//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author Matthew Saltz, John Miller * @version 1.2 * @date Thu Jul 25 11:28:31 EDT 2013 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package scalation.graphalytics import scala.collection.immutable.{Set => SET} import scalation.util.time //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `GraphSimIso` object provides an implementation for Subgraph Isomorphism * that uses an adjacency set version of Ullmann's Algorithm. * @param g the data graph G(V, E, l) * @param q the query graph Q(U, D, k) */ class GraphSimIso (g: Graph, q: Graph) extends GraphMatcher (g, q) { private val sims = new GraphSim2 (g, q) // object for Dual Simulation algorithm private var matches = SET [Array [SET [Int]]] () // initialize matches to empty private var noBijections = true // no results yet //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Apply the Ullmann's Subgraph Isomorphism pattern matching algorithm to * find the mappings from the query graph 'q' to the data graph 'g'. * These are represented by a multi-valued function 'phi' that maps each * query graph vertex 'u' to a set of data graph vertices '{v}'. */ def mappings (): Array [SET [Int]] = { var psi: SET [Array [Int]] = null // mappings from Dual Simulation if (noBijections) psi = bijections () // if no results, create them merge (psi) // merge bijections to create mappings } // mappings //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Apply the Ullmann's Subgraph Isomorphism algorithm to find subgraphs of data * graph 'g' that isomorphically match query graph 'q'. These are represented * by a set of single-valued bijections {'psi'} where each 'psi' function * maps each query graph vertex 'u' to a data graph vertices 'v'. */ override def bijections (): SET [Array [Int]] = { val phi = sims.feasibleMates () // initial mappings from label match GraphSimIso (sims.saltzGraphSim (phi), makeOrder (), 0) // recursively find all bijections val psi = simplify (matches) // pull bijections out matches noBijections = false // results now available psi // return the set of bijections } // bijections //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Refine the mappings 'phi' using the Ullmann Subgraph Isomorphism algorithm. * @param phi array of mappings from a query vertex u_q to { graph vertices v_g } * @param depth the depth of recursion */ private def GraphSimIso (phi: Array [SET [Int]], ordering: Array [Int], depth: Int) { if (depth == q.size) { if (! phi.isEmpty) { matches += phi if (matches.size % CHECK == 0) println ("GraphSimIso: matches so far = " + matches.size) } // if } else if (! phi.isEmpty) { for (i <- phi (ordering (depth)) if (! contains (phi, i, ordering, depth))) { val phiCopy = phi.map (x => x) // make a copy of phi phiCopy (ordering (depth)) = SET [Int] (i) // isolate vertex i if (matches.size >= LIMIT) return // quit if at LIMIT // solve recursively for the next depth GraphSimIso (sims.saltzGraphSim (phiCopy), ordering, depth + 1) } // for } // if } // GraphSimIso //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Establish a vertex order from largest to smallest adjacency set ('ch') size. */ def makeOrder (): Array [Int] = q.ch.zipWithIndex.sortBy (-1 * _._1.size).map (_._2) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Determine whether vertex 'j' is contained in any 'phi(i)' for the previous depths. * @param phi array of mappings from a query vertex u_q to { graph vertices v_g } * @param j the vertex j to check * @param ordering the 'ch' size based ordering of the vertices * @param depth the current depth of recursion */ private def contains (phi: Array [SET [Int]], j: Int, ordering: Array [Int], depth: Int): Boolean = { for (i <- 0 until depth) if (phi (ordering(i)) contains j) return true false } // contains //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Create an array to hold matches for each vertex 'u' in the query graph * 'q' and initialize it to contain all empty sets. Then for each bijection, * add each element of the bijection to its corresponding match set. * @param psi the set of bijections */ private def merge (psi: SET [Array [Int]]): Array [SET [Int]] = { val matches = Array.ofDim [SET [Int]] (q.size).map (_ => SET [Int] ()) for (b <- bijections; i <- b.indices) matches(i) += b(i) matches } // merge //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Pull the bijections out of the complete match set. * @param matches the complete match set embedding all bijections */ private def simplify (matches: SET [Array [SET [Int]]]): SET [Array [Int]] = { matches.map (m => m.map (set => set.iterator.next)) } // simplify //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Get the count of the number of matches. */ def getMatches (): Int = matches.size } // GraphSimIso class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `GraphSimIsoTest` object is used to test the `GraphSimIso` class. */ object GraphSimIsoTest extends App { val gSize = 1000 // size of the data graph val qSize = 10 // size of the query graph val nLabels = 100 // number of distinct labels val gAvDegree = 5 // average vertex out degree for data graph val qAvDegree = 2 // average vertex out degree for query graph val g = GraphGen.genRandomGraph (gSize, nLabels, gAvDegree) val q = GraphGen.genBFSQuery (qSize, qAvDegree, g) val matcher = new GraphSimIso (g, q) // GraphSimIso Subgraph Isomorphism Pattern Matcher for (i <- 0 until 3) { val psi = time { matcher.bijections () } // time the matcher println ("Number of Matches: " + matcher.getMatches) for (p <- psi) println (p.deep) } // for } // GraphSimIsoTest