Show the flaw by printing the error message.
Show the flaw by printing the error message.
the method where the error occurred
the error message
Compute the confidence interval half-width for the given confidence level.
Compute the confidence interval half-width for the given confidence level.
the confidence level
Generate a header of statistical labels as a string.
Get the maximum value in sample.
the maximum sample value
the maximum sample value
Compute/estimate the sample mean.
Get the minimum value in sample.
the minimum sample value
the minimum sample value
Compute/estimate the mean square (ms).
The number of samples
The number of samples
the name for this statistic (e.
the name for this statistic (e.g., WatingTime or tellerQ)
Get the number of samples.
Compute/estimate the root mean square (rms).
Compute/estimate the sample standard deviation.
Sum of the sample values
Sum of the sample values
Sum of the sample values squared
Sum of the sample values squared
Tally the next value and update accumulators.
Tally the next value and update accumulators.
the value to tally
Generate a row of statistical results as a string.
Generate a row of statistical results as a string.
Compute/estimate the sample variance.
Compute/estimate the sample variance. The denominator is one less for unbiased (n-1) vs. maximum likelihood (n) estimators. Also use n for population variance.
This class is used to collect values and compute sample statistics on them (e.g., Waiting Time). Contrast with TimeStatistic defined below.