

package analytics

The analytics package contains classes, traits and objects for analytics including classification, clustering and prediction.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  2. By inheritance
  1. analytics
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. class ARMA extends Predictor with Error

    The ARMA class provide basic time series analysis capabilities for Auto- Regressive (AR) and Moving Average (MA) models.

  2. class BayesNetwork extends Classifier with Error

    The BayesNetwork class implements a Bayesian Network Classifier.

  3. class CanCorrelation extends Reducer with Error

    The CanCorrelation class performs Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) on two random vectors.

  4. trait Classifier extends AnyRef

    The Classifier trait provides a common framework for several classifiers.

  5. abstract class ClassifierInt extends Classifier with Error

    The ClassifierInt abstract class provides a common foundation for several classifiers that operate on integer-valued data.

  6. abstract class ClassifierReal extends Classifier with Error

    The ClassifierReal abstract class provides a common foundation for several classifiers that operate on real-valued data.

  7. trait Clusterer extends AnyRef

    The Clusterer trait provides a common framework for several clustering algorithms.

  8. class DAG extends AnyRef

    The 'DAG' class provides a data structure for storing directed acyclic graphs.

  9. class DecisionTreeC45 extends ClassifierInt

    The DecisionTreeC45 class implements a Decision Tree classifier using the C4.

  10. class DecisionTreeID3 extends ClassifierInt

    The DecisionTreeID3 class implements a Decision Tree classifier using the ID3 algorithm.

  11. class HiddenMarkov extends AnyRef

    The HiddenMarkov classes provides Hidden Markov Models (HMM).

  12. class HierClustering extends Clusterer with Error

    Cluster several vectors/points using hierarchical clustering.

  13. class KMeansClustering extends Clusterer with Error

    The KMeansClustering class cluster several vectors/points using k-means clustering.

  14. class KNN_Classifier extends ClassifierReal

    The KNN_Classifier class is used to classify a new vector 'z' into one of 'c' classes.

  15. class LogitRegression extends Predictor with Error

    The LogitRegression class supports logit regression.

  16. class MarkovClustering extends Clusterer with Error

    The MarkovClustering class implements a Markov Clustering Algorithm (MCL) and is used to cluster nodes in a graph.

  17. class NMFactorization extends AnyRef

    The NMFactorization class factors a matrix 'v' into two non negative matrices 'w' and 'h' such that v = wh approximately.

  18. class NaiveBayes extends ClassifierReal

    The NaiveBayes class implements a Gaussian Naive Bayes Classifier, which is the most commonly used such classifier for continuous input data.

  19. class NaiveBayesInt extends ClassifierInt

    The NaiveBayesInt class implements a Integer-Based Naive Bayes Classifier, which is a commonly used such classifier for discrete input data.

  20. class NeuralNet extends Predictor with Error

    The NeuralNet class supports basic 3-layer (input, hidden and output) Neural Networks.

  21. class NonLinRegression extends Predictor with Error

    The NonLinRegression class supports non-linear regression.

  22. class Perceptron extends Predictor with Error

    The Perceptron class supports single-valued 2-layer (input and output) Neural-Networks.

  23. class PolyRegression extends Predictor with Error

    The PolyRegression class supports polynomial regression.

  24. trait Predictor extends AnyRef

    The Predictor trait provides a common framework for several predictors.

  25. class PrincipalComponents extends Reducer with Error

    The PrincipalComponents class performs the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on data matrix 'x'.

  26. class RandomGraph extends AnyRef

    The RandomGraph class generates random undirected graphs with clusters (as adjacency matrices).

  27. trait Reducer extends AnyRef

    The Reducer trait provides a common framework for several data reduction algorithms.

  28. class Regression extends Predictor with Error

    The Regression class supports multiple linear regression.

  29. class SimpleRegression extends Predictor with Error

    The SimpleRegression class supports simple linear regression.

