//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author Matthew Saltz, John Miller, Aravind Kalimurthy * @version 1.2 * @date Thu Jul 25 11:28:31 EDT 2013 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package scalation.graphalytics.mutable import scala.collection.mutable.{Map, Queue} import scala.collection.mutable.{Set => SET} import scala.math.pow import scala.reflect.ClassTag import scala.util.Random import scalation.linalgebra.VectorI import scalation.random.RandomVecI //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `MGraphGen` object is used to build random graph with various characteristics. */ class MGraphGen [TLabel: ClassTag] { /** Random number generator */ private val rand = new Random /** Map of edge labels: (u, v) -> label */ private val elabel: Map [Tuple2 [Int, Int], TLabel] = Map () //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Methods generating random graphs where the number of outgoing edges (the degree) // for a vertex is uniformly distributed. //------------------------------------------------------------------------ //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Generates a random graph with the specified size (number of vertices), * average degree and labels evenly distributed across vertices from 0 to * 'nLabels - 1'. Not necessarily a connected graph. * @param size the number of vertices to generate * @param nLabels the number of vertex labels (distributed uniformly) * @param eLabels the number of edge labels (distributed uniformly) * @param avDegree the average degree * @param inverse whether to create inverse adjacency (parents) * @param name the name of the graph */ def genRandomGraph (size: Int, nLabels: Int, eLabels: Int, avDegree: Int, inverse: Boolean = false, name: String = "g"): MGraph [TLabel] = { val ch = Array.ofDim [SET [Int]] (size) for (i <- ch.indices) { // for each vertex i val degree = rand.nextInt (avDegree * 2 + 1) // out degree for vertex i val rvec = RandomVecI (degree, size-1, i) // random vector of integers ch(i) = SET ((rvec.igen)(): _*) // children of vertex i } // for val label = randDistLabels (size, nLabels) // randomly assigned vertex labels val elabel = randDisteLabels (ch, eLabels) // randomly assigned edge labels new MGraph (ch, label, elabel, inverse, name) } // genRandomGraph //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Generates a random connected graph by using 'genRandomGraph' and * checking whether it is connected. * @param size the number of vertices to generate * @param nLabels the number of vertex labels (distributed uniformly) * @param eLabels the number of edge labels (distributed uniformly) * @param avDegree the average degree * @param inverse whether to create inverse adjacency (parents) * @param name the name of the graph */ def genRandomConnectedGraph (size: Int, nLabels: Int, eLabels: Int, avDegree: Int, inverse: Boolean = false, name: String = "g"): MGraph [TLabel] = { var g: MGraph [TLabel] = null do g = genRandomGraph (size, nLabels, eLabels, avDegree, inverse, name) while (! g.isConnected) g } // genRandomConnectedGraph //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Generates a random graph with labels distributed based on a power law * distribution (currently with the magic number 2.1 for the power law exponent). * @param size the number of vertices to generate * @param nLabels the number of labels (distributed according to power law) * @param avDegree the average degree * @param inverse whether to create inverse adjacency (parents) * @param name the name of the graph */ def genRandomGraph_PowLabels (size: Int, nLabels: Int, avDegree: Int, inverse: Boolean = false, name: String = "g"): MGraph [TLabel] = { val ch = Array.ofDim [SET [Int]] (size) for (i <- ch.indices) { // each vertex i val degree = rand.nextInt (avDegree * 2 + 1) // out degree for (j <- 0 until degree if ! (ch contains j)) ch(i) += j // add the edge i -> j } // for // 2.1 is used in WWW graph pg 72 of m&m graph data val label = powDistLabels (size, nLabels, 2.1) new MGraph (ch, label, elabel, inverse, name) } // genRandomGraph_PowLabels //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Methods generating random graphs where the number of outgoing edges (the degree) // for a vertex follows a power