//::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.0 * @date Wed Sep 30 18:41:26 EDT 2009 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). * * Many of the algorithms used are from: * Averill M. Law and W. David Kelton * Simulation Modeling and Analysis, 2nd Edition * McGraw-Hill, Inc., NY, 1991. */ package scalation.random import math.{ceil, exp, floor, log, Pi, round, sqrt, tan} import scalation.linalgebra.VectorD import scalation.math.Combinatorics.{approx, betaF, choose, fac, gammaF} import scalation.math.DoubleWithExp._ import scalation.util.Error //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `Variate` abstract class serves as a base class for all the random variate * (RV) generators. They use one of the Random Number Generators (RNG's) from * `Random` to generate numbers following their particular distribution. * Random Variate Generators (RVG's) for thirty popular probability distributions * are implemented as extensions of Variate. Still need to add one. * @see http://www.math.uah.edu/stat/special/index.html * @see `VariateVec` for Random MultiVariate Generators (RMVG's). */ abstract class Variate (stream: Int = 0) extends Error { /** Random number stream selected by the stream number */ protected val r = Random (stream) /** Indicates whether the distribution is discrete or continuous (default) */ protected var _discrete = false //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Determine whether the distribution is discrete or continuous. */ def discrete: Boolean = _discrete //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Pre-compute the mean for the particular distribution. */ val mean: Double //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the probability function (pf): Either * (a) the probability density function (pdf) for continuous RV's or * (b) the probability mass function (pmf) for discrete RV's. * @param z the mass point whose probability density/mass is sought */ def pf (z: Double): Double //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the entire probability mass function (pmf) for finite discrete RV's. * @param k number of objects of the first type */ def pmf (k: Int = 0): Array [Double] = Array (0.0) //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Determine the next random number for the particular distribution. */ def gen: Double //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Determine the next random integer for the particular distribution. * It is only valid for discrete random variates. */ def igen: Int = { if (_discrete) round (gen).toInt else { flaw ("igen", "should not be invoked on continuous RV's"); 0 } } // igen } // Variate class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** This class generates `Bernoulli` random variates. * This discrete RV models the one trial (success is 1, failure is 0). * @see http://www.math.uah.edu/stat/bernoulli/Introduction.html * @param p the probability of success * @param stream the random number stream */ case class Bernoulli (p: Double = .5, stream: Int = 0) extends Variate (stream) { if (p < 0.0 || p > 1.0) flaw ("constructor", "parameter p must be in [0, 1]") _discrete = true private val q = 1.0 - p // probability of failure val mean = p def pf (z: Double): Double = if (approx (z, 0.0)) q else if (approx (z, 1.0)) p else 0.0 override def pmf (k: Int): Array [Double] = Array (q, p) def gen: Double = if (r.gen < p) 1.0 else 0.0 } // Bernoulli class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** This class generates `Beta` random variates. * This continuous RV models random proportions. * Beta = Gamma1 / (Gamma1 + Gamma2). * @see http://www.math.uah.edu/stat/special/Beta.html * @param alpha the shape parameter for Gamma1 * @param beta the shape parameter for Gamma2 * @param stream the random number stream */ case class Beta (alpha: Double = 2, beta: Double = 3, stream: Int = 0) extends Variate (stream) { if (alpha <= 0 || beta <= 0) flaw ("constructor", "parameters alpha and beta must be positive") private val gamma1 = Gamma (alpha, 1.0, stream) private val gamma2 = Gamma (beta, 1.0, stream) val mean = alpha / (alpha + beta) def pf (z: Double): Double = { if (0.0 < z && z < 1.0) z~^(alpha-1.0) * (1.0-z)~^(beta-1.0) / betaF (alpha, beta) else 0.0 } // pf def gen: Double = { val g1 = gamma1.gen; g1 / (g1 + gamma2.gen) } } // Beta