//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.0 * @date Wed Dec 30 14:48:41 EST 2009 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package scalation.tableau import java.io.File import scalation.linalgebra.MatrixD import scalation.model.Modelable import scalation.random.{Exponential, Randi, Variate} //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `Model` class support tableau oriented simulation models in which each * simulation entity's events are recorded in tabular form (in a matrix). * This is analogous to Spreadsheet simulation. * @see http://www.informs-sim.org/wsc06papers/002.pdf * @param name the name of simulation model * @param m the number entities to process before stopping * @param rv the random variate generators to use * @param label the column labels for the matrix */ class Model (name: String, m: Int, rv: Array [Variate], label: Array [String]) extends Modelable { private val SEP = File.separator // '/' for Linux/Mac, '\' for Windows private val mm = m.toDouble // m as a double private val n = label.length // number of column labels /** the table holding information about entity timing */ protected val table = new MatrixD (m+2, n) for (i <- 1 to m) table(i, 0) = i // ID-0 //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Perform tableau-based simulation by recording timing information about * the ith entity in the ith row of the matrix. This method may need to * be overridden for other models. */ def simulate (startTime: Double = 0.0) { for (i <- 1 to m) { table(i, 1) = if (i == 1) startTime else rv(0).gen // IArrival-1 table(i, 2) = table(i, 1) + table(i-1, 2) // Arrival-2 table(i, 3) = table(i, 2) max table(i-1, 5) // Start-3 table(i, 4) = rv(1).gen // Service-4 table(i, 5) = table(i, 3) + table(i, 4) // End-5 table(i, 6) = table(i, 3) - table(i, 2) // Wait-6 table(i, 7) = table(i, 5) - table(i, 2) // Total-7 } // for } // simulate //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Report the simulation results. */ def report { for (j <- 0 until n) table(m+1, j) = table.col(j).sum / mm for (j <- label.indices) { print ("\t" + label(j)); if (label(j).length < 8) print ("\t") } println () println ("table = " + table) for (j <- label.indices) { print ("\t" + label(j)); if (label(j).length < 8) print ("\t") } println () } // report //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Save the table/matrix in a Comma Separated Value (.csv) file suitable for * openning in a spreadsheet. Note, the file 'data.tableau.csv' is overwritten. */ def save () { table.write ("data" + SEP + "tableau.csv") } // save } // Model //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `ModelTest` object is used to test the `Model` class. See apps.tableau * for additional exmaples. */ object ModelTest extends App { val maxCusts = 10 // stopping rule: simulate maxCustss customers val iArrivalRV = Randi (1, 10) // customer interarrival time val serviceRV = Randi (1, 10) // customer service time val label = Array ("ID-0", "IArrival-1", "Arrival-2", "Start-3", "Service-4", "End-5", "Wait-6", "Total-7") val mm1 = new Model ("G/G/1 Queue", maxCusts, Array (iArrivalRV, serviceRV), label) mm1.simulate () mm1.report mm1.save () } // ModelTest