//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author Arash Fard, Usman Nisar, Ayushi Jain, John Miller * @version 1.2 * @date Thu Nov 25 11:28:31 EDT 2013 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package scalation.graphalytics import scala.collection._ import scala.collection.immutable.{Set => SET} import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayStack, ListBuffer, Map, HashMap, MutableList, Set} import scala.math.pow import scala.util.control.Breaks.{break, breakable} import scala.util.Random import scalation.stat.Statistic //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The 'TightSim' class provides an implementation for tight simulation * graph pattern matching. This version uses `DualSim`. * @see hipore.com/ijbd/2014/IJBD%20Vol%201%20No%201%202014.pdf * @param q the query graph Q(U, D, k) * @param g the data graph G(V, E, l) */ class TightSim (g: Graph, q: Graph) extends GraphMatcher (g, q) { private val listOfDistinctReducedSet = new ListBuffer [SET [String]] () // contains total number of matches // after post processing private val mapOfBallWithSize = Map [Int, Long] () // contains balls left after // post processing with diameter. private val listOfMatchedBallVertices = MutableList [Int] () // contains list of center vertices private val qmet = new GraphMetrics (q.clone, false) // creating graph metrics object of query graph private val dataSize = g.size // size of the data graph private val querySize = q.size // size of the query graph //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Apply the Tight Graph Simulation pattern matching algorithm to find the mappings * from the query graph 'q' to the data graph 'g'. These are represented by a * multi-valued function 'phi' that maps each query graph vertex 'u' to a * set of data graph vertices '{v}'. */ def mappings (): Array [SET [Int]] = merge (mappings2 ()) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Mapping results per ball. */ def mappings2 (): HashMap [Int, Array [SET [Int]]] = tightSim (new DualSim (g, q).mappings ()) //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Merged mapping results, the union over all balls. */ def merge (matches: HashMap [Int, Array [SET [Int]]]): Array [SET [Int]] = { val phi_all = Array.ofDim [SET [Int]] (querySize) for (i <- 0 until querySize) phi_all (i) = SET [Int] () for ((c, phi_c) <- matches) { println (s"(c, phi_c) = ($c, ${phi_c.deep})") for (i <- 0 until querySize) phi_all(i) ++= phi_c(i) } // for phi_all } // merge //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Performs tight simulation to find mappings with balls. * @param phi the initial mapping after applying Dual to the whole graph */ def tightSim (phi: Array [SET [Int]]): HashMap [Int, Array [SET [Int]]] = { if (phi.size == 0) { println ("No dual match."); return null } // exit if no match after dual simulation val newGraph = filterGraph (phi) // if doing strong sim more than once, must clone g val prunedSize = phi.flatten.toSet.size // size of feasible matches after strict simulation val qDiameter = qmet.rad // get the query diameter val balls = HashMap [Int, Ball] () // map of balls: center -> ball val matches = HashMap [Int, Array [SET [Int]]] () // map of matches in balls: center -> match val qCenter = selectivityCriteria (qmet) // selected center for query graph val gCenters = phi(qCenter) // set of mapped data graph centers val bCenters = Set [Int] () // set of centers for all balls var ballSum = 0 println (s"qCenter = $qCenter") println (s"gCenters = $gCenters") for (center <- gCenters) { // for each mapped data graph center val ball = new Ball (newGraph, center, qDiameter) // create a new ball for that center vertex ballSum += ball.nodesInBall.size // calculate ball size val mat = dualFilter (phi.clone, ball) // perform dual filter on the ball println (s"center = $center, mat = ${mat.deep}") balls.put (center, ball) if (mat.size != 0) { bCenters += center; matches += center -> mat } else println ("No match for ball centered at " + center + "\n") } // for println ("SEQUENTIAL: Data Graph Name: " + g.name + "\n Number of Data Graph Nodes: " + dataSize + "\n Query Graph Name: " + q.name + "\n Number of Query Graph Nodes: " + querySize + "\n Number of Tight Matches: " + bCenters.size + "\n Graph Size after Pruning: " + prunedSize + " nodes" + "\n Query Diameter: " + qDiameter + "\n Average Ball Size: " + (ballSum / prunedSize.toDouble) + "\n Total Distinct Edges: " + calculateTotalEdges (g, balls, bCenters) + "\n Total Distinct Vertices: " + calculateTotalVertices ()) println ("Ball Diameter Metrics(Min, Max, Mean, StdDev): " + calculateBallDiameterMetrics (balls) ) matches } // tightSim //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Prune the data graph by consider only those vertices and edges which * are part of feasible matches after performing initial dual simulation. * @param phi mappings from a query vertex u_q to { graph vertices v_g } */ def filterGraph (phi: Array [SET [Int]]): Graph = { val nodesInSimset = phi.flatten.toSet // get all the vertices of feasible matches for (i <- 0 until dataSize) g.ch(i) &= nodesInSimset // prune via intersection val newCh = Array.ofDim [SET [Int]] (dataSize) for (i <- 0 until dataSize) newCh(i) = SET [Int] () for (u <- 0 until q.size; w <- phi(u)) { // new ch and pa set for data graph based upon feasible vertices for (v <- q.ch(u)) newCh(w) |= (g.ch(w) & phi(v)) } // for new Graph (newCh, g.label, g.inverse, g.name + "2") // create a new data graph } // filterGraph //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Perform dual simulation onto the ball. * @param phi mappings from a query vertex u_q to { graph vertices v_g } * @param ball the Ball B(Graph, Center, Radius) */ def dualFilter (phi: Array [SET [Int]], ball: Ball): Array [SET [Int]] = { for (v <- phi.indices) phi(v) &= ball.nodesInBall // project simset onto ball val filterSet = new ArrayStack [(Int, Int)] () var filtered = false for (u <- phi.indices; v <- phi(u) if ball.borderNodes contains v) { filtered = false // filtering ball based on child relationship breakable { for (u1 <- q.ch(u)) { if ((ball.post (v) & phi (u1)).isEmpty) { filterSet.push ((u, v)) filtered = true break } // if }} // breakable for if (! filtered) { // filtering ball based on parent relationship, breakable { for (u2 <- q.pa(u)) { // if no child has been filtered out if ((ball.pre (v) & phi(u2)).isEmpty) { filterSet.push ((u, v)) break } // if }} // breakable for } // if } // for while (! filterSet.isEmpty) { // refine ch and pa relationship for the vertex v, val (u, v) = filterSet.pop () // which is now not a feasible match phi(u) -= v for (u2 <- q.pa(u); v2 <- (ball.pre (v) & phi(u2)) if (ball.post (v2) & phi(u)).isEmpty) filterSet.push ((u2, v2)) for (u1 <- q.ch(u); v1 <- (ball.post (v) & phi(u1)) if (ball.pre (v1) & phi(u)).isEmpty) filterSet.push ((u1, v1)) } // while val chSet = HashMap [Int, Set [Int]] () val paSet = HashMap [Int, Set [Int]] () // create new ch and pa set for the ball after above pruning for (u <- phi.indices; v <- phi(u); uc <- q.ch(u); vc <- (ball.post (v) & phi(uc))) { chSet.getOrElseUpdate (v, Set [Int] ()) += vc paSet.getOrElseUpdate (vc, Set [Int] ()) += v } // for // Finding max perfect subgraph val stack = new ArrayStack [Int] () val visited = Set (ball.center) stack.push (ball.center) while (! stack.isEmpty) { val v = stack.pop () for (child <- (chSet.getOrElse (v, Set ()) | paSet.getOrElse (v, Set ()))) { if (! visited.contains (child)) { stack.push (child) visited += child } // if } // for } // while for ( v <- phi.indices) phi(v) = phi(v) & visited //fixes the edges in the ball //(note that it does not change the parent set; this is only used for printing) //uncomment if you