls the loader class to set the values in the object
 o setValues(String, String[], boolean)
Method that sets the value of an object depending on input from XML document


 o Bind
 public Bind(String string) throws ODMGException, ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException
Connects to the database when the root element is being first parsed

string - Name of root element
Throws: ODMGException
cant save data
Throws: InvocationTargetException
cant instantiate object
Throws: IllegalAccessException
cant access object
Throws: IllegalArgumentException
arguments incorrect for the method
Throws: ClassNotFoundException
class not found
Throws: InstantiationException
cant instantiate object


 o setValues
 public void setValues(String string,
                       String str[],
                       boolean consider) throws ODMGException, InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException
Method that sets the value of an object depending on input from XML document

string - Value of the top element in the path expression
str - An array of values in case this is a collection type of element
consider - To check which type of value is inputted
Throws: ODMGException
cant save data
Throws: InvocationTargetException
cant instantiate object
Throws: IllegalAccessException
cant access object
 o saveValues
 public void saveValues() throws ODMGException, InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException
Calls the loader class to set the values in the object

Throws: ODMGException
cant save data
Throws: InvocationTargetException
cant instantiate object
Throws: IllegalAccessException
cant access object