//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.0 * @date Sat May 22 15:24:17 EDT 2010 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package scalation.linalgebra_gen import collection.mutable.LinkedEntry import reflect.ClassTag import scalation.math.Basic.oneIf import scalation.util.{Error, SortedLinkedHashMap} //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `SparseMatrices` object contains convenience definitions for commonly used * types of sparse matrices. */ object SparseMatrices { type SparseMatrixI = SparseMatrixN [Int] type SparseMatrixL = SparseMatrixN [Long] type SparseMatrixF = SparseMatrixN [Float] // type SparseMatrixD = SparseMatrixN [Double] // see linalgebra package for efficient impl // type SparseMatrixC = SparseMatrixN [Complex] // see linalgebra package for efficient impl } // SparseMatrices object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `SparseMatrixN` class stores and operates on Numeric Matrices of various * sizes and types. The element type may be any subtype of Numeric. Rather * than storing the matrix as a 2 dimensional array, it is stored as an array * of list-maps, which record all the non-zero values for each particular row, * along with their j-index. * @param d1 the first/row dimension * @param d2 the second/column dimension * @param _0 the value zero for type T */ class SparseMatrixN [T: ClassTag: Numeric] (d1: Int, d2: Int, _0: T) extends Matrix [T] with Error with Serializable { /** Dimension 1 */ lazy val dim1 = d1 /** Dimension 2 */ lazy val dim2 = d2 /** Type definition for matrix rows */ type RowMap = SortedLinkedHashMap [Int, T] /** Store the matrix as an array of sorted-linked-maps {(j, v)} * where j is the second index and v is value to store */ private val v = new Array [RowMap] (d1) for (i <- 0 until d1) v(i) = new RowMap () /** Import Numeric evidence (nu value from superclass) */ val nu = implicitly [Numeric [T]] import nu._ /** Numeric one (1) */ val _1 = nu.one /** Numeric minus one (-1) */ val _1n = -_1 //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Construct a dim1 by dim2 sparse matrix from an array of sorted-linked-maps. * @param dim1 the row dimension * @param dim2 the column dimension * @param u the array of sorted-linked-maps * @param _0 the value zero for type T */ def this (dim1: Int, dim2: Int, u: Array [SortedLinkedHashMap [Int, T]], _0: T) { this (dim1, dim2, _0: T) if (u.length != dim1) flaw ("contructor", "dimension is not matched!") for (i <- 0 until dim1) v(i) = u(i) } // constructor //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Construct a dim1 by dim1 square sparse matrix. * @param dim1 the row and column dimension * @param _0 the value zero for type T */ def this (dim1: Int, _0: T) { this (dim1, dim1, _0) } //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Construct a dim1 by dim2 sparse matrix and assign each element the value x. * @param dim1 the row dimension * @param dim2 the column dimesion * @param x the scalar value to assign * @param _0 the value zero for type T */ def this (dim1: Int, dim2: Int, x: T, _0: T) { this (dim1, dim2, _0) // invoke primary constructor if (x != _0) for (i <- range1; j <- range2.reverse) v(i)(j) = x } // constructor //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Construct a dim1 by dim1 square sparse matrix with x assigned on the diagonal * and 0 assigned off the diagonal. To obtain an identity matrix, let x = 1. * @param dim1 the row and column dimension * @param x the scalar value to assign on the diagonal * @param _0 the value zero for type T */ def this (dim1: Int, x: T, _0: T) { this (dim1, dim1, _0) // invoke primary constructor if (x != _0) for (i <- range1) v(i)(i) = x } // constructor //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Construct a sparse matrix and assign values from matrix u. * @param u the matrix of values to assign * @param _0 the value zero for type T */ def this (u: SparseMatrixN [T], _0: T) { this (u.dim1, u.dim2, _0) // invoke primary constructor for (i <- range1; j <- range2) this(i, j) = u(i, j) } // constructor //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Construct a sparse matrix and assign values from (MatrixN) matrix u. * @param u the matrix of values to assign * @param _0 the value zero for type T */ def this (u: MatrixN [T], _0: T) { this (u.dim1, u.dim2, _0) // invoke primary constructor for (i <- range1; j <- range2) this(i, j) = u(i, j) } // constructor //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Construct a sparse matrix and assign values from (SymTriMatrixN) matrix u. * @param u the matrix of values to assign * @param _0 the value zero for type T */ def this (u: SymTriMatrixN [T], _0: T) { this (u.d1, u.d1, _0) // invoke primary constructor this(0, 0) = u.dg(0) this(0, 1) = u.sd(0) for (i<-1 until dim1-1) { this(i, i - 1) = u.sd(i - 1) this(i, i) = u.dg(i) this(i, i + 1) = u.sd(i) } // for this(dim1 - 1, dim1 - 2) = u.sd(dim1 - 2) this(dim1 - 1, dim1 - 1) = u.dg(dim1 - 1) } // constructor //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Get this matrix's element