the velocity field function v(x, t)
delta t
delta x
the length of the column
the initial conditions as a function of position x
the boundary conditions as a 2-tuple for endpoints 0 and xm
Show the flaw by printing the error message.
Show the flaw by printing the error message.
the method where the error occurred
the error message
Solve for the concentration of the column at time t, returning the vector of concentration representing the concentration profile of column over its length.
Solve for the concentration of the column at time t, returning the vector of concentration representing the concentration profile of column over its length. This method uses an explicit finite difference technique to solve the PDE. L-W is the Lax-Wendroff scheme which has second-order accuracy.
the time the solution is desired (t-end)
This class is used to solve first order partial differential equations like the Advection Equation. Let u(x, t) = concentration in a fluid with velocity v at position 0 <= x <= xm and time t > 0. Numerically solve the Advection Equation: u_t + v(x, t) * u_x = 0 with initial conditions u(x, 0) = ic(x) boundary conditions (u(0, t), u(xm, t)) = bc