Class XmlBrowser


public class XmlBrowser
extends Object
Parses the XML document and maps it to the Java classes created for the DTD of this document by the xmltool.classgen module.

Variable Index

 o marker
Value used as a separator for the path generated from the XML document
 o valAll
Validation array, to check if all the elements have been considered

Constructor Index

 o XmlBrowser(String[])
Constructor for this class, takes the name of the XML document and parses it

Method Index

 o inArray(String)
Returns if the element or attribute has been considered or not
 o putIntoArray(String)
Puts into ValAll, all the elements and attributes


 o valAll
 public String valAll[]
Validation array, to check if all the elements have been considered

 o marker
 public static String marker
Value used as a separator for the path generated from the XML document


 o XmlBrowser
 public XmlBrowser(String args[]) throws ODMGException, ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException
Constructor for this class, takes the name of the XML document and parses it

args - Name of XML document
Throws: ODMGException
cant save data
Throws: InvocationTargetException
cant instantiate object
Throws: IllegalAccessException
cant access object
Throws: ClassNotFoundException
class not found
Throws: InstantiationException
cant instantiate object


 o putIntoArray
 public void putIntoArray(String string)
Puts into ValAll, all the elements and attributes

string - the element or attribute to be entered
 o inArray
 public boolean inArray(String string)
Returns if the element or attribute has been considered or not

string - the element or attribute to be checked return boolean true if the element is present in the array, else false