at the i,j-th index position. * @param i the row index * @param j the column index */ def apply (i: Int, j: Int): T = if (v(i) contains j) v(i)(j) else _0 //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Get this matrix's vector at the i-th index position (i-th row). * @param i the row index */ def apply (i: Int): VectorN [T] = { val a = Array.ofDim [T] (dim2) for (j <- 0 until dim2) a(j) = this(i, j) new VectorN [T] (a) } // apply //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Get a slice this matrix row-wise on range ir and column-wise on range jr. * Ex: b = a(2..4, 3..5) * @param ir the row range * @param jr the column range */ def apply (ir: Range, jr: Range): SparseMatrixN [T] = slice (ir.start, ir.end, jr.start, jr.end) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Get a slice this matrix row-wise on range ir and column-wise at index j. * Ex: u = a(2..4, 3) * @param ir the row range * @param j the column index */ def apply (ir: Range, j: Int): VectorN [T] = col(j)(ir) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Get a slice this matrix row-wise at index i and column-wise on range jr. * Ex: u = a(2, 3..5) * @param i the row index * @param jr the column range */ def apply (i: Int, jr: Range): VectorN [T] = this(i)(jr) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Set this matrix's element at the i,j-th index position to the scalar x. * Only store x if it is non-zero. * @param i the row index * @param j the column index * @param x the scalar value to assign */ def update (i: Int, j: Int, x: T) { if (x != _0) v(i)(j) = x else v(i) -= j } //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Set this matrix's row at the i-th index position to the vector u. * @param i the row index * @param u the vector value to assign */ def update (i: Int, u: VectorN [T]) { for (j <- 0 until u.dim) { val x = u(j) if (x != _0) v(i)(j) = x else v(i) -= j } // for } // update //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Set this matrix's row at the i-th index position to the list-map u. * @param i the row index * @param u the list-map of non-zreo values to assign */ def update (i: Int, u: RowMap) { v(i) = u } //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Set a slice this matrix row-wise on range ir and column-wise on range jr. * Ex: a(2..4, 3..5) = b * @param ir the row range * @param jr the column range * @param b the matrix to assign */ def update (ir: Range, jr: Range, b: SparseMatrixN [T]) { for (i <- ir; j <- jr) this(i, j) = b(i-ir.start, j-jr.start) } // update //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Set a slice this matrix row-wise on range ir and column-wise at index j. * Ex: a(2..4, 3) = u * @param ir the row range * @param j the column index * @param u the vector to assign */ def update (ir: Range, j: Int, u: VectorN [T]) { col(j)(ir) = u } //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Set a slice this matrix row-wise at index i and column-wise on range jr. * Ex: a(2, 3..5) = u * @param i the row index * @param jr the column range * @param u the vector to assign */ def update (i: Int, jr: Range, u: VectorN [T]) { this(i)(jr) = u } //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Set all the elements in this matrix to the scalar x. * @param x the scalar value to assign */ def set (x: T) { throw new NoSuchMethodException ("use a dense matrix instead") } // set //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Set all the values in this matrix as copies of the values in 2D array u. * @param u the 2D array of values to assign */ def set (u: Array [Array [T]]) { for (i <- range1; j <- range2) this(i, j) = u(i)(j) } // set //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Set this matrix's ith row starting at column j to the vector u. * @param i the row index * @param u the vector value to assign * @param j the starting column index */ def set (i: Int, u: VectorN [T], j: Int = 0) { for (k <- 0 until u.dim) this(i, k+j) = u(k) } // set //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Slice this matrix row-wise from to end. * @param from the start row of the slice * @param end the end row of the slice */ def slice (from: Int, end: Int): SparseMatrixN [T] = { val c = new SparseMatrixN [T] (end - from, dim2, _0) for (i <- 0 until c.dim1) c(i) = this(i + from) c } // slice //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Slice this matrix row-wise r_from to r_end and column-wise c_from to c_end. * @param r_from the start of the row slice * @param r_end the end of the row slice * @param c_from the start of the column slice * @param c_end the end of the column slice */ def slice (r_from: Int, r_end: Int, c_from: Int, c_end: Int): SparseMatrixN [T] = { val c = new SparseMatrixN [T] (r_end - r_from, c_end - c_from, _0) for (i <- 0 until c.dim1; j <- 0 until c.dim2) c(i, j) = this(i + r_from, j + c_from) c } // slice //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Slice this matrix excluding the given row and column. * @param row the row to exclude * @param col the column to exclude */ def sliceExclude (row: