

package process

The process package contains classes, traits and objects for process-oriented simulation models (for example, process-interaction).

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Component extends Identity

    The Component trait provides basic common feature for simulation components.

  2. class Junction extends Component

    The Junction class provides a connector between two transports.

  3. class Model extends Actor with Signals with ModelT with Component

    The Model class maintains a list of components making up the model and controls the flow of entities (SimActors) through the model, following the process-interaction world-view.

  4. class Resource extends Component

    The Resource class provides services to entities (SimActors).

  5. trait Signals extends AnyRef

    This trait defines standard messages sent between actors implementing process interaction simulations.

  6. abstract class SimActor extends Actor with Signals with PQItem with Ordered[SimActor]

    The SimActor abstract class represents entities that are active in the model.

  7. class Sink extends Component

    The Sink class is used to terminate entities (SimActors) when they are finished.

  8. class Source extends SimActor with Component

    The Source class is used to periodically inject entities (SimActors) into a running simulation model.

  9. class Transport extends Component

    The Transport class provides a pathway between two other components.

  10. class WaitQueue extends Queue[SimActor] with Component

    The WaitQueue class simply a wrapper for monitoring scala's Queue class.

Value Members

  1. object ModelTest extends App

    The ModelTest object is used to test the Model class.