the function whose color-coded contour plot is sought
the lower bounds on the plotting domain
the upper bounds on the plotting domain
the points on a path (e.g., a search path)
estimate of the range of possible functional values (if < 0, will be computed)
the lower bound on the functional value
the title of the plot
Create a canvas on which to draw the contour plot.
Convert value to string and cut out the first four characters.
Convert value to string and cut out the first four characters.
the value to convert and cut
Reset the bounds on the functional values of f.
Reset the bounds on the functional values of f. If the caller fails to provide an estimate for deltaF, this method should be called.
Convert basic Contour information to a string.
Convert basic Contour information to a string.
The Contour class takes a function f and diplays color-coded values for f(x, y) over a two dimensional grid defined the lower (lb) and upper (ub) bounds. An optional path is included that can be used to show, for example, the search path taken by an optimzer (e.g., a Conjugate Gradient NLP solver).