Int, col: Int): SparseMatrixN [T] = { val c = new SparseMatrixN [T] (dim1 - 1, dim2 - 1, _0) for (i <- range1 if i != row) for (j <- range2 if j != col) { if (v(i) contains j) c.v(i - oneIf (i > row))(j - oneIf (j > col)) = this(i, j) } // for c } // sliceExclude //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Select rows from this matrix according to the given index/basis. * @param rowIndex the row index positions (e.g., (0, 2, 5)) */ def selectRows (rowIndex: Array [Int]): SparseMatrixN [T] = { val c = new SparseMatrixN [T] (rowIndex.length, dim2, _0) for (i <- c.range1) c(i) = this(rowIndex(i)) c } // selectRows //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Get column 'col' from the matrix, returning it as a vector. * @param col the column to extract from the matrix * @param from the position to start extracting from */ def col (col: Int, from: Int = 0): VectorN [T] = { val u = new VectorN [T] (dim1 - from) for (i <- from until dim1) u(i-from) = this(i, col) u } // col //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Set column 'col' of the matrix to a vector. * @param col the column to set * @param u the vector to assign to the column */ def setCol (col: Int, u: VectorN [T]) { for (i <- range1) this(i, col) = u(i) } //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Select columns from this matrix according to the given index/basis. * Ex: Can be used to divide a matrix into a basis and a non-basis. * @param colIndex the column index positions (e.g., (0, 2, 5)) */ def selectCols (colIndex: Array [Int]): SparseMatrixN [T] = { val c = new SparseMatrixN [T] (dim1, colIndex.length, _0) for (j <- c.range2) c.setCol (j, col(colIndex(j))) c } // selectCols //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Transpose this matrix (rows => columns). */ def t: SparseMatrixN [T] = { val b = new SparseMatrixN [T] (dim2, dim1, _0) for (i <- b.range2; e <- v(i)) b(e._1, i) = e._2 b } // t //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Concatenate this sparse matrix and vector u. * @param u the vector to be concatenated as the new last row in matrix */ def ++ (u: VectorN [T]): SparseMatrixN [T] = { if (u.dim != dim2) flaw ("++", "vector does not match row dimension") val c = new SparseMatrixN [T] (dim1 + 1, dim2, _0) for (i <- c.range1) c(i) = if (i < dim1) this(i) else u c } // ++ //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Add this sparse matrix and sparse matrix b. * @param b the matrix to add (requires sameCrossDimensions) */ def + (b: SparseMatrixN [T]): SparseMatrixN [T] = { val c = new SparseMatrixN [T] (this, _0) for (i <- range1; e <- b.v(i)) c(i, e._1) += e._2 c } // + //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Add this matrix and matrix b. * @param b the matrix to add (requires leDimensions) */ def + (b: Matrix [T]): SparseMatrixN [T] = { val c = new SparseMatrixN [T] (dim1, dim2, _0) for (i <- c.range1; j <- c.range2) c(i, j) = this(i, j) + b(i, j) c } // + //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Add this matrix and scalar x. * @param x the scalar to add */ def + (x: T): SparseMatrixN [T] = { val c = new SparseMatrixN [T] (dim1, dim2, _0) for (i <- c.range1; j <- c.range2) c(i, j) = this(i, j) + x c } // + //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Add in-place this sparse matrix and sparse matrix b. * @param b the matrix to add (requires sameCrossDimensions) */ def += (b: SparseMatrixN [T]): SparseMatrixN [T] = { for (i <- range1; e <- b.v(i)) this(i, e._1) = this(i, e._1) + e._2 this } // += //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Add in-place this matrix and matrix b. * @param b the matrix to add (requires leDimensions) */ def += (b: Matrix [T]): SparseMatrixN [T] = { for (i <- range1; j <- range2) this(i, j) = this(i, j) + b(i, j) this } // += //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Add in-place this matrix and scalar x. * @param x the scalar to add */ def += (x: T): SparseMatrixN [T] = { for (i <- range1; j <- range2) this(i, j) = this(i, j) + x this } // += //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** From this sparse matrix substract matrix b. * @param b the sparse matrix to subtract (requires sameCrossDimensions) */ def - (b: SparseMatrixN [T]): SparseMatrixN [T] = { val c = new SparseMatrixN [T] (this, _0) for (i <- range1; e <- b.v(i)) c(i, e._1) -= e._2 c } // - //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** From this matrix subtract matrix b. * @param b the matrix to subtract (requires leDimensions) */ def - (b: Matrix [T]): SparseMatrixN [T] = { val c = new SparseMatrixN [T] (dim1, dim2, _0) for (i <- c.range1; j <- c.range2) c(i, j) = this(i, j) - b(i, j) c } // - //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** From this matrix subtract scalar x. * @param x the scalar to subtract */ def - (x: T): SparseMatrixN [T] = { val c = new SparseMatrixN [T] (dim1, dim2, _0) for (i <- c.range1; j <- c.range2) c(i, j) = this(i, j) - x c } // - //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** From this sparse matrix substract in-place