//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.2 * @date Wed Aug 24 11:41:48 EDT 2016 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). */ package scalation.graphalytics.mutable import scala.collection.mutable.Map import scala.collection.mutable.{Set => SET} import scala.reflect.ClassTag import scalation.graphalytics.Pair //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `Query` class provides a means for entering queries as a sequence * of triples. A triple may be viewed as (subject, predicate, object), (s, p, o) * or (source vertex, edge, target vertex). Support for wildcards, regexes * and variables are provided. * @param triples the sequence of triples forming the query */ case class Query [TLabel: ClassTag] (triples: (TLabel, TLabel, TLabel)*) { private val DEBUG = true // debug flag private var qc = 0 // query counter //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Build an `MGraph` from the sequence of triples. * @param inverse whether to create parent references */ def buildGraph (inverse: Boolean = false): MGraph [TLabel] = { var count = 0 // vertex counter val vMap = Map [TLabel, Int] () for (t <- triples) { if (! (vMap contains t._1)) { vMap += t._1 -> count; count += 1 } if (! (vMap contains t._3)) { vMap += t._3 -> count; count += 1 } } // for if (DEBUG) { println ("vMap = "); for (entry <- vMap) println (entry) } val ch = Array.ofDim [SET [Int]] (count) for (i <- ch.indices) ch(i) = SET [Int] () val label = Array.ofDim [TLabel] (count) val elabel = Map [Pair, TLabel] () for (t <- triples) { val (u, v) = (vMap (t._1), vMap (t._3)) if (DEBUG) println ("(u, v) = " + (u, v)) ch (u) += v label (u) = t._1 label (v) = t._3 elabel += (u, v) -> t._2 } // for qc += 1 new MGraph (ch, label, elabel, inverse, "qg" + qc) } // buildGraph } // Query class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `Query` companion object provides methods that work on triples. */ object Query { import scalation.util.Wildcard.hasWildcards val STR_REGEX = "\\.r" // suffix indicating its a regular expression val CHAR_VARIABLE = '?' // treat label as a variable //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Determine which parts (s, p, o)/(1, 2, 3) of the triple have wildcards, * returning the set labels, e.g., {2, 3} that have one. A wildcard is * indicated by the existence of a 'CHAR_WILD' character anywhere in a label. * @param triple the triple to be check for wildcards */ def hasWildcard [TLabel] (triple: (TLabel, TLabel, TLabel)): SET [Int] = { val s = SET [Int] () if (triple._1.isInstanceOf [String]) if (hasWildcards (triple._1)) s += 1 else if (hasWildcards (triple._2)) s += 2 else if (hasWildcards (triple._3)) s += 3 s } // hasWildcard //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Determine which parts (s, p, o)/(1, 2, 3) of the triple include regexes, * returning the set labels, e.g., {2, 3} that have one. A regex is * indicated when a label ends with 'STR_REGEX'. * @param triple the triple to be check for regexes */ def hasRegex [TLabel] (triple: (TLabel, TLabel, TLabel)): SET [Int] = { val s = SET [Int] () if (triple._1.isInstanceOf [String]) if (triple._1.asInstanceOf [String].endsWith (STR_REGEX)) s += 1 else if (triple._2.asInstanceOf [String].endsWith (STR_REGEX)) s += 2 else if (triple._3.asInstanceOf [String].endsWith (STR_REGEX)) s += 3 s } // hasRegex //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Determine which parts (s, p, o)/(1, 2, 3) of the triple have variables, * returning the set labels, e.g., {2, 3} that have one. A variable is * indicated when a label starts with 'CHAR_VARIABLE'. * @param triple the triple to be check for variables */ def hasVariable [TLabel] (triple: (TLabel, TLabel, TLabel)): SET [Int] = { val s = SET [Int] () if (triple._1.isInstanceOf [String]) if (triple._1.asInstanceOf [String].charAt(0) == CHAR_VARIABLE) s += 1 else if (triple._2.asInstanceOf [String].charAt(0) == CHAR_VARIABLE) s += 2 else if (triple._3.asInstanceOf [String].charAt(0) == CHAR_VARIABLE) s += 3 s } // hasVariable } // Query object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `QueryTest` object is used to test the `Query` class. It converts * a sequence of triples into a graph. * > run-main scalation.graphalytics.mutable.QueryTest */ object QueryTest extends App { val q = Query (("Marcel Proust", "wrote", "In Search of Lost Time"), ("James Joyce", "wrote", "Ulysses"), ("Don Quixote", "wrote", "Miguel de Cervantes"), ("Herman Melville", "wrote", "Moby Dick"), ("Marcel Proust", "read", "Ulysses")) println ("q = " + q) q.buildGraph ().printG () } // QueryTest object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `QueryTest2` object is used to test the `Query` class. It checks if * variables or wildcards exist in a triple's labels. * > run-main scalation.graphalytics.mutable.QueryTest2 */ object QueryTest2 extends App { import Query._ val triples = Seq (("Marcel Proust", "wrote", "In Search of Lost Time"), ("?author", "wrote", "In Search of Lost Time"), ("Marcel Proust", "wrote", "I_ Search of Lost Time"), ("Marcel Proust", "wrote", "In % of Lost Time"), ("Marcel Proust", "wrote", "In Search [a-z]+ Lost Time\\.r")) for (t <- triples) { println ("t = " + t) println ("hasWildcard = " + hasWildcard (t)) println ("hasRegex = " + hasRegex (t)) println ("hasVariable = " + hasVariable (t)) } // for } // QueryTest2 object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `QueryTest3` object is used to test the `Query` class. It converts * a sequence of triples into a graph. * > run-main scalation.graphalytics.mutable.QueryTest3 */ object QueryTest3 extends App { import Query._ // val g = ReadCSVFile.readCSV () // Original val q = Query (("The Three Musketeers", "WrittenBy", "Alexandre Dumas"), ("In Search of Lost Time", "WrittenBy", "Marcel Proust")).buildGraph () // Wildcards // val q = Query (("T_e Thr_e Muske%", "WrittenB_", "Ale_andre Du%"), // ("In Sear_h of Lost T%", "Wri%", "Mar_el Prou%")).buildGraph () // Regex // val q = Query (("The [A-Z][a-z]+ Musketeers\\.r", "[a-z][A-Z]+\\.r", "Alexandre [A-Z][a-z]+\\.r"), // ("In [A-Z][a-z]+ of Lost Time\\.r", "[a-z][A-Z]+\\.r", "Marcel [A-Z][a-z]+\\.r")).buildGraph () // Variable // val q = Query (("The Three Musketeers", "?x", "?author"), // ("?Book", "?x", "Marcel Proust")).buildGraph () // val q = Query (("?Book", "?x", "Alexandre Dumas")).buildGraph () // Edges // val q = Query (("The Three Musketeers", "Wri_ten%", "Alexandre Dumas")).buildGraph () // val q = Query (("The Three Musketeers", "[a-z][A-Z]+\\.r", "Alexandre Dumas")).buildGraph () // val q = Query (("The Three Musketeers", "?x", "Alexandre Dumas")).buildGraph () q.printG () // g.printG () // val res = VariableQuery.variableMatching (g, q, s) // (new MDualSimWRV (g, q)).test ("MDualSimWRV") // (new GraphSim (g, q)).test ("GraphSim") // (new DualSim (g, q)).test ("DualSim") // Edges // (new MDualSimWRV (g, q)).test ("MDualSimWRV") } // QueryTest3 object