  30. class SupportVectorMachine extends Classifier with Error

    The SupportVectorMachine class is a translation of Pseudo-Code from a modified SMO (Modification 2) found at the above URL's into Scala and includes a few simplifications (e.

Value Members

  1. object ARMATest extends App

    The ARMATest object is used to test the ARMA class.

  2. object BayesNetworkTest extends App

    The BayesNetworkTest object is used to test the BayesNetwork class.

  3. object DecisionTreeC45Test extends App

    The DecisionTreeC45Test object is used to test the DecisionTreeC45 class.

  4. object DecisionTreeID3Test extends App

    The DecisionTreeID3Test object is used to test the DecisionTreeID3 class.

  5. object HiddenMarkovTest extends App

    The HiddenMarkovTest object is used to test the HiddenMarkov class.

  6. object HierClusteringTest extends App

    The HierClusteringTest object is used to test the HierClustering class.

  7. object KMeansClusteringTest extends App

    The KMeansClusteringTest object is used to test the KMeansClustering class.

  8. object KNN_ClassifierTest extends App

    The KNN_ClassifierTest object is used to test the KNN_Classifier class.

  9. object LogitRegressionTest extends App

    The LogitRegressionTest object tests the LogitRegression class.

  10. object MarkovClusteringTest extends App

    The MarkovClusteringTest object is used to test the MarkovClustering class.

  11. object NMFactorizationTest extends App

    The NMFactorizationTest object to test NMFactorizationTest class.

  12. object NaiveBayesIntTest extends App

    The NaiveBayesTestInt object is used to test the 'NaiveBayesInt' class.

  13. object NaiveBayesIntTest2 extends App

    The NaiveBayesIntTest2 object is used to test the 'NaiveBayesInt' class.

  14. object NaiveBayesTest extends App

    The NaiveBayesTest object is used to test the 'NaiveBayes' class.

  15. object NeuralNetTest extends App

    The NeuralNetTest object is used to test the NeuralNet class.

  16. object NeuralNetTest2 extends App

    The NeuralNetTest2 object is used to test the NeuralNet class.

  17. object NonLinRegressionTest extends App

    The NonLinRegressionTest object tests the NonLinRegression class: y = f(x; b) = b0 + exp (b1 * x0).

  18. object Perceptron

    The Perceptron companion object contains Activation functions.

  19. object PerceptronTest extends App

    The PerceptronTest object is used to test the Perceptron class.

  20. object PerceptronTest2 extends App

    The PerceptronTest2 object is used to test the Perceptron class.

  21. object PolyRegressionTest extends App

    The PolyRegressionTest object tests PolyRegression class using the following regression equation.

  22. object PrincipalComponentsTest extends App

    The PrincipalComponentsTest object is used to test the PrincipalComponents class.

  23. object Probability extends Error

    The Probability object provides methods for operating on univariate and bivariate probability distributions of discrete random variables 'X' and 'Y'.

  24. object ProbabilityTest extends App

    The ProbabilityTest object is used to test the Probability object.

  25. object RandomGraphTest extends App

    The RandomGraphTest object is used to test the RandomGraph class.

  26. object RegressionTest extends App

    The RegressionTest object tests Regression class using the following regression equation.

  27. object RegressionTest2 extends App

    The RegressionTest2 object tests Regression class using the following regression equation.

  28. object RegressionTest3 extends App

    The RegressionTest3 object tests the multi-colinearity method in the Regression class using the following regression equation.

  29. object SimpleRegressionTest extends App

    Object to test SimpleRegression class: y = b dot x = (b0, b1) dot (1.

  30. object SimpleRegressionTest2 extends App

    The SimpleRegressionTest2 object to test SimpleRegression class:

  31. object SupportVectorMachineTest extends App

    The SupportVectorMachineTest is used to test the SupportVectorMachine class.

  32. object SupportVectorMachineTest2 extends App

    The SupportVectorMachineTest2 is used to test the SupportVectorMachine class.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