sparse matrix b. * @param b the sparse matrix to subtract (requires sameCrossDimensions) */ def -= (b: SparseMatrixN [T]): SparseMatrixN [T] = { for (i <- range1; e <- b.v(i)) this(i, e._1) = this(i, e._1) - e._2 this } // -= //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** From this matrix subtract in-place matrix b. * @param b the matrix to subtract (requires leDimensions) */ def -= (b: Matrix [T]): SparseMatrixN [T] = { for (i <- range1; j <- range2) this(i, j) = this(i, j) - b(i, j) this } // -= //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** From this matrix subtract in-place scalar x. * @param x the scalar to subtract */ def -= (x: T): SparseMatrixN [T] = { for (i <- range1; j <- range2) this(i, j) = this(i, j) - x this } // -= //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Multiply this sparse matrix by sparse matrix b, by performing a merge * operation on the rows on this sparse matrix and the transpose of the * b matrix. * @param b the matrix to multiply by (requires sameCrossDimensions) */ def * (b: SparseMatrixN [T]): SparseMatrixN [T] = { if (dim2 != b.dim1) flaw ("*", "matrix * matrix - incompatible cross dimensions") val c = new SparseMatrixN [T] (dim1, b.dim2, _0) val bt = b.t // transpose the b matrix (for row access) for (i <- c.range1) { var ea: LinkedEntry [Int, T] = null var eb: LinkedEntry [Int, T] = null for (j <- c.range2) { ea = v(i).getFirstEntry() eb = bt.v(j).getFirstEntry() var cont = false var itaNext = false // more elements in row of this matrix? var itbNext = false // more elements in row of bt matrix? var sum = _0 if (ea != null && eb != null) cont = true while (cont) { if (itaNext) ea = ea.later if (itbNext) eb = eb.later if (ea.key == eb.key) { // matching indexes sum += ea.value * eb.value itaNext = true; itbNext = true } else if (ea.key > eb.key) { itaNext = false; itbNext = true } else if (ea.key < eb.key) { itaNext = true; itbNext = false } // if if (itaNext && ea.later == null) cont = false if (itbNext && eb.later == null) cont = false } // while if (sum != _0) c(i, j) = sum // assign if non-zero } // for } // for c } // * //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Multiply this matrix by matrix b. * @param b the matrix to multiply by (requires sameCrossDimensions) */ def * (b: Matrix [T]): SparseMatrixN [T] = { val c = new SparseMatrixN [T] (dim1, b.dim2, _0) for (i <- c.range1; j <- c.range2) { var sum = _0 for (e <- v(i)) sum += e._2 * b(e._1, j) c(i, j) = sum } // for c } // * //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Multiply this matrix by vector u. * @param u the vector to multiply by */ def * (u: VectorN [T]): VectorN [T] = { val c = new VectorN [T] (dim1) for (i <- range1) { var sum = _0 for (e <- v(i)) sum += e._2 * u(e._1) c(i) = sum } // for c } // * //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Multiply this matrix by scalar x. * @param x the scalar to multiply by */ def * (x: T): SparseMatrixN [T] = { val c = new SparseMatrixN [T] (dim1, dim2, _0) for (i <- range1; e <- v(i)) c(i, e._1) = x * e._2 c } // * //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Multiply in-place this sparse matrix by sparse matrix b, by performing a * merge operation on the rows on this sparse matrix and the transpose of * the b matrix. * @param b the matrix to multiply by (requires square and sameCrossDimensions) */ def *= (b: SparseMatrixN [T]): SparseMatrixN [T] = { if (! b.isSquare) flaw ("*=", "matrix b must be square") if (dim2 != b.dim1) flaw ("*=", "matrix *= matrix - incompatible cross dimensions") val bt = b.t // transpose the b matrix (for row access) for (i <- range1) { var ea: LinkedEntry[Int, T] = null var eb: LinkedEntry[Int, T] = null val temp = new RowMap () for (e <- v(i)) temp(e._1) = e._2 // copy a new SortedLinkedHashMap for (j <- range2) { ea = temp.getFirstEntry () eb = bt.v(j).getFirstEntry () var cont = false var itaNext = false // more elements in row of this matrix? var itbNext = false // more elements in row of bt matrix? var sum = _0 if (ea != null && eb != null) cont = true while (cont) { if (itaNext) ea = ea.later if (itbNext) eb = eb.later if (ea.key == eb.key) { // matching indexes sum += ea.value * eb.value itaNext = true; itbNext = true } else if (ea.key > eb.key) { itaNext = false; itbNext = true } else if (ea.key < eb.key) { itaNext = true; itbNext = false } // if if (itaNext && ea.later == null) cont = false if (itbNext && eb.later == null) cont = false } // while this(i, j) = sum // assign if non-zero } // for } // for this } // *= //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Multiply in-place this matrix by matrix b. If b and this reference the * same matrix (b == this), a copy of the this matrix is made. * @param b the matrix to multiply by (requires sameCrossDimensions) */ def *= (b: Matrix [T]): SparseMatrixN [T] = { if (! b.isSquare) flaw ("*=", "matrix b must be square") if (dim2 != b.dim1) flaw ("*=", "matrix *= matrix - incompatible cross dimensions") for (i <- range1) { val temp = new RowMap () // save so not overwritten for (e <- v(i)) temp(e._1) = e._2 