//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.0 * @date Mon Jan 21 14:43:50 EST 2013 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). * @see http://page.mi.fu-berlin.de/rojas/neural/chapter/K7.pdf */ // U N D E R D E V E L O P M E N T package scalation.analytics import math.exp import util.control.Breaks.{break, breakable} import scalation.analytics.Perceptron.sigmoid import scalation.linalgebra.{MatrixD, VectorD} import scalation.linalgebra.MatrixD.outer import scalation.random.Random import scalation.util.Error //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `NeuralNet` class supports basic 3-layer (input, hidden and output) Neural * Networks. Given several input and output vectors (training data), fit the weights * connecting the layers, so that for a new input vector 'zi', the net can predict * the output vector 'zo' ('zh' is the itermediate value at the hidden layer), i.e., *

* zi --> zh = f (w * zi) --> zo = g (v * zh) *

* Note, w_0 and v_0 are treated as biases, so zi_0 and zh_0 must be 1.0. * @param x the input matrix (training data consisting of m input vectors) * @param y the output matrix (training data consisting of m output vectors) * @param h the number of neurons in the hidden layer * @param eta the learning/convergence rate */ class NeuralNet (x: MatrixD, y: MatrixD, h: Int, eta: Double = 1.0) extends Predictor with Error { private val MAX_ITER = 200 // maximum number of iterations private val EPSILON = 1E-6 // number close to zero private val DEBUG = true // debug flag private val m = x.dim1 // number of data points private val n = x.dim2 // dimensionality of the input private val p = y.dim2 // dimensionality of the output private val hh = new MatrixD (m, h) // used to hold hidden layer values private val _11 = VectorD (1.0) if (y.dim1 != m) flaw ("constructor", "dimensions of x and y are incompatible") println ("Create a Neural Net with " + n + " input, " + h + " hidden, " + p + " output nodes") private var w: MatrixD = null // weight matrix between input and hidden layers private var v: MatrixD = null // weight matrix between hidden and output layers //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Set the initial weight matrices 'w and 'v' manually before training. * @param w0 the initial weights for w * @param v0 the initial weights for v */ def setWeights (w0: MatrixD, v0: MatrixD) { w = w0; v = v0 } //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Set the initial weight matrices 'w' and 'v' randomly with a value in (0, 1) * before training. * @param i the random number stream to use */ def setWeights (i: Int = 0) { val rn = new Random (i) // change i to get different random numbers w = new MatrixD (n, h) v = new MatrixD (h, p) for (i <- 0 until n; j <- 0 until h) w(i)(j) = rn.gen for (i <- 0 until h; j <- 0 until p) v(i)(j) = rn.gen } // setWeights //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Given training data 'x' and 'y', fit the weight matrices 'w' and 'v'. */ def train () { if (w == null) setWeights (); backProp () } //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Use back propogation to adjust the weight matrices 'w' and 'v' to make the * predictions more accurate. First adjust the 'v' weights (hidden to output layer) * and then move back to adjust the 'w' weights (input to hidden layer). * @see http://www4.rgu.ac.uk/files/chapter3%20-%20bp.pdf * @see http://ufldl.stanford.edu/wiki/index.php/Backpropagation_Algorithm */ def backProp () { breakable { for (k <- 0 until MAX_ITER) { // kth learning phase var sse = 0.0 // sum error over layers for (i <- 0 until m) hh(i) = _11 ++ sigmoid (w * x(i)) // values for hidden layer sse += minimizeError (hh, y, v) // adjust v weights (hidden -> output) sse += minimizeError (x, hh, w) // adjust w weights (input -> hidden) println ("weights for " + k + "th phase: w = " + w + "\nv = " + v) if (sse < EPSILON) break // break when error is small enough }} // for } // backProp //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Minimize the error in the prediction by adjusting the weight vector 'w'. * The error 'eo' is simply the difference between the target value 'yi' and the * predicted value 'zo'. Mininize 1/2 of the dot product of error with itself * using gradient-descent. * @param xx the effective input layer training data/matrix * @param yy the effective output layer training