//::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.0 * @date Sat Oct 19 21:00:32 EDT 2013 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package apps.analytics import io.Source.fromFile import scalation.analytics.NaiveBayesInt import scalation.linalgebra_gen.Matrices.MatrixI import scalation.linalgebra_gen.VectorN import scalation.linalgebra_gen.Vectors.VectorI import scalation.util.Timer.time //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `PokerBayes` object is a sample application that uses the `NaiveBayesInt` * class. Classify a poker hand consisting of 5 cards. The hand is to be * classified as one of the following types of hands: * * 0: Nothing in hand; not a recognized poker hand * 1: One pair; one pair of equal ranks within five cards * 2: Two pairs; two pairs of equal ranks within five cards * 3: Three of a kind; three equal ranks within five cards * 4: Straight; five cards, sequentially ranked with no gaps * 5: Flush; five cards with the same suit * 6: Full house; pair + different rank three of a kind * 7: Four of a kind; four equal ranks within five cards * 8: Straight flush; straight + flush * 9: Royal flush; {Ace, King, Queen, Jack, Ten} + flush * * @see http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/poker/poker-hand.names * @see http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Poker+Hand */ object PokerBayes extends App { // val fname = "data/poker-hand/poker-hand-training-true.data" // 25010 instances val fname = "data/poker-hand/poker-hand-testing.data" // 1000000 instances val ROWS = 1000000 // number of instances val COLS = 11 // 10 for x, 1 for y val k = 10 // 10 possible classes val xy = new MatrixI (ROWS, COLS) // data table [x matrix, y vector] // read data from CSV file: each line becomes a vector in matrix xy var i = 0 for (line <- fromFile (fname).getLines) { xy(i) = VectorN (0, line.split (',')); i += 1 } for (i <- 0 until xy.dim1; j <- 0 until xy.dim2 - 1) xy(i, j) -= 1 // start at 0 => shift by -1 // println ("xy = " + xy) // names for all features/variables val fn = Array ("Card1S", "Card1R", // Suite and Rank of Card 1 "Card2S", "Card2R", // Suite and Rank of Card 2 "Card3S", "Card3R", // Suite and Rank of Card 3 "Card4S", "Card4R", // Suite and Rank of Card 4 "Card5S", "Card5R") // Suite and Rank of Card 5 // names for all classes val cn = Array ("Nothing", "One pair", "Two pairs", "Three of a kind", "Straight", "Flush", "Full house", "Four of a kind", "Straight flush", "Royal flush") val vc = VectorN (4, 13, 4, 13, 4, 13, 4, 13, 4, 13) // value count: distinct values for each feature val nbi = new NaiveBayesInt (xy, fn, k, cn, vc) // create a classifier time { nbi.train () } // train the classifier val z = VectorN (3, 3, 2, 3, 0, 8, 3, 5, 2, 5) // new data vector/hand to classify println ("classify (" + z + ") = " + nbi.classify (z)) // answer = 2 (Two Pair) } // PokerBayes object