for (j <- range2) { var sum = _0 for (e <- temp) sum += e._2 * b(e._1, j) this(i, j) = sum } // for } // for this } // *= //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Multiply in-place this matrix by scalar x. * @param x the scalar to multiply by */ def *= (x: T): SparseMatrixN [T] = { for (i <- range1; j <- range2) this(i, j) = this(i, j) * x this } // *= //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Multiply this matrix by vector u to produce another matrix (a_ij * b_j) * @param u the vector to multiply by */ def ** (u: VectorN [T]): SparseMatrixN [T] = { val c = new SparseMatrixN [T] (dim1, dim2, _0) for (i <- c.range1; j <- c.range2) c(i, j) = this(i, j) * u(j) c } // ** //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Multiply in-place this matrix by vector u to produce another matrix (a_ij * b_j) * @param u the vector to multiply by */ def **= (u: VectorN [T]): SparseMatrixN [T] = { for (i <- range1; j <- range2) this(i, j) = this(i, j) * u(j) this } // **= //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Divide this sparse matrix by scalar x. * @param x the scalar to divide by */ def / (x: T) (implicit fr: Fractional [T]): SparseMatrixN [T] = { import fr._ val c = new SparseMatrixN [T] (dim1, dim2, _0) for (i <- range1; e <- v(i)) c(i, e._1) = e._2 / x c } // / //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Divide in-place this sparse matrix by scalar x. * @param x the scalar to divide by */ def /= (x: T) (implicit fr: Fractional [T]): SparseMatrixN [T] = { import fr._ for (i <- range1; e <- v(i)) this(i, e._1) = e._2 / x this } // /= //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Raise this sparse matrix to the pth power (for some integer p >= 2). * Caveat: should be replace by a divide and conquer algorithm. * @param p the power to raise this matrix to */ def ~^ (p: Int): SparseMatrixN [T] = { if (p < 2) flaw ("~^", "p must be an integer >= 2") if (! isSquare) flaw ("~^", "only defined on square matrices") var c = new SparseMatrixN [T] (this, _0) for (i <- 0 until p-1) c *= c c } // ~^ //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Find the maximum element in this sparse matrix. * @param e the ending row index (exclusive) for the search */ def max (e: Int = dim1): T = { var x = getMaxVal(v(0)) for (i <- 1 until e) { val max = getMaxVal (v(i)) if (max > x) x = max } // for x } // max //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Find the maximum element in SortedLinkHashMap. * @param u the SortedLinkHashMap for the search */ private def getMaxVal (u: RowMap): T = { var x = if (u contains 0) u(0) else _0 for (e <- u) if (e._2 > x) x = e._2 x } // getMaxVal //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Find the minimum element in this sparse matrix. * @param e the ending row index (exclusive) for the search */ def min (e: Int = dim1): T = { var x = getMinVal(v(0)) for (i <- 1 until e) { val min = getMinVal (v(i)) if (min < x) x = min } // for x } // min //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Find the minimum element in SortedLinkHashMap. * @param u the SortedLinkHashMap for the search */ private def getMinVal (u: RowMap): T = { var x = if (u contains 0) u(0) else _0 for (e <- u) if (e._2 < x) x = e._2 x } // getMinVal //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Find the magnitude of this matrix, the element value farthest from zero. */ def mag: T = nu.abs (max ()) max nu.abs (min ()) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Decompose this matrix into the product of lower and upper triangular * matrices (l, u) using the LU Decomposition algorithm. This version uses * partial pivoting. */ def lud (implicit fr: Fractional [T]): Tuple2 [SparseMatrixN [T], SparseMatrixN [T]] = { import fr._ val l = new SparseMatrixN [T] (dim1, dim2, _0) // lower triangular matrix val u = new SparseMatrixN [T] (this, _0) // upper triangular matrix (a copy of this) for (i <- u.range1) { var pivot = u(i, i) if (pivot == _0) { val k = partialPivoting (u, i) // find the maxiumum element below pivot swap (u, i, k, i) // swap rows i and k from column k pivot = u(i, i) // reset the pivot } // if l(i, i) = _1 for (j <- i + 1 until u.dim2) l(i, j) = _0 for (k <- i + 1 until u.dim1) { val mul = u(k, i) / pivot l(k, i) = mul for (j <- u.range2) u(k, j) = u(k, j) - mul * u(i, j) } // for } // for Tuple2 (l, u) } // lud //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Decompose in-place this matrix into the product of lower and upper triangular * matrices (l, u) using the LU Decomposition algorithm. This version uses * partial pivoting. */ def lud_ip (implicit fr: Fractional [T]): Tuple2 [SparseMatrixN [T], SparseMatrixN [T]] = { import fr._ val l = new SparseMatrixN [T] (dim1, dim2, _0) // lower triangular matrix val u = this // upper triangular matrix (this) for (i <- u.range1) { var pivot = u(i, i) if (pivot == _0) { val k = partialPivoting (u, i) // find the maxiumum element below pivot swap (u, i, k, i) // swap rows i and k from column k pivot = u(i, i) // reset the pivot } // if l(i, i) = _1 