class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** This class generates `Binomial` random variates. * This discrete RV models the number of successes in n trials. * @see http://www.math.uah.edu/stat/bernoulli/Binomial.html * @param p the probability of success * @param n the number of independent trials * @param stream the random number stream */ case class Binomial (p: Double = .5, n: Int = 10, stream: Int = 0) extends Variate (stream) { if (p < 0.0 || p > 1.0) flaw ("constructor", "parameter p must be in [0, 1]") if (n <= 0) flaw ("constructor", "parameter n must be positive") _discrete = true private val q = 1.0 - p // probability of failure private val p_q = p / q // the ratio p divided by q private val coin = Bernoulli (p, stream) // coin with prob of success of p val mean = p * n def pf (z: Double): Double = { val k = floor (z).toInt if (z == k && 0 <= k && k <= n) choose (n, k) * p~^k * q~^(n-k) else 0.0 } // pf def pf (k: Int): Double = // ex: for n = 10, (k, l) = (4, 6) { if (0 <= k && k <= n) choose (n, k) * p~^k * q~^(n-k) else 0.0 } // pf override def pmf (k: Int): Array [Double] = { val d = Array.ofDim [Double] (n+1) // array to hold pmf distribution d(0) = q~^n for (k <- 1 to n) d(k) = d(k-1) * p_q * (n-k+1) / k.toDouble d } // pmf def gen: Double = { var sum = 0.0 for (i <- 0 until n) sum += coin.gen sum } // gen } // Binomial class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** This class generates `Cauchy` (or Lorentz) random variates. * This continuous RV models data with heavier tails than normally distributed. * @see http://www.math.uah.edu/stat/special/Cauchy.html * @param alpha the location parameter (median) * @param beta the scale parameter * @param stream the random number stream */ case class Cauchy (alpha: Double = 2.5, beta: Double = 1.0, stream: Int = 0) extends Variate (stream) { if (beta <= 0.0) flaw ("constructor", "parameter beta must be positive") val mean = alpha // but, technically does not exist def pf (z: Double): Double = { beta / (((z-alpha)~^2.0 + beta~^2.0) * Pi) } // pf def gen: Double = beta * tan (Pi * (r.gen-.5)) + alpha } // Cauchy class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** This class generates `ChiSquare` random variates. * This continuous RV models the variance of a distribution. * http://www.math.uah.edu/stat/special/ChiSquare.html * @param df the degrees of freedom * @param stream the random number stream */ case class ChiSquare (df: Int = 2, stream: Int = 0) extends Variate (stream) { if (df <= 0) flaw ("constructor", "parameter df must be positive") private val gamma = Gamma (df/2, 2.0, stream) private val normal = Normal (0.0, 1.0, stream) private val k = df/2.0 val mean = df.toDouble def pf (z: Double): Double = 0.5~^k * z~^(k-1) * nexp (z/2.0) / gammaF (k) def gen: Double = gamma.gen + (if (df % 2 == 0) 0.0 else normal.gen~^2.0) } // ChiSquare class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** This class generates `Dice` random variates for a given distribution specified * using a cumulative distribution function (cdf). This discrete RV models the * roll of dice numbered 0, 1, ..., n-1. Add 1 for 1 to n. * @param cdf the distribution function (cdf) * @param stream the random number stream */ case class Dice (cdf: Array [Double] = Array (.1, .3, .5, .7, .9, 1.0), stream: Int = 0) extends Variate (stream) { _discrete = true private val n = cdf.length val mean = { var sum = 0.0; for (i <- 1 until n) sum += i * (cdf(i) - cdf(i)); sum } def pf (z: Double): Double = { val j = floor (z).toInt if (j == z) if (j == 0) cdf(0) else cdf(j) - cdf(j-1) else 0.0 } // pf def gen: Double = { val y = r.gen for (i <- 0 until n if y <= cdf(i)) return i.toDouble n.toDouble - 1.0 } // gen } // Dice class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** This class generates generalized `Discrete` random variates for a given * distribution specified using either a probability mass function (pmf) * or a cumulative distribution function (cdf). * This discrete RV models arbitrary experiments with discrete outcomes. * @param dist the distribution function (pdf or cdf) * @param x the x-coordinate values (mass points) * @param cumulative whether dist is cumulative (cdf) or not (pmf) * @param stream the random number stream */ case class Discrete (dist: VectorD = VectorD (.2, .2, .2, .2, .2), x: VectorD = null, cumulative: Boolean = false, stream: Int = 0) extends Variate (stream) { private val cdf = if (cumulative) dist else dist.cumulate private val n = dist.dim private val xx = if (x == null || x.dim == 0) VectorD.range (0, dist.dim) else x if (xx.dim != dist.dim) flaw ("Discrete", "dist and xx must have the same length") _discrete = true val mean = { var sum = xx(0) * cdf(0); for (i <- 1 until n) sum += xx(i) * (cdf(i) - cdf(i-1)); sum } def pf (z: Double): Double = { var j = -1 for (i <- 0 until n if xx(i) == z) j = i if (j >= 0) if (j == 0) cdf(0) else cdf(j) - cdf(j-1) else 0 } // pf def gen: Double = { val y = r.gen for (i <- 0 until n if y <= cdf(i)) return xx(i) xx(cdf.dim - 1) } // gen } // Discrete class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** This class generates `Erlang` random variates. * This continuous RV models the time until k stages complete. * @see http://www.math.uah.edu/stat/poisson/Gamma.html * @param mu the mean of exponential samples (Erlang mean = mu * k) * @param k the number of stages (or Exponential samples) * @param stream the random number stream */ case class Erlang (mu: Double = 1.0, k: Int = 2, stream: Int = 0) extends Variate (stream) { if (mu <= 0.0 || k <= 0) flaw ("constructor", "parameters mu and k must be positive") private val l = 1.0 / mu // lambda val mean = mu * k def pf (z: Double): Double = l~^k * z~^(k-1) * nexp (l*z) / fac (k-1) def gen: Double = { var prod = 1.0 for (i <- 0 until k) prod *= r.gen -mu * log (prod) } // gen } // Erlang class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** This class generates `Exponential` random variates. * This continuous RV models the time until an event occurs. * http://www.math.uah.edu/stat/poisson/Exponential.html * @param mu the mean * @param stream the random number stream */ case class Exponential (mu: Double = 1.0, stream: Int = 0) extends Variate (stream) { if (mu <= 0.0) flaw ("constructor", "parameter mu must be positive") private val l = 1.0 / mu // lambda val mean = mu def pf (z: Double): Double = if (z >= 0) l * nexp (l*z) else 0.0 def gen: Double = -mu * log (r.gen) } // Exponential class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** This class generates `Fisher` (F-Distribution) random variates. * This continuous RV models the ratio of variances. * @see http://www.math.uah.edu/stat/special/Fisher.html * @param df1 the degrees of freedom for numerator Chi-Square * @param df2 the degrees of freedom for denominator Chi-Square * @param stream the random number stream */ case class Fisher (df1: Int = 6, df2: Int = 4, stream: Int = 0) extends Variate (stream) { if (df1 <= 0 || df2 <= 2) flaw ("constructor", "parameters df1 and df2 must be at least 1 and 3, respectively") private val chi1 = ChiSquare (df1, stream) private val chi2 = ChiSquare (df2, stream) val mean = df2 / (df2-2.0) def pf (z: Double): Double = { if (z >= 0.0) sqrt ((df1*z)~^df1 * df2.toDouble~^df2 / (df1*z + df2)~^(df1+df2)) / (z * betaF (df1/2.0, df2/2.0)) else 0.0 } // pf def gen: Double = { val c1 = chi1.gen val c2 = chi2.gen (df2 * c1) / (df1 * c2) } // gen } // Fisher class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** This class generates `Gamma` random variates. * This continuous RV models the time until an event occurs. * Note: variance = alpha * beta ^ 2. * @see http://www.math.uah.edu/stat/poisson/Gamma.html * @param alpha the shape parameter * @param beta the scale parameter * @param stream the random number stream */ case class Gamma (alpha: Double = 1.0, beta: Double = 1.0, stream: Int = 0) extends Variate (stream) { if (alpha <= 0.0 || beta <= 0.0) flaw ("constructor", "parameters alpha and beta must be positive") private val a = floor (alpha).toInt // integral part private val b = alpha - a // fractional part private val erl1 = Erlang (beta, a, stream) private val erl2 = Erlang (beta, a + 1, stream) val mean = alpha * beta def pf (z: Double): Double = { if (z > 0.0) beta~^(-alpha) * z~^(alpha-1.0) * nexp (z/beta) / gammaF (alpha) else 0.0 } // pf def gen: Double = { var x = 0.0 var y = 0.0 if (alpha < 1.0) { // 0 < alpha < 1 do { x = r.gen~^(1.0/alpha) y = r.gen~^(1.0/(1.0-alpha)) } while (x + y > 1) return (x / (x + y)) * (-log (r.gen)) * beta } else if (alpha < 5.0) { // 1 <= alpha < 5 do { x = alpha / a var prod = 1.0 for (i <- 0 until a) prod *= r.gen x *= -log (prod) } while (r.gen > (x / alpha)~^b * nexp (b * x / (alpha-1.0))) return x * beta } else { // alpha >= 5 if (r.gen >= b) erl1.gen else erl2.gen } // if } // gen } // Gamma class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** This class generates `Geometric` random variates. * This discrete RV models the number of failures before the first success. * @see http://www.math.uah.edu/stat/bernoulli/Geometric.html * @param p the probability of success * @param stream the random number stream */ case class Geometric (p: Double = .5, stream: Int = 0) extends Variate (stream) { if (p < 0 || p > 1) flaw ("constructor", "parameter p must be in [0, 1]") _discrete = true private val q = 1.0 - p private val log_q = log (q) private val q_by_p = q / p val mean = q_by_p def pf (z: Double): Double = { val k = floor (z).toInt if (z == k && k >= 0) p * q~^k else 0.0 } // pf def gen: Double = floor (log (r.gen) / log_q).toInt } // Geometric class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** This class generates `HyperExponential` random variates (two rates). * This continuous RV models the time until an event occurs (higher coefficient * of variation than exponential distribution). * @param p the probability of first vs. second rates * @param mu1 the first mean (1 / lambda1) * @param mu2 the second mean (1 / lambda2) * @param stream the random number stream */ case class HyperExponential (p: Double = .5, mu1: Double = 1, mu2: Double = 2, stream: Int = 0) extends Variate (stream) { if (p < 0.0 || p > 1.0) flaw ("constructor", "parameter p must be in [0, 1]") if (mu1 <= 0.0 || mu2 <= 0.0) flaw ("constructor", "parameters mu1 and mu2 must be positive") private val q = 1.0 - p private val l1 = 1.0 / mu1 // lambda 1 private val l2 = 1.0 / mu2 // lambda 2 val mean = p * mu1 + q * mu2 def pf (z: Double): Double = if (z >= 0.0) p * l1 * nexp (l1*z) + q * l2 * nexp (l2*z) else 0.0 def gen: Double = log (r.gen) * (if (r.gen < p) -mu1 else -mu2) } // HyperExponential class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** This class generates `HyperExponential` random variates. * This continuous RV models the time until an event occurs (higher coefficient * of variation than exponential distribution). FIX * @param mu the mean * @param sigma the standard deviation * @param stream the random number stream */ case class _HyperExponential (mu: Double = 1.0, sigma: Double = 2, stream: Int = 0) extends Variate (stream) { if (mu <= 0.0 || sigma <= 0.0) flaw ("constructor", "parameters mu and sigma must be positive") private val cv2 = (sigma / mu)~^2.0 private val p = .5 * (1.0 - sqrt ((cv2-1.0) / (cv2+1.0))) private val l = 2.0 * p / mu // adjusted lambda val mean = mu def pf (z: Double): Double = if (z >= 0.0) l * nexp (l*z) else 0.0 def gen: Double = { val z = if (r.gen > p) mu / (1 - p) else mu / p -0.5 * z * log (r.gen) } // gen } // _HyperExponential class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** This class generates `HyperGeometric` random variates. * This discrete RV models the number of successes in n draws from a finite population. * @see http://www.math.uah.edu/stat/urn/Hypergeometric.html * @param p the probability of success (red balls) * @param n the number of draws (balls drawn) * @param pop the size of the finite population (total number of balls) * @param stream the random number stream */ case class HyperGeometric (p: Double = .5, n: Int = 5, pop: Int = 10, stream: Int = 0) extends Variate (stream) { if (p < 0.0 || p > 1.0) flaw ("constructor", "parameter p must be in [0, 1]") if (n <= 0 || pop <= 0) flaw ("constructor", "parameters n and pop must be positive") _discrete = true private val reds: Int = floor (p * pop).toInt // number of red balls val mean = n * reds / pop.toDouble def pf (z: Double): Double = { val k = floor (z).toInt if (k == z && 0 <= k && k <= reds && k <= n) choose (reds, k) * choose (pop-reds, n-k) / choose (pop, n).toDouble else 0.0 } // pf def gen: Double = { var b: Double = pop // population of number of balls var rd = reds // number of red/success balls in population var s = 0 // count number of successes for (i <- 0 until n) { if (r.gen <= rd / b) { s += 1; rd -= 1 } b -= 1 } // for s } // gen } // HyperGeometric class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** This class generates `Logistic` random variates. * This continuous RV