law distribution. //------------------------------------------------------------------------ //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Generates a graph with power law degree distribution with exponent 'distPow' * and uniformly distributed labels. * @param size the number of vertices * @param nLabels the number of labels (distributed uniformly) * @param maxDegree the maximum allowed degree for any vertex * @param distPow the power/exponent * @param inverse whether to create inverse adjacency (parents) * @param name the name of the graph */ def genPowerLawGraph (size: Int, nLabels: Int, maxDegree: Int, distPow: Double, inverse: Boolean = false, name: String = "g"): MGraph [TLabel] = { val ch = Array.ofDim [SET [Int]] (size) for (i <- ch.indices) { // each vertex i val degree = powInt (0, maxDegree, distPow) // out degree for (j <- 0 until degree if ! (ch contains j)) ch(i) += j // add the edge i -> j } // for val label = randDistLabels (size, nLabels) new MGraph (ch, label, elabel, inverse, name) } // genPowerLawGraph //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Generates a graph with power law degree distribution with exponent 'distPow' * and power law distributed labels. * @param size the number of vertices * @param nLabels the number of labels (distributed according to power law) * @param maxDegree the maximum allowed degree for any vertex * @param distPow the power/exponent * @param inverse whether to create inverse adjacency (parents) * @param name the name of the graph */ def genPowerLawGraph_PowLabels (size: Int, nLabels: Int, maxDegree: Int, distPow: Double, inverse: Boolean = false, name: String = "g"): MGraph [TLabel] = { val ch = Array.ofDim [SET [Int]] (size) for (i <- ch.indices) { // each vertex i val degree = powInt (0, maxDegree, distPow) // out degree for (j <- 0 until degree if ! (ch contains j)) ch(i) += j // add the edge i -> j } // for val label = powDistLabels (size, nLabels, distPow) new MGraph (ch, label, elabel, inverse, name) } // genPowerLawGraph_PowLabels //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Methods for generating/extracting query graphs from data graphs. // Ensures that matches will exist. //------------------------------------------------------------------------ //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Given a graph 'g', performs a breadth first search starting at a random vertex * until the breadth first tree contains 'size' vertices. At each junction, * it chooses a random number of children to traverse, with that random * number averaging to 'avDegree'. * @param size the number of vertices to extract * @param avDegree the average out degree * @param g the data graph to extract from * @param inverse whether to create inverse adjacency (parents) * @param name the name of the graph */ def genBFSQuery (size: Int, avDegree: Int, g: MGraph [TLabel], inverse: Boolean = false, name: String = "g"): MGraph [TLabel] = { val maxRestarts = 5000 var nRestarts = 0 var cycle = false var nodes = SET [Int] () var chMap: Map [Int, SET [Int]] = null while (nodes.size < size && nRestarts < maxRestarts) { if (nRestarts % 100 == 0) println ("restarting " + nRestarts) chMap = Map [Int, SET [Int]] () nodes = SET [Int] () val q = Queue [Int] () val start = rand.nextInt (g.size) // randomly pick a start node in ch q.enqueue (start) nodes += start while (! q.isEmpty && nodes.size < size) { val chs = SET [Int] () val newNode = q.dequeue val newNodeChildren = g.ch (newNode) if (! newNodeChildren.isEmpty) { val nncArr = newNodeChildren.toArray for (i <- 0 until rand.nextInt (avDegree * 2 + 1) if nodes.size < size) { val newChild = nncArr (rand.nextInt (newNodeChildren.size)) if (!nodes.contains(newChild)) { nodes += newChild; q.enqueue (newChild) } else cycle = true if (newChild != newNode) chs += newChild } // for chMap += (newNode -> (chMap.getOrElse (newNode, SET [Int] ()) ++ chs)) } // if } // while if (nodes.size < size) nRestarts += 1 } // while if (nRestarts == maxRestarts) { println ("genBFSQuery: could not find a good query"); return null } // create a vertex map from old to new ids, e.g., 7 -> 0, 11 -> 1, 15 -> 2 val vertexMap = Map [Int, Int] () var c = 0 for (v <- nodes) { vertexMap += (v -> c); c += 1 } // for each new id, record