for (j <- i + 1 until u.dim2) l(i, j) = _0 for (k <- i + 1 until u.dim1) { val mul = u(k, i) / pivot l(k, i) = mul for (j <- u.range2) u(k, j) = u(k, j) - mul * u(i, j) } // for } // for Tuple2 (l, u) } // lud_ip //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Use partial pivoting to find a maximal non-zero pivot and return its row * index, i.e., find the maximum element (k, i) below the pivot (i, i). * @param a the matrix to perform partial pivoting on * @param i the row and column index for the current pivot */ private def partialPivoting (a: SparseMatrixN [T], i: Int) (implicit fr: Fractional [T]): Int = { import fr._ var max = a(i, i) // initially set to the pivot var kMax = i // initially the pivot row for (k <- i + 1 until a.dim1 if fr.abs (a(k, i)) > max) { max = fr.abs (a(k, i)) kMax = k } // for if (kMax == i) flaw ("partialPivoting", "unable to find a non-zero pivot") kMax } // partialPivoting //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Swap the elements in rows i and k starting from column col. * @param a the matrix containing the rows to swap * @param i the higher row (e.g., contains a zero pivot) * @param k the lower row (e.g., contains max element below pivot) * @param col the starting column for the swap */ private def swap (a: SparseMatrixN [T], i: Int, k: Int, col: Int) { for (j <- col until a.dim2) { val tmp = a(k, j); a(k, j) = a(i, j); a(i, j) = tmp } // for } // swap //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Solve for x in the equation l*u*x = b (see lud above). * @param l the lower triangular matrix * @param u the upper triangular matrix * @param b the constant vector */ def solve (l: Matrix [T], u: Matrix [T], b: VectorN [T]) (implicit fr: Fractional [T]): VectorN [T] = { import fr._ val y = new VectorN [T] (l.dim2) for (k <- 0 until y.dim) { // solve for y in l*y = b var sum = _0 for (j <- 0 until k) sum = sum + l(k, j) * y(j) y(k) = b(k) - sum } // for val x = new VectorN [T] (u.dim2) for (k <- x.dim - 1 to 0 by -1) { // solve for x in u*x = y var sum = _0 for (j <- k + 1 until u.dim2) sum = sum + u(k, j) * x(j) x(k) = (y(k) - sum) / u(k, k) } // for x } // solve //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Solve for x in the equation l*u*x = b (see lud above). * @param lu the lower and upper triangular matrices * @param b the constant vector */ def solve (lu: Tuple2 [Matrix [T], Matrix [T]], b: VectorN [T]) (implicit fr: Fractional [T]): VectorN [T] = { solve (lu._1, lu._2, b) } // solve //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Solve for x in the equation a*x = b where a is this matrix (see lud above). * @param b the constant vector. */ def solve (b: VectorN [T]) (implicit fr: Fractional [T]): VectorN [T] = { solve (lud, b) } // solve //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Combine this matrix with matrix b, placing them along the diagonal and * filling in the bottom left and top right regions with zeros; [this, b]. * @param b the matrix to combine with this matrix */ def diag (b: Matrix [T]): SparseMatrixN [T] = { val m = dim1 + b.dim1 val n = dim2 + b.dim2 val c = new SparseMatrixN [T] (m, n, _0) for (i <- 0 until m; j <- 0 until n) { c(i, j) = if (i < dim1 && j < dim2) this(i, j) else if (i >= dim1 && j >= dim2) b(i-dim1, j-dim2) else _0 } // for c } // diag //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Form a matrix [Ip, this, Iq] where Ir is a r by r identity matrix, by * positioning the three matrices Ip, this and Iq along the diagonal. * @param p the size of identity matrix Ip * @param q the size of identity matrix Iq */ def diag (p: Int, q: Int): SparseMatrixN [T] = { if (! isSymmetric) flaw ("diag", "this matrix must be symmetric") val n = dim1 + p + q val c = new SparseMatrixN [T] (n, n, _0) for (i <- 0 until n; j <- 0 until n) { c(i, j) = if (i < p || i > p + dim1) if (i == j) _1 else _0 else this(i-p, j-p) } // for c } // diag //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Get the kth diagonal of this matrix. Assumes dim2 >= dim1. * @param k how far above the main diagonal, e.g., (-1, 0, 1) for (sub, main, super) */ def getDiag (k: Int = 0): VectorN [T] = { val mm = dim1 - math.abs (k) val c = new VectorN [T] (mm) for (i <- 0 until mm) c(i) = this(i, i+k) c } // getDiag //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Set the kth diagonal of this matrix to the vector u. Assumes dim2 >= dim1. * @param u the vector to set the diagonal to * @param k how far above the main diagonal, e.g., (-1, 0, 1) for (sub, main, super) */ def setDiag (u: VectorN [T], k: Int = 0) { val mm = dim1 - math.abs (k) for (i <- 0 until mm) this(i, i+k) = u(i) } // setDiag //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Set the main diagonal of this matrix to the scalar x. Assumes dim2 >= dim1. * @param x the scalar to set the diagonal to */ def setDiag (x: T) { for (i <- range1) this(i, i) = x } //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Invert this matrix (requires a squareMatrix) and not using partial pivoting. */ def inverse_npp (implicit fr: Fractional [T]): SparseMatrixN [T] = { import fr._ val b = new SparseMatrixN [T] (this, _0) // copy this matrix into b val c = new SparseMatrixN [T] (dim1, _1, _0) // let c represent the augmentation for (i <- b.range1) { val pivot = b(i, i) if (pivot == _0) flaw ("inverse_npp", "use inverse since you have a zero pivot") for (j <- b.range2) { b(i, j) = b(i, j) / pivot c(i, j) = c(i, j) / pivot } // for for (k <- 0 until b.dim1 if k != i) { val mul = b(k, i) for (j <- b.range2) { b(k, j) = b(k, j) - mul * b(i, j) c(k, j) = c(k, j) - mul * c(i, j) } // for } // for } // for c } // inverse_npp //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Invert this matrix (requires a squareMatrix) using partial pivoting. */ def inverse (implicit fr: Fractional [T]): SparseMatrixN [T] = { import fr._ val b = new SparseMatrixN [T] (this, _0) // copy this matrix into b val c = new SparseMatrixN [T] (dim1, _1, _0) // let c represent the augmentation for (i <- b.range1) { var pivot = b(i, i) if (pivot == _0) { val k = partialPivoting (b, i) // find the maxiumum element below pivot swap (b, i, k, i) // in b, swap rows i and k from column i swap (c, i, k, 0) // in c, swap rows i and k from column 0 pivot = b(i, i) // reset the pivot } // if for (j <- b.range2) { b(i, j) = b(i, j) / pivot c(i, j) = c(i, j) / pivot } // for for (k <- 0 until dim1 if k != i) { val mul = b(k, i) for (j <- b.range2) { b(k, j) = b(k, j) - mul * b(i, j) c(k, j) = c(k, j) - mul * c(i, j) } // for } // for } // for c } // inverse //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Invert in-place this matrix (requires a squareMatrix). This version uses * partial pivoting. */ def inverse_ip (implicit fr: Fractional [T]): SparseMatrixN [T] = { import fr._ val b = this // use this matrix for b val c = new SparseMatrixN [T] (dim1, _1, _0) // let c represent the augmentation for (i <- b.range1) { var pivot = b(i, i) if (pivot == _0) { val k = partialPivoting (b, i) // find the maxiumum element below pivot swap (b, i, k, i) // in b, swap rows i and k from column i swap (c, i, k, 0) // in c, swap rows i and k from column 0 pivot = b(i, i) // reset the pivot } // if for (j <- b.range2) { b(i, j) = b(i, j) / pivot c(i, j) = c(i, j) / pivot } // for for (k <- 0 until dim1 if k != i) { val mul = b(k, i) for (j <- b.range2) { b(k, j) = b(k, j) - mul * b(i, j) c(k, j) = c(k, j) - mul * c(i, j) } // for } // for } // for c } // inverse_ip //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Use Gauss-Jordan reduction on this matrix to make the left part embed an * identity matrix. A constraint on this m by n matrix is that n >= m. */ def reduce (implicit fr: Fractional [T]): SparseMatrixN [T] = { import fr._ if (dim2 < dim1) flaw ("reduce", "requires n (columns) >= m (rows)") val b = new SparseMatrixN [T] (this, _0) // copy this matrix into b for (i <- b.range1) { var pivot = b(i, i) if (pivot == _0) { val k = partialPivoting (b, i) // find the maxiumum element below pivot swap (b, i, k, i) // in b, swap rows i and k from column i pivot = b(i, i) // reset the pivot } // if for (j <- b.range2) { b(i, j) = b(i, j) / pivot } // for for (k <- 0 until dim1 if k != i) { val mul = b(k, i) for (j <- b.range2) { b(k, j) = b(k, j) - mul * b(i, j) } // for } // for } // for b } // reduce //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Use Gauss-Jordan reduction in-place on this matrix to make the left part * embed an identity matrix. A constraint on this m by n matrix is that n >= m. */ def reduce_ip (implicit fr: Fractional [T]) { import fr._ if (dim2 < dim1) flaw ("reduce", "requires n (columns) >= m (rows)") val b = this // use this matrix for b for (i <- b.range1) { var pivot = b(i, i) if (pivot == _0) { val k = partialPivoting (b, i) // find the maxiumum element below pivot swap (b, i, k, i) // in b, swap rows i and k from column i pivot = b(i, i) // reset the pivot } // if for (j <- b.range2) { b(i, j) = b(i, j) / pivot } // for for (k <- 0 until dim1 if k != i) { val mul = b(k, i) for (j <- b.range2) { b(k, j) = b(k, j) - mul * b(i, j) } // for } // for } // for } // reduce_ip //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Clean values in matrix at or below the threshold by setting them to zero. * Iterative algorithms give approximate values and if very close to zero, * may throw off other calculations, e.g., in computing eigenvectors. * @param thres the cutoff threshold (a small value) * @param relative whether to use relative or absolute cutoff */ def clean (thres: T, relative: Boolean = true) (implicit fr: Fractional [T]): SparseMatrixN [T] = { val s = if (relative) mag else _1 // use matrix magnitude or 1 for (i <- range1; j <- range2) if (nu.abs (this(i, j)) <= thres * s) this(i, j) = _0 this } // clean //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the (right) nullspace of this m by n matrix (requires n = m + 1) * by performing Gauss-Jordan reduction and extracting the negation of the * last column augmented by 1. The nullspace of matrix a is "this vector v * times any scalar s", i.e., a*(v*s) = 0. The left nullspace of matrix a is * the same as the