//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.2 * @date Thu Aug 13 13:49:49 EDT 2015 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package scalation.graphalytics.mutable import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, Map} import scala.collection.mutable.{Set => SET} //import scala.collection.mutable.{HashSet => SET} import scala.math.ceil import scala.reflect.ClassTag import scalation.graphalytics.mutable.{ExampleGraphD => EX_GRAPH} import scalation.linalgebra.VectorI import scalation.random.Randi0 //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `Partition` class is used to partition large directed graphs. * It support the following three algorithms: 'group_ran', 'group_ord', 'group_lp'. * * (1) Random Partitioning - excellent balance, poor edge cuts * Each vertex is given a randomly assigned integer label 'ilabel' and is grouped * accordingly. * * (2) Ordered Partitioning - excellence balance, edge cuts may or may not be good * Each vertex is assigned an integer label 'ilabel' incrementally and is grouped * accordingly, e.g., {0, 1, ..., 9}, {10, 11, ..., 19}, ... * * (3) Label Propagation partitioning - fair balance, fair edge cuts * Each vertex is initially given a unique integer label 'ilabel'. On each iteration, * each vertex will have its 'ilabel' reassigned to the most popular/frequent 'ilabel' * in its neighborhood (which includes its children, parents and itself). * @see research.microsoft.com/pubs/183714/Partition.pdf *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * @param g the directed graph to partition */ class Partition [TLabel: ClassTag] (g: Graph [TLabel]) { private val DEBUG = true // debug flag private val MAX_ITER = 10 // maximum number of iterations private val ilabel = VectorI.range (0, g.size) // current integer label for each vertex private val ilabel2 = new VectorI (g.size) // new integer label for each vertex private val pop = new VectorI (g.size) // holder for population/frequency private val rng = Randi0 (g.size) // random number generator private val partMap = Map [Int, SET [Int]] () // k-way partition of graph g //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Group the vertices based on their randomly generated 'ilabel's. * @param k the number of subgraphs to create */ def group_ran (k: Int) { for (i <- ilabel.indices) ilabel(i) = rng.igen % k if (DEBUG) println (s"group_ran: after grouping nDistinct = ${ilabel.distinct}") } // group_ran //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Group the vertices based on the order of their 'ilabel's, which are * assigned incrementally. * @param k the number of subgraphs to create */ def group_ord (k: Int) { val gsize = ceil (ilabel.dim / k.toDouble).toInt for (i <- ilabel.indices) ilabel(i) = i / gsize if (DEBUG) println (s"group_ord: after grouping nDistinct = ${ilabel.distinct}") } // group_ord //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Group the vertices based on their 'ilabel's using label propagation. * @param k the number of subgraphs to create */ def group_lp (k: Int) { var nDistinct = 0 for (it <- 1 to MAX_ITER) { for (i <- ilabel.indices) getPopularLabel (i) // re-determine the popular labels if (DEBUG) println (s"group_lp: ilabel2 = $ilabel2") for (i <- ilabel.indices) { reassign (i) // reassign vertex labels nDistinct = ilabel.countinct if (ilabel.countinct <= k) return // quit when only k parts } // for if (DEBUG) println (s"group_lp: after iteration $it nDistinct = $nDistinct") } // for } // group //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Partition vertices with the same 'ilabel' after grouping. */ def partition () { if (DEBUG) println (s"partition: ilabel = $ilabel") var part = 0 for (i <- 0 until 10) { // ilabel.dim) { // put vertex into map based on ilabel // val iset = partMap.getOrElse (ilabel(i), null) // if (iset == null) partMap += ilabel(i) -> SET (i) // else iset += i } // for if (DEBUG) println (s"partition: partMap = $partMap") } // partition //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Form subgraphs 'gi's from the original graph 'g' */ def formGraphs (): ArrayBuffer [Graph [TLabel]] = { val parts = ArrayBuffer [Graph [TLabel]] () var i = 0 for (sg <- partMap.values) { // for each subgraph sg if (DEBUG) println (s"formGraph: sg = $sg") val ch2 = Array.ofDim [SET [Int]] (sg.size) val lab2 = Array.ofDim [TLabel] (sg.size) val vid2 = Array.ofDim [Int] (sg.size) var j = 0 for (v <- sg) { ch2(j) = g.ch(v) & sg // child vertices gi's for vertex v lab2(j) = g.label(v) // label for for gi's vertex v vid2(j) = v // id of gi's vertex v j = j + 1 } // for // FIX - the next line fails when inverse is true // val gi = new Graph [TLabel] (ch2, lab2, g.inverse, g.name + "_" + i, vid2) val gi = new Graph [TLabel] (ch2, lab2, false, g.name + "_" + i, vid2) parts += gi i = i + 1 } // for parts } // formGraphs //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Determine and save the the most popular 'ilabel' from vertex 'i's * neighborhood (its children, parents and itself). * @param i the vertex to consider */ private def getPopularLabel (i: Int) { val child = VectorI (g.ch(i).toArray.map (ilabel(_))) // the labels of the children of vertex i val parent = VectorI (g.pa(i).toArray.map (ilabel(_))) // the labels of the parents of vertex i val lab = child ++ parent ++ VectorI (ilabel(i)) if (DEBUG) println (s"getPopularLabel: for $i lab = $lab") pop.set (0) // reset the population counters for (i <- lab.indices) pop(lab(i)) = pop(lab(i)) + 1 // increment population count ilabel2(i) = pickMostPopular () // assign the index of highest count } // getPopularLabel //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Randomly pick one of the most popular labels. */ private def pickMostPopular (): Int = { val mxList = ArrayBuffer [Int] () // list to hold most popular val mx = pop.max () // maximum frequency count for (i <- pop.indices if pop(i) == mx) mxList += i // add to most popular list println (s"pickMostPopular: mxList = $mxList") ilabel (mxList (rng.igen % mxList.size)) // randomly pick one } // pickMostPopular //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Reassign the 'ilabel' for vertex 'i' using the the highest frequency * 'ilabel' among itself and its children. * @param i the vertex to reassign */ private def reassign (i: Int) { val newLab = ilabel2(i) // get new ilabel if (newLab != ilabel(i)) { if (DEBUG) println (s"reassign: vertex $i from ${ilabel(i)} to $newLab") ilabel(i) = newLab // assign the new ilabel } // if } // reassign } // Partition class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `PartitionTest` object is used to test the `Partition` class. * This test uses random partitioning. * > run-main scalation.graphalytics.mutable.PartitionTest */ object PartitionTest extends App { println ("TEST random partitioning") val g = EX_GRAPH.g2p val dp = new Partition (g) dp.group_ran (4) dp.partition () var edgeSum = 0 for (gi <- dp.formGraphs ()) { gi.printG () val ne = gi.nEdges edgeSum = edgeSum + ne println (s"nEdges = $ne") } // for println (s"edgeSum = $edgeSum") println (s"g.nEdges = ${g.nEdges}") g.printG () } // PartitionTest object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `PartitionTest2` object is used to test the `Partition` class. * This test uses ordered partitioning. * > run-main scalation.graphalytics.mutable.PartitionTest2 */ object PartitionTest2 extends App { println ("TEST ordered partitioning") val g = EX_GRAPH.g2p val dp = new Partition (g) dp.group_ord (4) dp.partition () var edgeSum = 0 for (gi <- dp.formGraphs ()) { gi.printG () val ne = gi.nEdges edgeSum = edgeSum + ne println (s"nEdges = $ne") } // for println (s"edgeSum = $edgeSum") println (s"g.nEdges = ${g.nEdges}") g.printG () } // PartitionTest2 object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `PartitionTest3` object is used to test the `Partition` class. * This test uses label propagation for partitioning. * > run-main scalation.graphalytics.mutable.PartitionTest3 */ object PartitionTest3 extends App { println ("TEST label propagation for partitioning") val g = EX_GRAPH.g2p val dp = new Partition (g) dp.group_lp (4) dp.partition () var edgeSum = 0 for (gi <- dp.formGraphs ()) { gi.printG () val ne = gi.nEdges edgeSum = edgeSum + ne println (s"nEdges = $ne") } // for println (s"edgeSum = $edgeSum") println (s"g.nEdges = ${g.nEdges}") g.printG () } // PartitionTest3 object