data/matrix * @param ww the weights between these two layers */ def minimizeError (xx: MatrixD, yy: MatrixD, ww: MatrixD): Double = { val _1 = new VectorD (yy.dim2); _1.set (1.0) // one vector var sse = 0.0 // 1/2 sum of squared errors for (i <- 0 until m) { // for each example in training set val xi = xx(i) // ith input value (vector) val yi = yy(i) // ith target output value (vector) val zo = sigmoid (ww * xi) // ith predicted output value (vector) val eo = yi - zo // error = target - predicted val gr = outer (xi, eo * zo * (_1 - zo)) // -gradients of 1/2 dot product of error println (gr.dim1 + ", " + gr.dim2) w += gr * eta // adjust w weights (input -> output) sse += .5 * (eo dot eo) if (DEBUG) println ("error eo = " + eo + " = [ yi = " + yi + " - zo = " + zo + " ]") } // for sse } // minimizeError //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the fit (weigth matrix 'w' and weigth matrix 'v'). */ def fit: Tuple2 [MatrixD, MatrixD] = (w, v) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Given an input vector 'zi', predict the output/response vector 'zo'. * For the hidden to output layer bias, prepend the hidden values with a one (_11). * @param zi the new input vector */ def predictAll (zi: VectorD): VectorD = { val zh = _11 ++ sigmoid (w * zi) // augmented hidden values sigmoid (v * zh) // predicted output values } // predictAll //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Given an input vector 'zi', predict the output/response scalar 'zo(0)'. * May use this method if the output is one dimensional or interested in 1st value. * @param zi the new input vector */ def predict (zi: VectorD): Double = predictAll (zi)(0) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Given several input vectors 'zi', predict the output/response vectors 'zo'. * @param zi the new input vectors (stored as rows in a matrix) */ def predictAll (zi: MatrixD): MatrixD = { null // FIX: to be implemented } // predictAll //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Given several input vectors 'zi', predict the output/response vector 'zo(0)'. * May use this method if the output is one dimensional or interested in 1st value. * @param zi the new input vectors (stored as rows in a matrix) */ def predict (zi: MatrixD): VectorD = predictAll (zi)(0) } // NeuralNet class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `NeuralNetTest` object is used to test the `NeuralNet` class. For this * test, the initial weights are used for used for prediction. */ object NeuralNetTest extends App { val x = new MatrixD (1, 3) // training data - input vectors (not used) val y = new MatrixD (1, 3) // training data - output vectors (not used) val ann = new NeuralNet (x, y, 2) // create a Neural Net val w = new MatrixD ((2, 3), 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, // weight matrix w (input to hidden layer) 0.0, 0.5, 0.5) val v = new MatrixD ((2, 3), 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, // weight matrix v (hidden to output layer) 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) ann.setWeights (w, v) // set intial weights and biases val zi = VectorD (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) // predict output zo from input zi println ("input vector: zi = " + zi) println ("output vector: zo = " + ann.predictAll (zi)) } // NeuralNetTest object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `NeuralNetTest2` object is used to test the `NeuralNet` class. For this * test, training data is used to fit the weights before using them for prediction. * @see http://www4.rgu.ac.uk/files/chapter3%20-%20bp.pdf */ object NeuralNetTest2 extends App { val x = new MatrixD ((1, 3), 1.0, 0.35, 0.9) // training data - input vectors val y = new MatrixD ((1, 1), .5) // training data - output vectors val ann = new NeuralNet (x, y, 2) // create a Neural Net val w = new MatrixD ((2, 3), 0.0, 0.1, 0.4, // weight matrix w (input to hidden layer) 0.0, 0.8, 0.6) val v = new MatrixD ((1, 3), 0,0, 0.3, 0.9) // weight matrix v (hidden to output layer) ann.setWeights (w, v) // set intial weights println ("input vector: x(0) = " + x(0)) println ("=== target output vector: y(0) = " + y(0)) println ("--- initial output vector: zo = " + ann.predictAll (x(0))) ann.train () // fit the weights using training data println ("+++ trained output vector: zo = " + ann.predictAll (x(0))) } // NeuralNetTest2 object