//::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.0 * @date Wed Jun 6 14:30:32 EDT 2012 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package scalation.analytics import math.abs import scalation.linalgebra.MatrixD import scalation.random.Bernoulli import scalation.random.Randi0 //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `RandomGraph` class generates random undirected graphs with clusters * (as adjacency matrices). * @param n the number of nodes in the graph * @param p the probability that any two nodes are connected * @param c the number of clusters to generate */ class RandomGraph (n: Int, p: Double, c: Int) { private val g = new MatrixD (n, n) // adjacency matrix representation of graph private val coin = Bernoulli (p) // a baised coin (p = probability of head(1)) private val pick = Randi0 (n-1) // random integer generator: 0, ..., n-1 //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Generate a cluster random graph returning its adjacency matrix. */ def gen (): MatrixD = { for (i <- 0 until g.dim1; j <- 0 until g.dim2 if i > j) { g(i, j) = coin.gen; g(j, i) = g(i, j) } // for for (k <- 0 until c) { val ic = pick.igen var jc = 0 do jc = pick.igen while (abs (jc - ic) < 3) println ("cluster " + k + " at (" + ic, ", " + jc + ")") g(ic, jc) = 1.0 if (ic > 0) { g(ic-1, jc) = 1.0 - coin.gen; g(jc, ic-1) = g(ic-1, jc) } if (ic > 1) { g(ic-2, jc) = 1.0 - coin.gen; g(jc, ic-2) = g(ic-2, jc) } if (ic < n-1) { g(ic+1, jc) = 1.0 - coin.gen; g(jc, ic+1) = g(ic+1, jc) } if (ic < n-2) { g(ic+2, jc) = 1.0 - coin.gen; g(jc, ic+2) = g(ic+2, jc) } if (jc > 0) { g(ic, jc-1) = 1.0 - coin.gen; g(jc-1, ic) = g(ic, jc-1) } if (jc > 1) { g(ic, jc-2) = 1.0 - coin.gen; g(jc-2, ic) = g(ic, jc-2) } if (jc < n-1) { g(ic, jc+1) = 1.0 - coin.gen; g(jc+1, ic) = g(ic, jc+1) } if (jc < n-2) { g(ic, jc+2) = 1.0 - coin.gen; g(jc+2, ic) = g(ic, jc+2) } } // for g } // gen } // RandomGraph //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `RandomGraphTest` object is used to test the `RandomGraph` class. */ object RandomGraphTest extends App { val rg = new RandomGraph (20, .1, 5) println ("graph = " + rg.gen ()) } // RandomGraphTestTest