models logisticlly distributed data (stretched Normal). * @see http://www.math.uah.edu/stat/special/Logistic.html * @param a the location parameter * @param b the scale parameter * @param stream the random number stream */ case class Logistic (a: Double = 0.0, b: Double = 1.0, stream: Int = 0) extends Variate (stream) { val mean = a def pf (z: Double): Double = { val y = exp ((z - a) / b) y / (b * (1.0 + y)~^2.0) } // pf def gen: Double = { val y = r.gen a + b * log (y / (1.0 - y)) } // gen } // Logistic class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** This class generates `LogNormal` random variates. * This continuous RV models data that is normally distributed after a log transformation. * @see http://www.math.uah.edu/stat/special/LogNormal.html * @param mu the mean for underlying Normal * @param sigma2 the variance (sigma squared) for underlying Normal * @param stream the random number stream */ case class LogNormal (mu: Double = 0.0, sigma2: Double = 1.0, stream: Int = 0) extends Variate (stream) { if (sigma2 <= 0.0) flaw ("constructor", "parameter sigma2 must be positive") private val _2sigma2 = 2.0 * sigma2 private val normal = Normal (mu, sigma2, stream) // associated Normal distribution val mean = exp (mu + sigma2/2.0) def pf (z: Double): Double = { val denom = z * sqrt (Pi * _2sigma2) if (z > 0.0) nexp ( (log (z) - mu)~^2.0 / _2sigma2) / denom else 0.0 } // pf def gen: Double = exp (normal.gen) } // LogNormal class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** This class generates `NegativeBinomial` random variates. * This discrete RV models the number of failures before s-th success. * @see http://www.math.uah.edu/stat/bernoulli/NegativeBinomial.html * @param p the probability of success * @param s the number of successes * @param stream the random number stream */ case class NegativeBinomial (p: Double = .5, s: Int = 2, stream: Int = 0) extends Variate (stream) { if (p < 0.0 || p > 1.0) flaw ("constructor", "parameter p must be in [0, 1]") if (s <= 0) flaw ("constructor", "parameter s must be positive") _discrete = true private val q = 1.0 - p private val geom = Geometric (p, stream) val mean = s * q / p def pf (z: Double): Double = { val k = floor (z).toInt if (k == z && k >= 0) choose (s+k-1, k) * p~^s * q~^k else 0.0 } // pf def gen: Double = { var sum = 0 for (i <- 0 until s) sum += geom.gen.toInt sum } // gen } // NegativeBinomial class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** This class generates `Normal` (Gaussian) random variates. * This continuous RV models normally distributed data (bell curve). * When summed, most distributions tend to Normal (Central Limit Theorem). * @see http://www.math.uah.edu/stat/special/Normal.html * @param mu the mean * @param sigma2 the variance (sigma squared) * @param stream the random number stream */ case class Normal (mu: Double = 0.0, sigma2: Double = 1.0, stream: Int = 0) extends Variate (stream) { if (sigma2 < 0.0) flaw ("constructor", "parameter sigma2 must be nonnegative") private val sigma = sqrt (sigma2) private val _2sigma2 = 2.0 * sigma2 private var computed = true // toggle, since values gen in pairs private var save = 0.0 // save second in pair val mean = mu def pf (z: Double): Double = (1.0 / sqrt (Pi*_2sigma2)) * nexp ( (z-mu)~^2.0 / _2sigma2) def gen: Double = // use acceptance-rejection method { var (a, b, w, t) = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) computed = ! computed; if (computed) return save * sigma + mu do { a = 2.0 * r.gen - 1.0 b = 2.0 * r.gen - 1.0 w = a*a + b*b } while (w > 1.0) t = sqrt (-2.0 * log (w) / w) save = b * t (a * t) * sigma + mu } // gen def gen2: Double = Quantile.normalInv (r.gen) // use inverse transform method } // Normal class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** This class generates `Pareto` random variates. * This continuous RV models Pareto distributed data. * @see http://www.math.uah.edu/stat/special/Pareto.html * @param a the shape parameter * @param b the scale parameter * @param stream the random number stream */ case class Pareto (a: Double = 1.0, b: Double = 0.0, stream: Int = 0) extends Variate (stream) { if (a <= 0.0 || b < 0.0) flaw ("constructor", "parameters must be positive, nonegtative") val mean = if (a > 1.0) a * b / (a-1.0) else Double.PositiveInfinity def pf (z: Double): Double = if (z >= b) a * b~^a / z~^(a+1.0) else 0.0 def gen: Double = b / (1.0 - r.gen)~^(1.0/a) } // Pareto class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** This class generates `Poisson` random variates (discrete). * This discrete RV models the number of events in a time interval of unit length. * @see http://www.math.uah.edu/stat/poisson/Poisson.html * @param mu the mean * @param stream the random number stream */ case class Poisson (mu: Double = 2.0, stream: Int = 0) extends Variate (stream) { if (mu <= 0.0) flaw ("constructor", "parameter mu must be positive") _discrete = true private val cutoff = nexp (mu) val mean = mu def pf (z: Double): Double = { val k = floor (z).toInt if (k == z && k >= 0) nexp (mu) * mu~^k / fac (k) else 0.0 } // pf def gen: Double = { var n = -1 var prod = 1.0 do { prod *= r.gen; n += 1 } while (prod >= cutoff) n } // gen } // Poisson class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** This class generates `Randi` random variates (random integers: a, ..., b). * This discrete RV models equiprobable integral outcomes. * @see http://www.math.uah.edu/stat/special/UniformDiscrete.html * @param a the lower bound (inclusive) * @param b the upper bound (inclusive) * @param stream the random number stream */ case class Randi (a: Int = 0, b: Int = 5, stream: Int = 0) extends Variate (stream) { if (a > b) flaw ("constructor", "parameter a must not be greater than b") _discrete = true private val width = b + 1 - a val mean = (a + b) / 2.0 def pf (z: Double): Double = { val k = floor (z).toInt if (k == z && a <= k && k <= b) 1.0 / width.toDouble else 0.0 } // pf def gen: Double = floor (a + width * r.gen).toInt } // Randi class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** This class generates `Randi0` random variates (random integers: 0, ..., b). * This discrete RV models equiprobable integral outcomes starting with 0. * @param b the upper bound (>= 0) (inclusive) * @param stream the random number stream */ case class Randi0 (b: Int = 5, stream: Int = 0) extends Variate (stream) { if (b < 0) flaw ("constructor", "parameter b must be non-negative") _discrete = true private val width = b + 1 val mean = b / 2.0 def pf (z: Double): Double = { val k = floor (z).toInt if (k == z && k <= b) 1.0 / width.toDouble else 0.0 } // pf def gen: Double = floor (width * r.gen).toInt } // Randi0 //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** This class generates `Sharp` (Deterministic) random variates. * This discrete RV models the case when the variance is 0. * @param x the value for this constant distribution * @param stream the random number stream */ case class Sharp (x: Double = 1, stream: Int = 0) extends Variate (stream) { _discrete = true val mean = x def pf (z: Double): Double = if (approx (z, x)) 1.0 else 0.0 def gen: Double = x } // Sharp class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** This class generates `StudentT` random variates. * This continuous RV models cases where data are normally distributed, but * variability increases since the variance is unknown. * @see http://www.math.uah.edu/stat/special/Student.html * @param df the degrees of freedom * @param stream the random number stream */ case class StudentT (df: Int = 4, stream: Int = 0) extends Variate (stream) { if (df <= 0) flaw ("constructor", "parameter df must be positive") private val _df = (df + 1) / 2.0 private val normal = Normal (0.0, 1.0, stream) private val chi = ChiSquare (df, stream) val mean = 0.0 def pf (z: Double): Double = { gammaF (_df) * (1.0 + (z*z)/df)~^(-_df) / (sqrt (df*Pi) * gammaF (df/2.0)) } // pf def gen: Double = normal.gen / sqrt (chi.gen / df) } // StudentT case //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** This class generates `Trapezoidal` random variates. * This continuous RV models cases where outcomes cluster between two modes. * Both `Uniform and `Triangular` are special cases of `Trapezoidal`. * @see http://iopscience.iop.org/0026-1394/44/2/003/pdf/0026-1394_44_2_003.pdf * @param a the minimum * @param c the first mode * @param d the second mode * @param b the maximum * @param stream the random number stream */ case class Trapezoidal (a: Double = 0.0, c: Double = 2.0, d: Double = 7.0, b: Double = 10.0, stream: Int = 0) extends Variate (stream) { private val l = b + d - a - c // length factor private val h = 2.0 / l // maximum height