right nullspace of a.t (a transpose). */ def nullspace (implicit fr: Fractional [T]): VectorN [T] = { if (dim2 != dim1 + 1) flaw ("nullspace", "requires n (columns) = m (rows) + 1") reduce.col(dim2 - 1) * _1n ++ _1 } // nullspace //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the (right) nullspace in-place of this m by n matrix (requires n = m + 1) * by performing Gauss-Jordan reduction and extracting the negation of the * last column augmented by 1. The nullspace of matrix a is "this vector v * times any scalar s", i.e., a*(v*s) = 0. The left nullspace of matrix a is * the same as the right nullspace of a.t (a transpose). */ def nullspace_ip (implicit fr: Fractional [T]): VectorN [T] = { if (dim2 != dim1 + 1) flaw ("nullspace", "requires n (columns) = m (rows) + 1") reduce_ip col(dim2 - 1) * _1n ++ _1 } // nullspace_ip //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the trace of this matrix, i.e., the sum of the elements on the * main diagonal. Should also equal the sum of the eigenvalues. * @see Eigen.scala */ def trace: T = { if ( ! isSquare) flaw ("trace", "trace only works on square matrices") var sum = _0 for (i <- range1) sum += this(i, i) sum } // trace //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the sum of this matrix, i.e., the sum of its elements. */ def sum: T = { var sum = _0 for (i <- range1; j <- range2) sum += this(i, j) sum } // sum //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the sum of the lower triangular region of this matrix. */ def sumLower: T = { var sum = _0 for (i <- range1; j <- 0 until i) sum += this(i, j) sum } // sumLower //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the abs sum of this matrix, i.e., the sum of the absolute value * of its elements. This is useful for comparing matrices (a - b).sumAbs */ def sumAbs: T = { var sum = _0 for (i <- range1; j <- range2) sum += abs (this(i, j)) sum } // sumAbs //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the 1-norm of this matrix, i.e., the maximum 1-norm of the * column vectors. This is useful for comparing matrices (a - b).norm1 */ def norm1: T = { val c = new VectorN [T] (dim2) for (j <- range2) c(j) = col(j).norm1 c.max () } // norm1 //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the determinant of this matrix. */ def det: T = { if ( ! isSquare) flaw ("det", "determinant only works on square matrices") var sum = _0 var b: SparseMatrixN [T] = null for (j <- range2) { b = sliceExclude (0, j) // the submatrix that excludes row 0 and column j if (j % 2 == 0) { sum = sum + this(0, j) * (if (b.dim1 == 1) b(0, 0) else b.det) } else { sum = sum - this(0, j) * (if (b.dim1 == 1) b(0, 0) else b.det) } // if } // for sum } // det //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Check whether this matrix is rectangular (all rows have the same number * of columns). */ def isRectangular: Boolean = true //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Check whether this matrix is nonnegative (has no negative elements). */ def isNonnegative: Boolean = { for (i <- range1; j <- range2 if this(i, j) < _0) return false true } // isNonegative //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Show the non-zero elements in this sparse matrix. */ override def toString: String = { var sb = new StringBuilder ("\nSparseMatrixN(\t") for (i <- range1) { sb.append (v(i).toString) sb.append (if (i < dim1 - 1) ",\n\t\t" else ")") } // for sb.mkString } // toString //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Show all elements in this sparse matrix. */ def showAll { print ("SparseMatrixN(") for (i <- range1) { if (i > 0) print ("\t") print ("\t(") for (j <- range2) print (this(i, j).toString + (if (j < dim2 - 1) ", " else ")\n")) } // for println (")") } // showAll } // SparseMatrixN class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `SparseMatrixNTest` object is used to test the `SparseMatrixN` class. */ object SparseMatrixNTest extends App { import SparseMatrices._ val y = new SparseMatrixF (3, 3, 7.0f, 0.0f) val z = new SparseMatrixF (3, 8.0f, 0.0f) val a = y + z val b = y - z val c = y * z println ("y = " + y); y.showAll println ("z = " + z); z.showAll println ("y + z = " + a); a.showAll println ("y - z = " + b); b.showAll println ("y * z = " + c); c.showAll type RowMap = SortedLinkedHashMap [Int, Float] val x = new SparseMatrixF (12, 0.0f) x(0) = new RowMap ((1, 1.0f), (5, 1.0f), (6, 1.0f), (9, 1.0f)) x(1) = new RowMap ((0, 1.0f), (2, 1.0f), (4, 1.0f)) x(2) = new RowMap ((1, 1.0f), (3, 1.0f), (4, 1.0f)) x(3) = new RowMap ((2, 1.0f), (7, 1.0f), (8, 1.0f), (10, 1.0f)) x(4) = new RowMap ((1, 1.0f), (2, 1.0f), (6, 1.0f), (7, 1.0f)) x(5) = new RowMap ((0, 1.0f), (9, 1.0f)) x(6) = new RowMap ((0, 1.0f), (4, 1.0f), (9, 1.0f)) x(7) = new RowMap ((3, 1.0f), (4, 1.0f), (8, 1.0f), (10, 1.0f)) x(8) = new RowMap ((3, 1.0f), (7, 1.0f), (10, 1.0f), (11, 1.0f)) x(9) = new RowMap ((0, 1.0f), (5, 1.0f), (6, 1.0f)) x(10) = new RowMap ((3, 1.0f), (7, 1.0f), (8, 1.0f), (11, 1.0f)) x(11) = new RowMap ((8, 1.0f)) println ("x = " + x); x.showAll } // SparseMatrixNTest object