Check intermediate results.
Calculate the expected number in the queue at the j-th node.
Calculate the expected number in the queue at the j-th node.
the j-th node
Calculate the expected number in the queue at the j-th node for an M/M/1 queue.
Calculate the expected number in the queue at the j-th node for an M/M/1 queue.
the j-th node
Calculate the probability of a node being empty, based on its utilization factor and number of servers.
Calculate the probability of a node being empty, based on its utilization factor and number of servers.
the utilization factor
the number of servers
Report the results.
This class is used to solve Jackson Queueing Network problems. Each node in the network represents a service station consisting of one queue and k_i servers. It is currently limited to networks of M/M/k queues.