//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.2 * @date Sun Feb 16 21:30:20 EST 2014 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package apps.process import collection.mutable.ListBuffer import scalation.process._ import scalation.random.{Bernoulli, Sharp, Uniform, Variate} //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `Intersection` object is used to run the `IntersectionModel` class. * > run-main apps.process.Intersection */ object Intersection extends App { val maxCars = 50 val rm = new IntersectionModel ("intersection", maxCars, Uniform (4000, 6000), Sharp (8000), Sharp (6000), Uniform (2900, 3100)) rm.simulate () } // Intersection object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `IntersectionModel` class simulates an intersection with four traffic lights * (`Gates`) and four roads. Each road consists of two routes with one in each * direction. Each `Route` has two lanes (`Transport`s). * @param name the name of the bank model * @param nArrivals the number of arrivals to generate (stopping condition) * @param iArrivalRV the inter-arrival time distribution * @param onTimeRV the on (green-light) time distribution for North-South traffic * @param offTimeRV the off (red-light) time distribution for North-South traffic * @param moveRV the time distribution for motion along transports */ class IntersectionModel (name: String, nArrivals: Int, iArrivalRV: Variate, onTimeRV: Variate, offTimeRV: Variate, moveRV: Variate) extends Model (name) { val rng = Bernoulli () val source = List (Source ("sr0", this, Car, 0, nArrivals, iArrivalRV, (800, 250)), Source ("sr1", this, Car, 1, nArrivals, iArrivalRV, (1030, 450)), Source ("sr2", this, Car, 2, nArrivals, iArrivalRV, (830, 650)), Source ("sr3", this, Car, 3, nArrivals, iArrivalRV, (600, 480))) val queue = List (WaitQueue ("qu0", (800, 430)), WaitQueue ("qu1", (850, 450)), WaitQueue ("qu2", (830, 500)), WaitQueue ("qu3", (780, 480))) val light = List (Gate ("lt0", this, queue(0), nArrivals, onTimeRV, offTimeRV, (800, 480)), Gate ("lt1", this, queue(1), nArrivals, offTimeRV, onTimeRV, (800, 450), true), Gate ("lt2", this, queue(2), nArrivals, onTimeRV, offTimeRV, (830, 450)), Gate ("lt3", this, queue(3), nArrivals, offTimeRV, onTimeRV, (830, 480), true)) val sink = List (Sink ("sn0", (800, 650)), Sink ("sn1", (600, 450)), Sink ("sn2", (830, 250)), Sink ("sn3", (1030, 480))) val road = new ListBuffer [Route] () for (i <- source.indices) { road += new Route ("ra" + i, 2, source(i), queue(i), moveRV) road += new Route ("rb" + i, 2, light(i), sink(i), moveRV) } // for addComponents (source, queue, light, sink, road.toList) case class Car () extends SimActor ("c", this) { def act () { val i = subtype // from North (0), East (1), South (2), West (3) val l = rng.igen // select lane l road(i).lane(l).move () if (light(i).shut) queue(i).waitIn () road(i + 4).lane(l).move () sink(i).leave () } // act } // Car } // IntersectionModel class