private val lf = c - a // triangle on left private val rt = b - d // triangle on right val mean = (b~^2 - a~^2 + d~^2 - c~^2 - a*c + b*d) / (3.0 * l) def pf (z: Double): Double = { if (a <= z && z <= c) h * (z - a) / lf else if (z <= d) h else if (z <= b) h * (b - z) / rt else 0.0 } // pf def gen: Double = { val y = r.gen val h_2 = h / 2.0 if (y <= h_2 * lf) a + sqrt (2.0 * lf * y / h) else if (y <= 1.0 - h_2 * rt) (a + c) / 2.0 + y / h else b - sqrt (2.0 * rt * (1.0 - y) / h) } // gen } // Trapezoidal class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** This class generates simple `Triangular` random variates with the mode in the middle. * This continuous RV models cases where outcomes cluster around the mode. * @see http://www.math.uah.edu/stat/special/Triangle.html * @param a the lower bound * @param b the upper bound * @param c the mode * @param stream the random number stream */ case class Triangular (a: Double = 0, b: Double = 5, c: Double = Double.MaxValue, stream: Int = 0) extends Variate (stream) { if (a > b) flaw ("constructor", "parameter a must not be greater than b") private val width = b - a private val mode = if (c < Double.MaxValue) c else (a + b) / 2.0 private val left = mode - a private val right = b - mode val mean = (a + mode + b) / 3.0 def pf (z: Double): Double = { if (a <= z && z <= mode) 2 * (z - a) / (width * left) else if (z <= b) 2 * (b - z) / (width * right) else 0 } // pf def gen: Double = { val y = r.gen if (y <= left / width) a + sqrt (left * width * y) else b - sqrt (right * width * (1.0 - y)) } // gen } // Triangular class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** This class generates `Trinomial` random variates. While Binomial is based on * trials with two outcomes, success (1) or failure (0). Trinomial is based on * trials with three outcomes, high (2), medium (1) or low (0). * This discrete RV models the result of 'n' trials. * @see https://onlinecourses.science.psu.edu/stat414/node/106 * @param p the probability of high (2) * @param q the probability of medium (1) * @param n the number of independent trials * @param stream the random number stream */ case class Trinomial (p: Double = 1.0/3.0, q: Double = 1.0/3.0, n: Int = 10, stream: Int = 0) extends Variate (stream) { if (p < 0.0) flaw ("constructor", "parameter p must be non-negative") if (q < 0.0) flaw ("constructor", "parameter q must be non-negative") if (p+q > 1.0) flaw ("constructor", "p+q must not exceed one") if (n <= 0) flaw ("constructor", "parameter n must be positive") _discrete = true private val qq = 1.0 - p - q // the probability of low (0) private val p_qq = p / qq // the ratio of high to low private val q_qq = q / qq // the ratio of medium to low private val dice = Dice (Array (qq, qq+q, 1.0), stream) val mean = (q + 2.0*p) * n def pf (z: Double): Double = { val k = floor (z).toInt // k and l in lock step (one dimensional) val l = floor (z).toInt if (z == k && 0 <= k && k+l <= n) choose (n, k, l) * p~^k * q~^l * qq~^(n-k-l) else 0.0 } // pf def pf (y: Double, z: Double): Double = { val k = floor (y).toInt // k and l independent (two dimensional) val l = floor (z).toInt if (y == k && z == l && 0 <= k && 0 <= l && k+l <= n) choose (n, k, l) * p~^k * q~^l * qq~^(n-k-l) else 0.0 } // pf def pf (k: Int, l: Int): Double = // ex: n = 10, (k, l, m) = (2, 3, 5) { if (0 <= k && 0 <= l && k+l <= n) choose (n, k, l) * p~^k * q~^l * qq~^(n-k-l) else 0.0 } // pf override def pmf (k: Int): Array [Double] = { // val d = Array.ofDim [Array [Double]] (n+1) // array to hold pmf distribution // d(0) = Array (qq~^n) // for (k <- 1 to n) { // d(k) = Array.ofDim [Double] (k+1) // d(k)(0) = d(k-1)(0) * p_qq * (n-k+1) / k.toDouble // for (l <- 1 to k) d(k)(l) = d(k)(l-1) * q_qq * (k-l+1) / l.toDouble // } // for import scalation.math.Combinatorics._ val d = Array.ofDim [Double] (n-k+1) // array to hold pmf distribution d(0) = choose (n, k) * p~^k * qq~^n-k for (l <- 1 to n-k) d(l) = d(l-1) * q_qq * (k-l+1) / l.toDouble d } // pmf2 def gen: Double = { var sum = 0.0 for (i <- 0 until n) sum += dice.gen // add 0, 1 or 2 sum } // gen } // Trinomial class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** This class generates `Uniform` random variates in the range (a, b). * This continuous RV models equiprobable outcomes. * @see http://www.math.uah.edu/stat/special/UniformContinuous.html * @param a the lower bound * @param b the upper bound * @param stream the random number stream */ case class Uniform (a: Double = 0.0, b: Double = 5.0, stream: Int = 0) extends Variate (stream) { if (a > b) flaw ("constructor", "parameter a must not be greater than b") private val width = b - a val mean = (a + b) / 2.0 def pf (z: Double): Double = if (a <= z && z <= b) 1.0 / width else 0.0 def gen: Double = a + width * r.gen } // Uniform class //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** This class generates `Weibull` random variates. * This continuous RV models the time for an event to occur. * @see http://www.math.uah.edu/stat/special/Weibull.html * @param alpha the shape parameter * @param beta the scale parameter * @param stream the random number stream */ case class Weibull (alpha: Double = 2.0, beta: Double = 2.0, stream: Int = 0) extends Variate (stream) { if (alpha <= 0.0 || beta <= 0.0) flaw ("constructor", "parameters alpha and beta must be positive") private val shape_recip = 1.0 / alpha val mean = beta * shape_recip * gammaF (shape_recip) def pf (z: Double): Double = { if (z > 0.0) alpha * beta~^(-alpha) * z~^(alpha-1.0) * nexp ( (z/beta)~^alpha) else 0.0 } // pf def gen: Double = -beta * log (r.gen)~^shape_recip } // Weibull //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `VariateTest` object conducts two simple tests of the Random Variate * Generators: (1) Means Test and (2) Chi-square Goodness of Fit Test. * FIX: need to add (3) Variance Test and (4) K-S Goodness of Fit Test. */ object VariateTest extends App { //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Perform a Means Test (average of generated rv's close to mean for distribution). * @param rv the random variate to test */ def meansTest (rv: Variate) { println ("\nTest the `" + rv.getClass.getSimpleName () + "` random variate generator") var ran = 0.0 var sum = 0.0 val rep = 100000 print ("rv.gen = {") for (i <- 1 to rep) { ran = rv.gen if (i <= 10) print (" " + ran) sum += ran } // for println (" ... }") println ("rv.mean = " + rv.mean + " estimate = " + sum / rep.toDouble) } // meansTest //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Perform a Chi-square Goodness of Fit Test. Compare the random variable's * histogram (generated by repeatedily calling rv.gen) to the probability * function pf (either pmf or pdf). * @param rv the random variate to test */ def distrTest (rv: Variate) { println ("\nTest the " + rv.getClass.getSimpleName () + " random variate generator") val rep = 50000 // replications var j = 0 // interval number var x = 0.0 // x coordinate var o = 0.0 // observed value: height of histogram var e = 0.0 // expected value: pf (x) var chi2 = 0.0 // ChiSquare statistic var n = 0 // number of nonzero intervals val offset = if (rv.isInstanceOf [StudentT] || rv.isInstanceOf [Normal]) 25 else 0 val sum = new Array [Int] (51) for (i <- 1 to rep) { j = floor (rv.gen * 10.0).toInt + offset if (0 <= j && j <= 50) sum (j) += 1 } // for for (i <- 0 until sum.length) { x = (i - offset) / 10.0 o = sum(i) e = round (if (rv.discrete) 50000 * rv.pf (x) else 5000 * rv.pf (x + .05) ) if (e >= 5) { chi2 += (o-e)~^2.0 / e n += 1 } // if print ("\tsum (" + x + ") = " + o + " : " + e + " ") if (i % 5 == 4) println () } // for n -= 1 if (n < 2) n = 2 if (n > 49) n = 49 println ("\nchi2 = " + chi2 + " : chi2(0.95, " + n + ") = " + Quantile.chiSquareInv (0.95, n)) } // distrTest val distribution = Array (Bernoulli (), Beta (), Binomial (), Cauchy (), ChiSquare (), Dice (), Discrete (), Erlang (), Exponential (), Fisher (), Gamma (), Geometric (), HyperExponential (), HyperGeometric (), LogNormal (), Logistic (), NegativeBinomial (), Normal (), Pareto (), Poisson (), Randi (), Randi0 (), Sharp (), StudentT (), Trapezoidal (), Triangular (), Trinomial (), Uniform (), Weibull ()) val testAll = false // test all distributions, else only those in 'include' set val include = Set (7, 11) // adjust as needed val nTests = if (testAll) distribution.length else include.size println ("Testing " + nTests + " Random Variate Generators") for (i <- distribution.indices) { if (testAll || (include contains i)) { meansTest (distribution (i)) distrTest (distribution (i)) } // if } // for val trinom = Trinomial (1.0/3.0, 1.0/3.0, 9) println ("trinom = " + trinom.pmf(0).deep) } // VariateTest object