//::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.0 * @date Fri Jul 29 14:33:21 EDT 2011 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package apps.dynamics import util.control.Breaks.{breakable, break} import scalation.dynamics.{DormandPrince, RungeKutta} import scalation.dynamics.Derivatives.DerivativeV import scalation.linalgebra.{MatrixD, VectorD} import scalation.plot.Plot //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** This object is used to simulate a simple chemical pathway for making H2O. * @see the KINSOLVER Paper: http:// www.cs.uga.edu/~thiab/paper25.pdf */ object Pathway extends App { val t0 = 0.0 // initial time val tf = 5.0 // final time val n = 100 // number of time steps val kf = (1.0, 1.0, 0.5) // forward reaction rates val kb = (0.02, 0.02, 0.01) // backward reaction rates // concentrations H2 O2 O H OH H2O // 0 1 2 3 4 5 var c = VectorD (6.0, 6.0, 0.0, 0.01, 0.0, 1.0) // define the system of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) // d[H2]/dt = - kf1 [H2] [O] + kb1 [H] [OH] - kf3 [H2] [OH] + kb3 [H2O] [H] def dh2_dt (t: Double, c: VectorD) = -kf._1*c(0)*c(2) + kb._1*c(3)*c(4) - kf._3*c(0)*c(4) + kb._3*c(5)*c(3) // d[O2]/dt = - kf2 [H] [O2] + kb2 [O] [OH] (2) def do2_dt (t: Double, c: VectorD) = -kf._2*c(3)*c(1) + kb._2*c(2)*c(4) // d[O]/dt = - kf1 [H2] [O] + kb1 [H] [OH] + kf2 [H] [O2] - kb2 [O] [OH] def do_dt (t: Double, c: VectorD) = -kf._1*c(0)*c(2) + kb._1*c(3)*c(4) + kf._2*c(3)*c(1) - kb._2*c(2)*c(4) // d[H]/dt = + kf1 [H2] [O] - kb1 [H] [OH] - kf2 [H] [O2] + kb2 [O] [OH] + kf3 [H2] [OH] - kb3 [H2O] [H] def dh_dt (t: Double, c: VectorD) = kf._1*c(0)*c(2) - kb._1*c(3)*c(4) - kf._2*c(3)*c(1) + kb._2*c(2)*c(4) + kf._3*c(0)*c(4) - kb._3*c(5)*c(3) // d[OH]/dt = + kf1 [H2] [O] - kb1 [H] [OH] + kf2 [H] [O2] - kb2 [O] [OH] - kf3 [H2] [OH] + kb3 [H2O] [H] def doh_dt (t: Double, c: VectorD) = kf._1*c(0)*c(2) - kb._1*c(3)*c(4) + kf._2*c(3)*c(1) - kb._2*c(1)*c(4) - kf._3*c(0)*c(4) + kb._3*c(5)*c(3) // d[H2O]/dt = + kf3 [H2] [OH] - kb3 [H2O] [H] def dh2o_dt (t: Double, c: VectorD) = kf._3*c(0)*c(4) - kb._3*c(5)*c(3) val odes: Array [DerivativeV] = Array (dh2_dt, do2_dt, do_dt, dh_dt, doh_dt, dh2o_dt) println ("dh2_dt = " + dh2_dt (0.0, c)) println ("do2_dt = " + do2_dt (0.0, c)) println ("do_dt = " + do_dt (0.0, c)) println ("dh_dt = " + dh_dt (0.0, c)) println ("doh_dt = " + doh_dt (0.0, c)) println ("dh2o_dt = " + dh2o_dt (0.0, c)) println (" H2, O2, O, H, OH, H2O") println ("> at t = " + "%6.3f".format (t0) + " c = " + c) val dt = tf / n // time step var t = t0 + dt // next time point to examine breakable { for (i <- 1 to n) { // c = RungeKutta.integrateVV (odes, c, dt) // compute new concentrations using RK c = DormandPrince.integrateVV (odes, c, dt) // compute new concentrations using DP println ("> at t = " + "%6.3f".format (t) + " c = " + c) t += dt }} // for /* new Plot (tt, p_r.col(0), p_d.col(0), "Plot x vs. t (black-RK, red-DP)") new Plot (tt, p_r.col(1), p_d.col(1), "Plot y vs. t (black-RK, red-DP)") new Plot (tt, p_r.col(1), p_e.col(1), "Plot y vs. t (black-RK, red-EX)") new Plot (tt, p_d.col(1), p_e.col(1), "Plot y vs. t (black-DP, red-EX)") new Plot (p_d.col(0), p_d.col(1)) */ } // Pathway object