//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.2 * @date Wed Dec 30 14:48:41 EST 2009 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package apps.event import scalation.event.{CausalLink, Entity, Event, EventNode, Model, WaitQueue} import scalation.model.Modelable import scalation.random.{Exponential, Variate} import scalation.stat.Statistic //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `Bank2` object defines a particular scenario under which to execute the * Bank model. It is the same as `Bank`, except that causal links are added * to enable the model to be animated as an Event Graph. * @see scalation.event.ModelTest for another example of test code. * > run-main apps.event.Bank2 */ object Bank2 extends App with Modelable { val stream = 1 // random number stream (0 to 99) val lambda = 6.0 // customer arrival rate (per hour) val mu = 7.5 // customer service rate (per hour) val maxCusts = 10 // stopping rule: simulate maxCusts val iArrivalRV = Exponential (HOUR/lambda, stream) // inter-arrival time random var val serviceRV = Exponential (HOUR/mu, stream) // service time random variate //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Run the simulation of `BankModel2`. * @param startTime the start time for the simulation */ def simulate (startTime: Double) { new BankModel2 ("Bank2", maxCusts, iArrivalRV, serviceRV) } // simulate simulate (0.0) } // Bank2 object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `BankModel2` class defines a simple Event Graph model of a Bank where * service is provided by one teller and models an M/M/1 queue. * @param name the name of the simulation model * @param nArrivals the number of arrivals to generate (stopping condition) * @param iArrivalRV the inter-arrival time distribution * @param serviceRV the service time distribution */ class BankModel2 (name: String, nArrivals: Int, iArrivalRV: Variate, serviceRV: Variate) extends Model (name, true) // true => turn on animation { val t_a_stat = new Statistic ("t_a") // time between Arrivals statistics val t_s_stat = new Statistic ("t_s") // time in Service statistics val waitQueue = WaitQueue (this) // waiting queue that collects stats val aLoc = Array (150.0, 200.0, 50.0, 50.0) // Arrival event node location val dLoc = Array (450.0, 200.0, 50.0, 50.0) // Departure event node location val aProto = new EventNode (this, aLoc) // prototype for all Arrival events val dProto = new EventNode (this, dLoc) // prototype for all Departure events val aLink = Array (CausalLink ("l_A2A", this, () => nArr < nArrivals-1, aProto), CausalLink ("l_A2D", this, () => nIn == 0, dProto)) val dLink = Array (CausalLink ("l_D2D", this, () => nIn > 1, dProto)) var nArr = 0.0 // number of customers that have arrived var nIn = 0.0 // number of customers in the bank var nOut = 0.0 // number of customers that finished & left aProto.displayLinks (aLink) dProto.displayLinks (dLink) addStats (t_a_stat, t_s_stat) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** `Arrival` is a subclass of `Event` for handling arrival events. * @param customer the entity that arrives, in this case a bank customer * @param delay the time delay for this event's occurrence */ case class Arrival (customer: Entity, delay: Double) extends Event (customer, this, delay, t_a_stat, aProto) { def occur () { if (aLink(0).condition ()) { val toArrive = Entity (iArrivalRV.gen, serviceRV.gen, BankModel2.this) schedule (Arrival (toArrive, toArrive.iArrivalT)) } // if if (aLink(1).condition ()) { schedule (Departure (customer, customer.serviceT)) } else { waitQueue += customer // collects time in Queue statistics } // if nArr += 1 // update the current state nIn += 1 } // occur } // Arrival class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** `Departure` is a subclass of `Event` for handling departure events. * @param customer the entity that arrives, in this case a bank customer * @param delay the time delay for this event's occurrence */ case class Departure (customer: Entity, delay: Double) extends Event (customer, this, delay, t_s_stat, dProto) { def occur () { leave (customer) // collects time in sYstem statistics if (dLink(0).condition ()) { val nextService = waitQueue.dequeue () // first customer in queue schedule (Departure (nextService, nextService.serviceT)) } // if nIn -= 1 // update the current state nOut += 1 } // occur } // Departure class //:: start the simulation after scheduling the first priming event val firstArrival = Entity (iArrivalRV.gen, serviceRV.gen, this) schedule (Arrival (firstArrival, firstArrival.iArrivalT)) // first priming event simulate () // start simulating Thread.sleep (20000) // wait on animation trace report (("nArr", nArr), ("nIn", nIn), ("nOut", nOut)) reportStats } // BankModel2 class