The objective function f re-scaled by a weighted penalty, if constrained.
The objective function f re-scaled by a weighted penalty, if constrained.
the coordinate values of the currrent point
Find a minimal neighbor of the current point x that is a distance step away.
Find a minimal neighbor of the current point x that is a distance step away. Let x be the current point with y being a step down and x being a step up in dimension i. Recurse to handle all of the dimensions.
the current pair (the point and its functional value)
the i-th dimension or coordinate (facilitates recursion)
examine points that are this far away
Solve the minimization problem by repeatedly moving to a minimal neighbor until there is no improvement.
Solve the minimization problem by repeatedly moving to a minimal neighbor until there is no improvement.
the starting point for the search
This class performs local search to find minima of functions defined on integer vector domains (z^n).
minimize f(x) subject to g(x) <= 0, x in Z^n