//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.2 * @date Mon Oct 22 17:15:33 EDT 2012 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ // U N D E R D E V E L O P M E N T package apps.optimization import math.{min, sqrt} import scalation.linalgebra.{MatrixD, VectorD} import scalation.math._ import scalation.minima.ConjGradient import scalation.stat.vectorD2StatVector import scalation.util.Error //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `PortfolioOpt` class is used to solve Portfolio Optimization Problems. * @param r the return matrix as in revenue/profit * @param label the label vector */ class PortfolioOpt (r: MatrixD, label: Array [String]) extends Error { private val m = r.dim1 // number of time points private val n = r.dim2 // the number of instruments private val r_mean = new VectorD (n) // mean vector private val r_cov = new MatrixD (n, n) // covariance matrix //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Calculate basis statistics (mean and covariance). */ def calcStats () { for (j <- 0 until n) { val r_j = r.col(j) // data for the j-th instrument r_mean(j) = r_j.mean // mean for instrument j for (k <- 0 until n) { r_cov(j, k) = r_j cov r.col(k) // covariance for instrument j with k } // for } // for println ("r_mean = " + r_mean) println ("r_cov = " + r_cov) } // calcStats //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Find an optimal solution to the portfolio optimization problem, i.e., find * a vector x, indicating to fraction of each instrument to invest in that * that minimizes the risk. */ def opt (): Tuple2 [VectorD, Double] = { val x0 = new VectorD (r.dim2); x0.set (1.0 / r.dim2) // initial guess, all equal // negativity function def neg (x: VectorD): Double = { var sum = 0.0 for (i <- 0 until x.dim) sum += min (0.0, x(i)) sum } // neg // objective function def f (x: VectorD) = -(r_mean dot x) / sqrt((r_cov * x) dot x) // constraint function // require the vector to sum to 1 and each element to be non-negative def g (x: VectorD) = (1.0 - x.sum)~^2 + neg (x)~^2 val solver = new ConjGradient (f, g, true) // quadratic optimizer val x = solver.solve (x0, .1) // optimal x vector val f_x = f(x) // optimal objective function value (x, f_x) // return optimal (x, f(x)) } // opt } // PortfolioOpt class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `PortfolioOptTest` object is used to test the `PortfolioOpt` class. * @see www.math.uni-magdeburg.de/~girlich/preprints/preprint0906.pdf * > run-main apps.optimization.PortfolioOptTest */ object PortfolioOptTest extends App { val labels = Array ("Blue Chips", "Hi-Tech Shares", "Real Estate Market", "Treasury Bonds") val r = new MatrixD ((6, 4), 18.24, 12.24, 8.23, 8.12, 12.12, 19.16, 8.96, 8.26, 15.23, 35.07, 8.35, 8.34, 5.26, 23.46, 9.16, 9.01, 2.62, -10.62, 8.05, 9.11, 10.42, -7.43, 7.29, 8.95) val portOpt = new PortfolioOpt (r, labels) portOpt.calcStats () val res = portOpt.opt () println ("optimal solution x = " + res._1 + " with an objective value f(x) = " + res._2) } // PortfolioOptTest object