//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.2 * @date Sun Oct 9 21:24:35 EDT 2011 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package apps.process import scalation.process._ import scalation.linalgebra.{VectorD, VectorI} import scalation.minima.IntegerLocalSearch //import scalation.minima.IntegerNLP import scalation.random.{Uniform, Variate} import scalation.util.Monitor //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `ERoomOpt` object performs Simulation Optimization 'SO' on an Emergency Room 'ER' * model to find the numbers of nurses and doctors that minimize the overall cost function. * Cost is based on the daily pay for a nurse (8 hours * 30 dollars per hour), a doctor * (8 hours * 60 dollars per hour) and a cost based on customer wait time (10 dollars * per minute of mean waiting time). * > run-main apps.process.ERoomOpt */ object ERoomOpt extends App { val nStop = 100 // simulation stopping rule (100 patients) val cost = VectorD (240.0, 480.0, 10.0) // cost coefficient vector val PENALTY = 1.0E8 // penalty for infeasibility (e.g., -1 tellers) var bm: ERModelOpt = null // instance of an ER model //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Computation of the objective function from the simulation results. This * involves (1) extracting and checking input parameters, (2) executing the * simulation model and (3) performing cost analysis. * @see "SoPT: Ontology for Simulation Optimization for Scientific Experiments" * @param x the vector of input parameters */ def f (x: VectorI): Double = { val nurses = x(0) if (nurses < 1) return PENALTY * (1 - nurses) // return based on penalty val doctors = x(1) if (doctors < 1) return PENALTY * (1 - doctors) // return based on penalty bm = new ERModelOpt ("eroom", nStop, Uniform (2000, 4000), nurses, doctors, Uniform (7000, 9000), Uniform (5000, 7000), Uniform (900, 1100)) bm.simulate () val results = bm.getStatistics val waitTime = results(2).mean + results(5).mean val response = VectorD (nurses, doctors, waitTime) val total = cost dot response // compute overall cost println ("---------------------------------------------------------------") println ("simulated an ER with " + nurses + " nurses, " + doctors + " doctors, cost = " + total) println ("---------------------------------------------------------------") total } // f val optimizer = new IntegerLocalSearch (f) // val optimizer = new IntegerNLP (f, x0.dim) val x0 = new VectorI (2); x0.set (1) val result = optimizer.solve (x0) println ("###############################################################") println ("optimal solution x = " + result) println ("###############################################################") } // ERoomOpt object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `ERModelOpt` class defines a simple process-interaction model of an Emergency * Room 'ER' model where service is provided by one or more nurses and one or more doctors. * A patient will first see a nurse and then a doctor. * @param name the name of the 'ER' model * @param nArrivals the number of arrivals to generate (stopping condition) * @param iArrivalRV the inter-arrival time distribution * @param nurses the number of nurses (service units) * @param doctors the number of doctors (service units) * @param nurseRV the nurse service time distribution * @param doctorRV the doctor service time distribution * @param moveRV the time distribution for motion along transports */ class ERModelOpt (name: String, nArrivals: Int, iArrivalRV: Variate, nurses: Int, doctors: Int, nurseRV: Variate, doctorRV: Variate, moveRV: Variate) extends Model (name, 1, false) { Monitor.traceOff () val entry = Source ("entry", this, Patient, 0, nArrivals, iArrivalRV, (70, 285)) val nurseQ = WaitQueue ("nurseQ", (200, 290)) val nurse = Resource ("nurse", nurseQ, nurses, nurseRV, (270, 285)) val doctorQ = WaitQueue ("doctorQ", (410, 290)) val doctor = Resource ("doctor", doctorQ, doctors, doctorRV, (480, 290)) val door = Sink ("door", (620, 285)) val toNurseQ = new Transport ("toNurseQ", entry, nurseQ, moveRV) val toDoctorQ = new Transport ("toDoctorQ", nurse, doctorQ, moveRV) val toDoor = new Transport ("toDoor", doctor, door, moveRV) addComponent (entry, nurseQ, nurse, doctorQ, doctor, door, toNurseQ, toDoctorQ, toDoor) case class Patient () extends SimActor ("p", this) { def act () { toNurseQ.move () if (nurse.busy) nurseQ.waitIn () nurse.utilize () nurse.release () toDoctorQ.move () if (doctor.busy) doctorQ.waitIn () doctor.utilize () doctor.release () toDoor.move () door.leave () } // act } // Patient } // ERModelOpt class