the old id val new2OldIds = Array.ofDim [Int] (size) vertexMap.foreach { case (oldId, newId) => new2OldIds(newId) = oldId } // for each mapped vertex, assign its mapped children val ch = Array.ofDim [SET [Int]] (size).map (x => SET [Int] ()) for ((v, v_ch) <- chMap) ch(vertexMap (v)) = v_ch.map (vertexMap (_)) // map the vertex, edge labels val qlabel = new2OldIds.map (g.label(_)).toArray val qelabel = Map [Tuple2 [Int, Int], TLabel] () for (i <- ch.indices; j <- ch(i)) qelabel += (i, j) -> g.elabel((new2OldIds(i), new2OldIds(j))) if (cycle) println ("genBFSQuery: query has a cycle") new MGraph (ch, qlabel, qelabel, inverse, name) } // genBFSQuery //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Extracts a subgraph of 'size' vertices from graph 'g' by performing a * breadth-first search from a random vertex. * @param size the number of vertices to extract * @param g the data graph to extract from * @param inverse whether to create inverse adjacency (parents) * @param name the name of the graph */ def extractSubgraph (size: Int, g: MGraph [TLabel], inverse: Boolean = false, name: String = "g"): MGraph [TLabel] = { val maxRestarts = 5000 var nRestarts = 0 var chMap: Map [Int, SET [Int]] = null var nodes: SET [Int] = null while (nodes.size < size && nRestarts < maxRestarts) { if (nRestarts % 100 == 0) println ("restarting " + nRestarts) chMap = Map [Int, SET [Int]] () nodes = SET [Int] () val q = Queue [Int] () val start = rand.nextInt (g.size) // randomly pick a start node in ch println ("extractSubgraph: start node: " + start) q.enqueue (start) nodes += start while (! q.isEmpty && nodes.size < size) { val chs = SET [Int] () val newNode = q.dequeue val newNodeChildren = g.ch (newNode) if (! newNodeChildren.isEmpty) { for (newChild <- newNodeChildren if nodes.size < size) { if (! nodes.contains (newChild)) { nodes += newChild; q.enqueue (newChild) } } // for } // if } // while for (n <- nodes) { val chs = g.ch(n) intersect nodes; chMap += (n -> chs ) } if (nodes.size < size) { nRestarts += 1 println ("nodes.size only " + nodes.size) } // if } // while if (nRestarts == maxRestarts) { println ("extractSubgraph: could not find a good query"); return null } // gives the nodes new ids (FIX: refactor to renumber) val newLabelMap = Map [Int, Int] () var c = 0 for (x <- nodes) { newLabelMap += (x -> c); c += 1 } val newToOldLabels = Array.ofDim [Int] (size) newLabelMap.foreach { case (oldL, newL) => newToOldLabels (newL) = oldL } val ch = Array.ofDim [SET [Int]] (size).map (x => SET [Int] ()) for ((node, children) <- chMap) ch (newLabelMap(node)) = children.map (x => newLabelMap (x)) val label = newToOldLabels.map (x => g.label(x)).toArray new MGraph (ch, label, elabel, inverse, name) } // extractSubgraph //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Private helper methods. //------------------------------------------------------------------------ //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Renumber the selected nodes (give them new consecutive ids). * @param node * @param chMap */ // private def renumber (node: SET [Int], chMap: Map [Int, SET [Int]]): Array [SET [Int]] = // { // val oldId2newId = Map [Int, Int] () // var i = 0 // for (v <- node) { oldId2newId += (v -> i); i += 1 } // val newToOldLabels = Array.ofDim [Int] (size) // for ( // newLabelMap.foreach { case (oldL, newL) => newToOldLabels (newL) = oldL } // Array.ofDim [SET [Int]] (size).map (x => SET [Int] ()) // } // renumber //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return an array with labels distributed between 0 and 'nLabels - 1'. * based on a uniform distribution. * @param size the number of vertices * @param nLabels the number of labels */ private def randDistLabels (size: Int, nLabels: Int): Array [TLabel] = { Array.ofDim [TLabel] (size).map ( x => rand.nextInt (nLabels).asInstanceOf [TLabel]) } // randDistLabels //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return an array with edge labels distributed between 0 and 'eLabels - 1'. * based on a uniform distribution. * @param ch the adjacency (child array) * @param nLabels the number of edge labels */ private def randDisteLabels (ch: Array [SET [Int]], eLabels: Int): Map [Tuple2 [Int, Int], TLabel] = { val elab = Map [Tuple2 [Int, Int], TLabel] () for (i <- ch.indices; c <- ch(i)) elab += (i, c) -> rand.nextInt (eLabels).asInstanceOf [TLabel] elab } // randDisteLabels //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return an array with labels distributed between 0 and 'nLabels - 1'. * based on a power law distribution. * @param size the number of vertices * @param nLabels the number of labels * @param pow the power/exponent */ private def powDistLabels (size: Int, nLabels: Int, pow: Double): Array [TLabel] = { Array.ofDim [TLabel] (size).map ( x => powInt (0, nLabels, pow).asInstanceOf [TLabel]) } // powDistLabels //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return an array with labels distributed between 0 and 'nLabels - 1'. * based on a Gaussian/Normal distribution. * @param size the number of vertices * @param nLabels the number of labels */ private def gaussianDistLabels (size: Int, nLabels: Int): Array [TLabel] = { Array.ofDim [TLabel] (size).map ( x => gaussInt (nLabels / 2.0).asInstanceOf [TLabel]) } // gaussianDistLabels //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return a random integer between min and max with a frequency determined * by a power law distribution. * @param min the minimum value * @param max the maximum value * @param distPow the power distribution */ private def powInt (min: Int, max: Int, distPow: Double): Int = { val exp = distPow + 1.0 max - 1 - pow (( (pow (max, exp) - pow (min, exp)) * rand.nextDouble + pow (min, exp) ), (1.0 / exp)).toInt } // powInt //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return an integer with a probability based on a gaussian distribution * centered at d * FIX: may need to truncate with * 'math.min(math.max((rand.nextGaussian()*d+d).toInt, 0), d*2).toInt' * @param d the distance indicator */ private def gaussInt (d: Double) = (rand.nextGaussian () * 2.0 * d).toInt } // MGraphGen class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The 'MGraphGenTest' object is used to test the 'MGraphGen' class for building * random graphs where a vertex's degree is uniformly distributed. * > run-main scalation.graphalytics.mutable.MGraphGenTest */ object MGraphGenTest extends App { val mgGen = new MGraphGen [Int] println ("MGraphGenTest: test genRandomGraph") (1 to 5).foreach { _ => val g = mgGen.genRandomGraph (4, 100, 5, 1) g.printG () println ("CONNECTED? " + g.isConnected) } // foreach println ("MGraphGenTest: test genRandomConnectedGraph") (1 to 5).foreach { _ => mgGen.genRandomConnectedGraph (4, 100, 5, 1).printG () } println ("MGraphGenTest: test genRandomGraph_PowLabels") val g1 = mgGen.genRandomGraph_PowLabels (200, 50, 2) g1.printG () println (s"g1.labelMap = ${g1.labelMap}") } // MGraphGenTest object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The 'MGraphGenTest2' object is used to test the 'MGraphGen' class for building * power law graphs. * > run-main scalation.graphalytics.mutable.MGraphGenTest2 */ object MGraphGenTest2 extends App { val mgGen = new MGraphGen [Int] println ("MGraphGenTest2: test genPowerLawGraph") val g2 = mgGen.genPowerLawGraph (50, 10, 10, 2.1) g2.printG () g2.ch.sortBy (_.size).foreach { println(_) } println ("MGraphGenTest2: test genPowerLawGraph_PowLabels") val g3 = mgGen.genPowerLawGraph_PowLabels (50, 10, 10, 2.1) g3.printG () g3.ch.sortBy (_.size).foreach { println (_) } println (s"g3.labelMap = ${g3.labelMap}") } // MGraphGenTest2 object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `MGraphGenTest3` object is used to test the `MGraphGen` class for extracting * query graphs from data graphs. * > run-main scalation.graphalytics.mutable.MGraphGenTest3 */ object MGraphGenTest3 extends App { val mgGen = new MGraphGen [Int] val nVertices = 10000 val nLabels = 10 val eLabels = 5 val avDegree = 16 val g = mgGen.genRandomGraph (nVertices, nLabels, eLabels, avDegree) println ("done generating data graph") println ("g.size = " + g.size) println ("g.nEdges = " + g.nEdges) println ("av degree = " + g.nEdges / g.size.toDouble) println ("MGraphGenTest3: test genBFSQuery") (1 to 5).foreach { _ => val q = mgGen.genBFSQuery (25, 3, g) q.printG () println ("q.size = " + q.size) println ("q.nEdges = " + q.nEdges) println ("av degree = " + q.nEdges / q.size.toDouble) } // foreach println ("done") } // MGraphGenTest3 object