//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.2 * @date Sun Sep 23 21:14:14 EDT 2012 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package scalation.analytics.classifier import scala.math.round import scalation.linalgebra.{MatriD, MatrixD, MatriI, MatrixI, VectoD, VectoI, VectorI} import scalation.stat.vectorD2StatVector import scalation.util.{Error, getFromURL_File} //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `ClassifierInt` abstract class provides a common foundation for several * classifiers that operate on integer-valued data. * @param x the integer-valued training/test data vectors stored as rows of a matrix * @param y the training/test classification vector, where y_i = class for row i of the matrix x * @param fn the names for all features/variables * @param k the number of classes * @param cn the names for all classes */ abstract class ClassifierInt (x: MatriI, y: VectoI, fn: Array [String], k: Int, cn: Array [String]) extends Classifier with Error { /** the number of data vectors in training/test-set (# rows) */ protected val m = x.dim1 /** the number of features/variables (# columns) */ protected val n = x.dim2 /** the training-set size as a Double */ protected val md = m.toDouble /** the feature-set size as a Double */ protected val nd = n.toDouble if (y.dim != m) flaw ("constructor", "y.dim must equal training-set size (m)") if (fn.length != n) flaw ("constructor", "fn.length must equal feature-set size (n)") if (k >= m) flaw ("constructor", "k must be less than training-set size (m)") if (cn.length != k) flaw ("constructor", "cn.length must equal number of classes (k)") //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the number of data vectors in training/test-set (# rows). */ def size: Int = m //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return default values for binary input data (value count 'vc' set to 2). */ def vc_default: VectorI = { val vc = new VectorI (n); vc.set (2); vc } //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return value counts calculated from the input data. * May wish to call 'shiftToZero' before calling this method. */ def vc_fromData: VectorI = VectorI (for (j <- x.range2) yield x.col(j).max() + 1) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return value counts calculated from the input data. * May wish to call 'shiftToZero' before calling this method. * @param rg the range of columns to be considered */ def vc_fromData2 (rg: Range): VectorI = VectorI (for (j <- rg) yield x.col(j).max() + 1) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Shift the 'x' Matrix so that the minimum value for each column equals zero. */ def shiftToZero () { x -= VectorI (for (j <- x.range2) yield x.col(j).min()) } //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Given a new continuous data vector 'z', determine which class it belongs * to, by first rounding it to an integer-valued vector. * Return the best class, its name and its relative probability * @param z the vector to classify */ def classify (z: VectoD): (Int, String, Double) = { val zi = new VectorI (z.dim) for (j <- 0 until z.dim) zi(j) = (round (z(j))).toInt classify (zi) } // classify //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Test the quality of the training with a test-set and return the fraction * of correct classifications. * @param testStart beginning of test region (inclusive) * @param testEnd end of test region (exclusive) */ def test (testStart: Int, testEnd: Int): Double = { var correct = 0 for (i <- testStart until testEnd if classify (x(i))._1 == y(i)) correct += 1 correct / (testEnd - testStart).toDouble } // test //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Test the quality of the training with a test-set and return the fraction * of correct classifications. * @param xx the integer-valued test vectors stored as rows of a matrix * @param yy the test classification vector, where 'yy_i = class' for row 'i' of 'xx' */ def test (xx: MatrixI, yy: VectorI): Double = { val mm = xx.dim1 if (yy.dim != mm) flaw ("test", "yy.dim must equal test-set size (mm)") var correct = 0 for (i <- 0 until mm if classify (xx(i))._1 == yy(i)) correct += 1 correct / mm.toDouble } // test //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Test the quality of the training with a test-set and return the fraction * of correct classifications. * @param itest indices of the instances considered test data */ override def test (itest: VectorI): Double = { var correct = 0 for (i <- itest if classify (x(i))._1 == y(i)) correct += 1 correct / itest.dim.toDouble } // test //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Calculate the correlation matrix for the feature vectors 'fea'. * If the correlations are too high, the independence assumption may be dubious. */ def calcCorrelation: MatriD = { val fea = for (j <- 0 until n) yield x.col(j).toDouble.toDense val cor = new MatrixD (n, n) for (j1 <- 0 until n; j2 <- 0 until j1) { // println ("fea (j1) = " + fea(j1)) // println ("fea (j2) = " + fea(j2)) cor(j1, j2) = fea(j1) corr fea(j2) } // for cor } // calcCorrelation //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Calculate the correlation matrix for the feature vectors of Z (Level 3) * and those of X (level 2). * If the correlations are too high, the independence assumption may be dubious. * @param zrg the range of Z-columns * @param xrg the range of X-columns */ def calcCorrelation2 (zrg: Range, xrg: Range): MatriD = { val zfea = for (j <- zrg) yield x.col(j).toDouble.toDense val xfea = for (j <- xrg) yield x.col(j).toDouble.toDense val cor = new MatrixD (zfea.size, xfea.size) for (j1 <- 0 until cor.dim1; j2 <- 0 until cor.dim2) { //println ("fea (j1) = " + fea(j1)) //println ("fea (j2) = " + fea(j2)) cor(j1, j2) = zfea(j1) corr xfea(j2) } // for cor } // calcCorrelation } // ClassifierInt abstract class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `ClassifierInt` companion object provides methods to read in data * matrices in a combined 'xy' format that can be later decomposed into * 'x' the feature data matrix and 'y' the classification vector. */ object ClassifierInt { private val SP = ',' // the token separation character //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Read the data set (e.g., a CSV file) and return the 'xy' data matrix. * It will make sure the classification column 'cc' is last. * @param fname the file-name (file should contain lines of data) * @param m the number of data rows * @param n the number of data columns/features (including the classification) * @param skip the number of columns at the beginning the line to skip (e.g., id column) * @param cc the classification column (the default (-1) => no position checking) */ def apply (fname: String, m: Int, n: Int, skip: Int = 1, cc: Int = -1): MatrixI = { val lines = getFromURL_File (fname) val xy = new MatrixI (m, n) var i = 0 for (ln <- lines) { xy(i) = VectorI (ln.split (SP), skip); i += 1; } if (cc >= 0 && cc != n-1) { // want the classification column (cc) to be the last column val c1 = xy.col (cc) // swap column cc with last (n-1), if necessary val c2 = xy.col (n-1) xy.setCol (cc, c2) xy.setCol (n-1, c1) } // if xy } // apply } // ClassifierInt object