The Anova class provides the functions necessary for performing a one-way ANalysis Of VAriance (ANOVA) on the input data matrix x.
This class contains a Random Vector (RVec) for maintaining experimental data in multiple batches and methods for computing statistics on these data.
The GoodnessOfFit
class is used to fit data to probability distibutions.
The Histogram
class takes a vector of values, counts the number of values
in each of several intervals and displays the counts vertically in a
The StatTable
class display statistical results in a frame's table.
The StatVector
class provides methods for computing common statistics on a
data vector.
The Statistic
class is used to collect values and compute sample statistics
on them (e.
The TimeStatistic
class is used to collect values and compute time-persistent
statistics on them (e.
This object is used to test the Anova class.
This object tests the BatchVec class.
The GoodnessOfFitTest
object is used to test the GoodnessOfFit
The HistogramTest
object is used to test the Histogram
The MethodOfMoments
object provides methods for estimating parameters
for popular probability distributions using the Method of Moments (MOM).
The Q_Q_Plot
object produces Quantile-Quantile plots that are used to
compare probability distributions.
The Q_Q_PlotTest
object is used to test the Q_Q_Plot
The StatTableTest
is used to test the StatTable
The StatVector
companion object provides methods for building StatVector
The StatVectorTest
object is used to test the StatVector
The Statistic
companion object provides additional values and functions.
The StatisticTest
object is used to test the Statistic
and TimeStatistic
The TimeStatistic
companion object provides additional functions.
The stat package contains classes, traits and objects for basic statistical functions and analyses.