want to see the ball after finding maximum perfect subgraph ball.chMap = Map [Int, Set [Int]] () val matchNodes = phi.flatten.toSet for ((n, nset) <- chSet; nc <- nset) { if ((matchNodes contains n) && (matchNodes contains nc)) ball.chMap.getOrElseUpdate (n, Set () ) += nc } // for for (v <- phi.indices if phi(v).isEmpty) return Array [SET [Int]] () phi } //dualFilter //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Count distinct vertices left after post processing. */ def calculateTotalVertices (): Int = { val totalSet = Set [String] () for (i <- 0 until listOfDistinctReducedSet.length) totalSet ++= listOfDistinctReducedSet(i) totalSet.size } // calculateTotalVertices //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Count distinct edges left after post processing. * @param g the data graph G(V, E, l) * @param balls mappings from a center vertex to the Ball B(Graph, Center, Radius) * @param matchCenters set of all vertices which are considered as center */ def calculateTotalEdges (g: Graph, balls: HashMap [Int, Ball], matchCenters: Set [Int]): Int = { val distinctEdges = Set [String] () for (vert_id <- 0 until g.ch.length; if balls.keySet.contains (vert_id)) { balls.get (vert_id).get.chMap.foreach (i => i._2.foreach (j => distinctEdges += (i._1.toString + "_" + j.toString))) } // for distinctEdges.size } // calculateTotalEdges //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Calculate statistics (e.g., min, max, average diameter and standard deviation) * on the balls left after post-processing. * @param balls mappings from a center vertex to the Ball B(Graph, Center, Radius) */ def calculateBallDiameterMetrics (balls: HashMap [Int, Ball]): Statistic = { val ballStats = new Statistic () for (vert_id <- listOfMatchedBallVertices) ballStats.tally (balls.get (vert_id).get.getBallDiameter) ballStats } // calculateBallDiameterMetrics //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the vertex from an array of central vertices, those which have * highest 'ch' set size and lowest frequency of label in the query graph, i.e., * highest ratio. * @param centr the array of vertices whose eccentricity is equal to the radius */ def selectivityCriteria (qmet: GraphMetrics): Int = { var index = 0 var max = 0.0 for (ctr <- qmet.central) { val ratio = qmet.g.ch(ctr).size.toDouble / qmet.g.labelMap (qmet.g.label(ctr)).size.toDouble if (max < ratio) { max = ratio; index = ctr } } // for index } // selectivityCriteria } // TightSim class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::: /** The `TightSimTest` object is used to test the `TightSim` class. * > run-main scalation.graphalytics.TightSimTest */ object TightSimTest extends App { val g = Graph.g1p val q = Graph.q1p println (s"g.checkEdges = ${g.checkEdges}") g.printG () println (s"q.checkEdges = ${q.checkEdges}") q.printG () (new TightSim (g, q)).test ("TightSim") // Tight Graph Simulation Pattern Matcher } // TightSimTest object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::: /** The `TightSimTest2` object is used to test the `TightSim` class. * > run-main scalation.graphalytics.TightSimTest2 */ object TightSimTest2 extends App { val g = Graph.g2p val q = Graph.q2p println (s"g.checkEdges = ${g.checkEdges}") g.printG () println (s"q.checkEdges = ${q.checkEdges}") q.printG () (new TightSim (g, q)).test ("TightSim") // Tight Graph Simulation Pattern Matcher } // TightSimTest2 object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `TightSimTest3` object test the `TightSim` class by passing data graph * and query graph relative file paths. * > run-main scalation.graphalytics.TightSimTest3 */ object TightSimTest3 extends App { val g = GraphIO ("gfile") val q = GraphIO ("qfile") println (s"q.checkEdges = ${q.checkEdges}") q.printG () (new TightSim (g, q)).test ("TightSim") // Tight Graph Simulation Pattern Matcher } // TightSimTest3 object