Reads a graph from ONE file based on the format used by 'write2File':
Reads a graph from ONE file based on the format used by 'write2File': <vertexId>
the file containing the graph's label and edge information
whether to store inverse adjacency sets (parents)
Reads a graph from TWO files: 'lFile' is a file with one label per line, where each line represents the vertex with id <lineNumber>.
Reads a graph from TWO files: 'lFile' is a file with one label per line, where each line represents the vertex with id <lineNumber>. 'eFile' is a file with each line representing the vertex with id <lineNumber>, and each line contains a space-separated list of vertices to which the current vertex is adjacent.
the file containing the graph labels
the file the edges (to create adjacency sets)
whether to store inverse adjacency sets (parents)
Reads a graph from TWO specially formatted Pajek files.
Reads a graph from TWO specially formatted Pajek files.
the file containing the graph labels
the file the edges (to create adjacency sets)
whether to store inverse adjacency sets (parents)
The 'Graph' object is the companion object to the 'Graph' class and is used for reading graphs from files or graph databases.