

package analytics

The analytics package contains classes, traits and objects for analytics including classification, clustering and prediction.

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class ARMA extends Predictor with Error

    This class provide basic time series analysis capabilities for Auto-Regressive (AR) and Moving Average (MA) models.

  2. class BayesClassifier extends Classifier with Error

    This class implements a Naive Gaussian Bayes Classifier.

  3. trait Classifier extends AnyRef

    This trait provides a common framework for several classifiers.

  4. trait Clustering extends AnyRef

    This trait provides a common framework for several clustering algorithms.

  5. class DecisionTreeC45 extends Classifier with Error

    This class implements a Decision Tree classifier using the C4.

  6. class DecisionTreeID3 extends Classifier with Error

    This class implements a Decision Tree classifier using the ID3 algorithm.

  7. class HierClustering extends Clustering with Error

    Cluster several vectors/points using hierarhical clustering.

  8. class KMeansClustering extends Clustering with Error

    Cluster several vectors/points using k-means clustering.

  9. class LogitRegression extends Predictor with Error

    The LogitRegression class supports logit regression.

  10. class MarkovClustering extends Clustering with Error

    This class implements a Markov Clustering Algorithm (MCL) and is used to cluster nodes in a graph.

  11. class NeuralNet extends Predictor with Error

    This class supports basic 3-layer (input, hidden and output) Neural Networks.

  12. class NonLinRegression extends Predictor with Error

    The NonLinRegression class supports non-linear regression.

  13. class PortfolioOpt extends Error

    This class is used to solve Portfilio Optimization Problems.

  14. trait Predictor extends AnyRef

    This trait provides a common framework for several predictors.

  15. class PrincipalComponents extends AnyRef

    This class computes the Principal Components (PCs) for data matrix x.

  16. class RandomGraph extends AnyRef

    Random undirected graph generator with clusters (as an adjacency matrix).

  17. class Regression extends Predictor with Error

    The Regression class supports multiple linear regression.

  18. class SimpleRegression extends Predictor with Error

    The SimpleRegression class supports simple linear regression.

  19. class SupportVectorMachine extends Classifier with Error

    This class implements linear support vector machines (SVM).

Value Members

  1. object ARMATest extends App

    This object is used to test the ARMA class.

  2. object BayesClassifierTest extends App

    This object is used to test the BayesClassifier class.

  3. object DecisionTreeC45Test extends App

    This object is used to test the DecisionTreeC45 class.

  4. object DecisionTreeID3Test extends App

    This object is used to test the DecisionTreeID3 class.

  5. object HierClusteringTest extends App

    This object is used to test the HierClustering class.

  6. object KMeansClusteringTest extends App

    This object is used to test the KMeansClustering class.

  7. object LogitRegressionTest extends App

    Object to test LogitRegression class.

  8. object MarkovClusteringTest extends App

    This object is used to test the MarkovClustering class.

  9. object NeuralNetTest extends App

    This object is used to test the NeuralNet class.

  10. object NeuralNetTest2 extends App

    This object is used to test the NeuralNet class.

  11. object NonLinRegressionTest extends App

    Object to test NonLinRegression class: y = b dot x = b0 + b1*x1 + b2*x2.

  12. object PortfolioOptTest extends App

    This object is used to test the PortfolioOpt class.

  13. object PrincipalComponentsTest extends App

    This object is used to test the PrincipalComponents class.

  14. object RandomGraphTest extends App

    This object is used to test the RandomGraph class.

  15. object RegressionTest extends App

    Object to test Regression class: y = b dot x = b0 + b1*x1 + b2*x2.

  16. object RegressionTest2 extends App

    Object to test Regression class: y = b dot x = b0 + b1*x1 + b2*x2.

  17. object RegressionTest3 extends App

    Object to test the multi-colinearity method in the Regression class.

  18. object SimpleRegressionTest extends App

    Object to test SimpleRegression class: y = b dot x = (b0, b1) dot (1.

  19. object SimpleRegressionTest2 extends App

    Object to test SimpleRegression class: y = b dot x = b0 + b1*x1.

  20. object SupportVectorMachineTest extends App

    This object is used to test the SupportVectorMachine class.