the observation vector
the number of observation symbols
the number of states in the model
The alpha-pass: a forward pass from time t = 0 to tt-1 that computes alpha 'alp'.
The beta-pass: a backward pass from time t = tt-1 to 0 that computes beta 'bet'.
The gamma-pass: a forward pass from time t = 0 to tt-2 that computes gamma 'gam'.
Compute the log of the probability of the observation vector 'ob' given the model 'pi, 'a' and 'b'.
Re-estimate the probability vector 'pi' and the probability matrices 'a' and 'b'.
Train the Hidden Markov Model using the observation vector 'ob' to determine the model 'pi, 'a' and 'b'.
classes provides Hidden Markov Models (HMM). An HMM model consists of a probability vector 'pi' and probability matrices 'a' and 'b'. The discrete-time system is characterized by a hidden 'state(t)' and an 'observed(t)' symbol at time 't'.pi(j) = P(state(t) = j) a(i, j) = P(state(t+1) = j|state(t) = i) b(i, k) = P(observed(t) = k|state(t) = i)