The Integrator
trait provides a template for writing numerical integrators
The LinearDiffEq
class may be used for solving a system of linear differential
equations that are ordinary and first-order with constant coefficients of the form
class implements the Gillespie Stochastic Simulation Algorithm (SSA).
The Derivatives
object is used to define types of time derivative functions.
The DormandPrince
object provides a state-of-the-art numerical ODE solver.
The DormandPrinceTest
object is used to test the DormandPrince
The LinearDiffEqTest
object to test the LinearDiffEq
class using example at
The Radau
object implements Radau IIA, which is a simple Ordinary Differential
Equation (ODE) solver for moderately stiff systems.
This object is used to test the Radau5 object.
The RungeKutta
object provides an implementation of a classical numerical
ODE solver.
The RungeKuttaTest
object is used to test the RungeKutta
The SSATest
object tests the SSA
The dynamics package contains classes, traits and objects for system dynamics simulations using Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs).