This is an O(n^3) implementation of the Hungarian algorithm (or Kuhn-Munkres
algorithm). Find the maximum cost set of pairings between m x-nodes (workers)
and n y-nodes (jobs) such that each worker is assigned to one job and each
job has at most one worker assigned.
It solves the maximum-weighted bipartite graph matching problem.
maximize sum i = 0 .. m-1 { cost(x_i, y_i) }
Caveat: only works if m <= n (i.e., there is at least one job for every worker).
This is an O(n^3) implementation of the Hungarian algorithm (or Kuhn-Munkres algorithm). Find the maximum cost set of pairings between m x-nodes (workers) and n y-nodes (jobs) such that each worker is assigned to one job and each job has at most one worker assigned. It solves the maximum-weighted bipartite graph matching problem.
maximize sum i = 0 .. m-1 { cost(x_i, y_i) }
Caveat: only works if m <= n (i.e., there is at least one job for every worker).