Construct a SortedLinkedHashMap and put all (key, value) pairs into this map.
Construct a SortedLinkedHashMap and put all (key, value) pairs into this map.
the (key, value) pairs to put in this map
Construct a SortedLinkedHashMap and put all (key, value) pairs into this map.
Construct a SortedLinkedHashMap and put all (key, value) pairs into this map.
the (key, value) pairs to put in this map
(Changed in version 2.8.0) +
creates a new map. Use +=
to add an element to this map and return that map itself.
(Changed in version 2.8.0) +
creates a new map. Use +=
to add an element to this map and return that map itself.
(Changed in version 2.8.0) ++
creates a new map. Use ++=
to add an element to this map and return that map itself.
Put all (key, value) pairs into this map.
Put all (key, value) pairs into this map.
the (key, value) pairs to put in this map
(Changed in version 2.8.0) -
creates a new map. Use -=
to remove an element from this map and return that map itself.
(Changed in version 2.8.0) -
creates a new map. Use -=
to remove an element from this map and return that map itself.
(Changed in version 2.8.0) --
creates a new map. Use --=
to remove an element from this map and return that map itself.
Compare the two keys (to establish the correct ordering).
Compare the two keys (to establish the correct ordering).
the first key
the second key
Get the first entry in the SortedLinkedHashMap.
(Changed in version 2.8.0) keys
returns Iterable[A]
rather than Iterator[A]
Put (key, value) pair into this map.
Put (key, value) pair into this map.
the key for the map entry
the value for the map entry
(Changed in version 2.9.0) The behavior of scanRight
has changed. The previous behavior can be reproduced with scanRight.reverse.
(Changed in version 2.9.0) transpose
throws an IllegalArgumentException
if collections are not uniformly sized.
(Changed in version 2.8.0) values
returns Iterable[B]
rather than Iterator[B]
(Since version 2.8.0) use iterator' instead
(Since version 2.8.0) use entriesIterator instead
(Since version 2.8.0) use head' instead
(Since version 2.8.0) use headOption' instead
(Since version 2.8.0) use mapValues' instead
(Since version 2.8.0) use view' instead
(Since version 2.8.0) Use remove' instead
The SortedLinkedHashMap class extends the scala LinkedHashMap class. It maintains the keys (type A) in order, so when you iterate the entry set, the entries are in key order. This is useful for merge algorithms, such as those used for sparse matrices.