//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author Hao Peng, John Miller * @version 1.2 * @date Sat Nov 14 20:44:53 EST 2015 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). * * Developed from pseudo-code in the following paper: * "Learning Bounded Treewidth Bayesian Networks" * @see pluto.huji.ac.il/~galelidan/papers/ElidanGouldJMLR.pdf */ // U N D E R D E V E L O P M E N T package scalation.graphalytics.mutable import scala.collection.mutable.Map import scala.collection.mutable.{Set => SET} //import scala.collection.mutable.{HashSet => SET} import scalation.graphalytics.Pair import scalation.util.Error import BoundedTreeWidthChains._ //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `BoundedTreeWidthBN` class provides bounded treewidth Bayesian Networks. * @param g_in the input directed graph (FIX: training data) * @param kMax the maximum allowed treewidth */ class BoundedTreeWidthBN (g_in: MGraph [Double], kMax: Int) extends Error { val DEBUG = true // debug flag if (Cycle.hasCycle (g_in)) { flaw ("constructor", "graph g_in must be acyclic") } // if val stree = new MinSpanningTree (g_in, false, false) // false, false => max spanning tree, not undirected //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Learn a Bayesian Network with Bounded Treewidth. Starting with a spanning * tree, add score improving edges, so long as the 'kMax' bound on the graph's * treewidth is not exceeded. This corresponds to Algorithm 1 in the paper. */ def learnBN (): MGraph [Double] = { val tr = stree.span () // create a maximum scoring spanning tree if (DEBUG) { tr.printTree; tr.aniTree } val g = MGraph (tr) // create a graph from the maximum scoring spanning tree val mp = g.clone.makeUndirected () // undirected skeleton of g (triangulated moralized graph) var k = 1 // current treewidth while (k < kMax && positiveEdges) { val order = orderVertices (g, mp) // determine vertex order - Algorithm 7 val c = learnChain (g, order) // find max scoring chain - Algorithm 6 for ((i, j) <- c) { // g union c - by adding c's edges to g g.ch(i) += j // add edge to g g.elabel += (i, j) -> g_in.elabel (i, j) // add edge label } // for for ((i, j) <- c) edgeUpdate (g, mp, (i, j)) // add additional edges - Algorithm 3 k = maxCliqueSize (mp) // recompute the tree width } // while addEdgesGreedily (g, mp, k) // add edges that d'nt increase treewidth beyond kMax g } // learnBN //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Greedily add edges to 'g' that do not increase treewidth beyond 'kMax'. * @param g the maximum scoring graph of bounded treewidth * @param mp the triangulated moralized graph * @param k the current treewidth */ def addEdgesGreedily (g: MGraph [Double], mp: MGraph [Double], k: Int) { while (k < kMax) { val (i, j) = findbestEdge (g, mp, k) // find best remaining edge if (i < 0) return // unable to find g.ch(i) += j // add edge to g g.elabel += (i, j) -> g_in.elabel (i, j) // add edge label // adjust mp as well // FIX - to be implemented } // while } // addEdgesGreedily //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Find and return the next best remaining edge. Return (-1, -1) if there * are none. * @param g the maximum scoring graph of bounded treewidth * @param mp the triangulated moralized graph * @param k the current treewidth */ def findbestEdge (g: MGraph [Double], mp: MGraph [Double], k: Int): Pair = { (-1, -1) // FIX - to be implemented } // findbestEdge //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Determine whether positive scoring edges still exist. */ def positiveEdges: Boolean = true // FIX - to be implemented //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Order the vertices and blocks in the graph. * @see Algorithm 7 * @param g the graph built up from the spanning tree * @param mp the triangulated moralized graph */ def orderVertices (g: MGraph [Double], mp: MGraph [Double]): (Array [Int], Array [Int]) = { (TopSort.topSort (g), blockSort (mp)) } // orderVertices //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Order the blocks in the graph. * @param mp the triangulated moralized graph */ def blockSort (mp: MGraph [Double]): Array [Int] = { null } // blockSort //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Compute the size of the largest clique in the graph. * @param mp the triangulated moralized graph whose maximum clique size is sought */ def maxCliqueSize (mp: MGraph [Double]): Int = { 1 // FIX - to be implemented } // maxCliqueSize } // BoundedTreeWidthBN class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `BoundedTreeWidthBNTest` is used to test the `BoundedTreeWidthBN` class. * > run-main scalation.graphalytics.mutable.BoundedTreeWidthBNTest */ object BoundedTreeWidthBNTest extends App { val g_in = new MGraph (Array (SET (1, 3, 4), // ch(0) SET (2, 3), // ch(1) SET (3, 5), // ch(2) SET (4, 5), // ch(3) SET (), // ch(4) SET ()), // ch(5) Array.fill (6)(-1.0), // vertex labels Map ((0, 1) -> 1.0, // edge labels (0, 3) -> 10.0, (0, 4) -> 3.0, (1, 2) -> 2.0, (1, 3) -> 3.0, (2, 3) -> 4.0, (2, 5) -> 5.0, (3, 4) -> 4.0, (3, 5) -> 1.0)) g_in.printG () val bbn = new BoundedTreeWidthBN (g_in, 2) val g_out = bbn.learnBN () g_out.printG () } // BoundedTreeWidthBNTest object