//::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.0 * @date Mon Oct 12 18:41:26 EDT 2009 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package scalation.activity import scalation.dynamics.Derivatives.Derivative import scalation.dynamics.DormandPrince.integrateV //import scalation.dynamics.RungeKutta.integrateV import scalation.linalgebra.VectorD import scalation.linalgebra_gen.VectorN import scalation.linalgebra_gen.Vectors.VectorI import scalation.random.{Sharp, Variate} //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `PetriNetRules` class is used to define firing rules for the PetriNet class. * It supports both constant flow and linear flow models of token (integer valued) * and fluid (real valued) flow. Typically, in the constant flow model, a base * flow vector is used for the threshold (require at least this number of tokens/amount * of fluid) and the flow (move this number this number of tokens/amount of fluid * over the arc). It is also possible to set the flow below the threshold. * In the the linear flow model, a base flow vector can be augmented by additional * flow that is a function of the residual left after the base is taken and the * time it takes to fire the transition. The total flow may not exceed the the * number/amount at the place. Additional flow models are under development. */ trait PetriNetRules { //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return whether the vector inequality is true: t >= b. * The firing threshold should be checked for every incoming arc. * If all return true, the transition should fire. * @param t the token vector (number of tokens per color) * @param b the base constant vector */ def thresholdI (t: VectorI, b: VectorI): Boolean = t >= b //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return whether the vector inequality is true: f >= b. * The firing threshold should be checked for every incoming arc. * If all return true, the transition should fire. * @param f The fluid vector (amount of fluid per color) * @param b The base constant vector */ def thresholdD (f: VectorD, b: VectorD): Boolean = f >= b //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Function to compute the delay in firing a transition. * The base time is given by a random variate. * This is adjusted by weight vectors multiplying the number of * aggregate tokens and the aggregate amount of fluids summed over * all input places: delay = v + w_t * t + w_f * f. * @param v the random variate used to compute base firing time * @param w_t the weight for the token vector * @param t the aggregate token vector (summed over all input places) * @param w_f the weight for the fluid vector * @param f the aggregate fluid level vector (summed over all input places) */ def calcFiringDelay (v: Variate, w_t: VectorD, t: VectorI, w_f: VectorD, f: VectorD): Double = { var delay = v.gen if (w_t != null) delay += w_t dot t.toDouble if (w_f != null) delay += w_f dot f delay } // calcFiringTime //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the number of tokens to flow over an arc according to the * vector expression: b + r * (t-b) * d. If d is 0, returns b. * Supports linear (w.r.t. time delay) and constant (d == 0) flow models. * @param t the token vector (number of tokens per color) * @param b the constant vector for base token flow * @param r the rate vector (number of tokens per unit time) * @param d the time delay */ def tokenFlow (t: VectorI, b: VectorI, r: VectorI = null, d: Double = 0): VectorI = { var tt = new VectorI (b.dim) if (d == 0 || r == null) { tt = b } else { for (i <- 0 until b.dim) tt(i) = b(i) + ((r(i) * (t(i) - b(i))).toDouble * d).toInt } // if t min tt } // tokenFlow //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the amount of fluid to flow over an arc according to the * vector expression: b + r * (f-b) * d. If r is 0, returns b. * Supports linear (w.r.t. time delay) and constant (d == 0) flow models. * @param f the fluid vector (amount of fluid per color) * @param b the constant vector for base fluid flow * @param r the rate vector (amounts of fluids per unit time) * @param d the time delay */ def fluidFlow (f: VectorD, b: VectorD, r: VectorD = null, d: Double = 0): VectorD = { f min (if (d == 0 || r == null) b else b + r * (f - b) * d) } // fluidFlow //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the amount of fluid to flow over an arc according to the * system of first-order Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE's): * "integral derv from t0 to t". Supports ODE base flow models. * @param f the fluid vector (amount of fluid per color) * @param derv the array of derivative functions * @param t0 the current time * @param d the time delay */ def fluidFlow (f: VectorD, derv: Array [Derivative], t0: Double, d: Double): VectorD = { println ("fluidFlow: f = " + f + " t0 = " + t0 + " t = " + (t0 + d)) val g = integrateV (derv, f, t0 + d, t0) println ("fluidFlow: f = " + f + " g = " + g + " t0 = " + t0 + " t = " + (t0 + d)) f min (g - f) } // fluidFlow } // PetriNetRules trait //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `PetriNetRulesTest` object is used to test the `PetriNetRules` trait. */ object PetriNetRulesTest extends App with PetriNetRules { //:: Set the initial time. val t0 = 1.0 //:: Set sample values for tokens. val t = VectorN (5, 4) // tokens val r_t = VectorN (1, 1) // rates val b_t = VectorN (1, 2) // base requirement val w_t = VectorD (.01, .01) // weight //:: Set sample values for fluid. val f = VectorD (5.5, 4.5) // fluid levels val r_f = VectorD (.5, 1.0) // rates val b_f = VectorD (1.5, 2.5) // base requirement val w_f = VectorD (.01, .01) // weight //:: Test the firing rules. println ("\n *** Show initial conditions\n") println ("Token vector t = " + t) println ("Rate vector r_t = " + r_t) println ("Base token flow b_t = " + b_t) println ("Fluid vector f = " + f) println ("Rate vector f_t = " + r_t) println ("Base fluid flow b_f = " + b_f) println ("\n *** Test token and fluid firing thresholds (t >= b_t)\n") println ("Token threshold: tokens required: " + thresholdI (t, b_t)) println ("Fluid threshold: fluids required: " + thresholdD (f, b_f)) println ("\n *** Test firing firing delay\n") val d = calcFiringDelay (Sharp (1), w_t, t, w_f, f) println ("Firing delay: time for transition: " + d) println ("\n *** Test token and fluid flows: constant flow model (b)\n") println ("Token flow: place to transition: " + tokenFlow (t, b_t)) println ("Fluid flow: place to transition: " + fluidFlow (f, b_f)) println ("Token flow: transition to place: " + tokenFlow (t, b_t)) println ("Fluid flow: transition to place: " + fluidFlow (f, b_f)) println ("\n *** Test token and fluid flows: linear flow model (b + r * (t - b) * d\n") println ("Token flow: place to transition: " + tokenFlow (t, b_t, r_t, d)) println ("Fluid flow: place to transition: " + fluidFlow (f, b_f, r_f, d)) println ("Token flow: transition to place: " + tokenFlow (t, b_t, r_t, d)) println ("Fluid flow: transition to place: " + fluidFlow (f, b_f, r_f, d)) println ("\n *** Test fluid flows: differential flow model integral derv\n") def derv1 (t: Double, y: Double) = y def derv2 (t: Double, y: Double) = 2.0 * y val dervs = Array [Derivative] (derv1, derv2) println ("Fluid flow: place to transition: " + fluidFlow (f, dervs, t0, d)) } // PetriNetRulesTest