This class is used to represent complex numbers (a + bi) as (a, b), e.
This class defines an expontiation operator '~^' for Doubles.
This class defines an expontiation operator '~^' for Ints.
This class defines an expontiation operator '~^' for Longs. To maintain 64 bit precision, no floating point operations are used.
This class is used to represent probabilistic numbers (x, p) where x is a a real number and p is its probability of occurrence.
This class is used to represent rational numbers as 2 long integers.
This object provides additional methods for computing logarithms and a method for transforming Booleans into Ints.
This object is used to test the Basic object.
This trait provides several common combinatorics functions, such as factorial permutations, combinations, gamma and beta functions.
This object test the methods in the Combinatorics object.
This companion object defines the origin (zero) and the fourth roots of unity as well as some utility functions.
This object is used to test the Complex class.
Implicit conversion from Double to DoubleWithExp allowing '~^' to be applied to Doubles.
This object is used to test the DoubleWithExp class.
Implicit conversion from Int to IntWithExp allowing '~^' to be applied to Ints.
This object is used to test the IntWithExp class.
Implicit conversion from Long to LongWithExp allowing '~^' to be applied to Longs.
This object is used to test the LongWithExp class.
This object provides an array of 1000 prime numbers as well as methods to generate prime numbers within a given range.
This object is use to perform timing test on the Primes object.
This object is used to test the ProbNumber class.
This companion object defines the origin (zero), one and minus one as well as some utility functions.
This object is used to test the Rational class.
The math package contains classes, traits and objects for common mathematical operations.