

package gen

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Matrix[T] extends Error

    The Matrix trait specifies the operations to be defined by three concrete implemeting classes: MatrixN, SparseMatrixN and SymTriMatrix.

  2. class MatrixN[T] extends Matrix[T] with Error with Serializable

    The MatrixN class stores and operates on Numeric Matrices of various sizes and types.

    The MatrixN class stores and operates on Numeric Matrices of various sizes and types. The element type may be any subtype of Numeric.

  3. class SparseMatrixN[T] extends Matrix[T] with Error with Serializable

    The SparseMatrixN class stores and operates on Numeric Matrices of various sizes and types.

    The SparseMatrixN class stores and operates on Numeric Matrices of various sizes and types. The element type may be any subtype of Numeric. Rather than storing the matrix as a 2 dimensional array, it is stored as an array of list-maps, which record all the non-zero values for each particular row, along with their j-index.

  4. class SymTriMatrixN[T] extends Matrix[T] with Error with Serializable

    The SymTriMatrixN class stores and operates on symmetric tridiagonal matrices.

    The SymTriMatrixN class stores and operates on symmetric tridiagonal matrices. The elements are of type of T. A matrix is stored as two vectors: the diagonal vector and the sub-diagonal vector.

  5. class VectorN[T] extends Traversable[T] with PartiallyOrdered[VectorN[T]] with Error with Serializable

    The VectorN class stores and operates on Numeric Vectors of various sizes and types.

    The VectorN class stores and operates on Numeric Vectors of various sizes and types. The element type may be any subtype of Numeric. Some methods only work for Fractional types. When/if Scala adds 'sqrt' and 'pow' to Fractional types the following methods will be implemented: ~, ~=, normalizeU.

Value Members

  1. object Matrices

    The Matrices object provides convenience definitions for commonly used types of matrices.

    The Matrices object provides convenience definitions for commonly used types of matrices. For efficiency, non-generic versions of MatrixD, MatrixC and MatrixR are provided in the linalgebra package.

  2. object MatrixN extends Serializable

    The MatrixN companion object provides operations for the MatrixN class that don't require 'this' (like static methods in Java).

  3. object MatrixNTest extends App

    The MatrixNTest object tests the operations provided by MatrixN class.

  4. object SparseMatrices

    The SparseMatrices object contains convenience definitions for commonly used types of sparse matrices.

  5. object SparseMatrixNTest extends App

    The SparseMatrixNTest object is used to test the SparseMatrixN class.

  6. object SymTriMatrices

    The SymTriMatrices object contains convenience definitions for commonly used types of symmetric tridiagonal matrices.

  7. object SymTriMatrixNTest extends App

    The SymTriMatrixNTest object is used to test the SymTriMatrixN class.

  8. object VectorN extends Error with Serializable

    The VectorN object is the companion object for VectorN class.

  9. object VectorNTest extends App

    The VectorNTest object tests the operations provided by VectorN class.

  10. object Vectors

    The Vectors object contains convenience definitions for commonly used types of vectors.

    The Vectors object contains convenience definitions for commonly used types of vectors. For efficiency, non-generic versions of VectorD, VectorC and VectorR are provided in the linalgebra package.
